一. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
Synonym: mouldcast
二. sculpture produced by molding
Synonym: mouldmoldingmouldingmodelingclay sculpture
三. a distinctive nature, character, or type
e.g. a leader in the mold of her predecessors
Synonym: mould
四. a dish or dessert that is formed in or on a mold
e.g. a lobster mold
a gelatin dessert made in a mold
Synonym: mould
五. a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter
Synonym: mould
六. the process of becoming mildewed
Synonym: mildewmould
七. the distinctive form in which a thing is made
e.g. pottery of this cast was found throughout the region
Synonym: castmouldstamp
八. loose soil rich in organic matter
Synonym: mould
一. become moldy
spoil due to humidity
e.g. The furniture molded in the old house
Synonym: mildew
二. shape or influence
give direction to
e.g. experience often determines ability
mold public opinion
Synonym: determineshapeinfluenceregulate
三. fit tightly, follow the contours of
e.g. The dress molds her beautiful figure
四. make something, usually for a specific function
e.g. She molded the rice balls carefully
Form cylinders from the dough
shape a figure
Work the metal into a sword
Synonym: shapeformworkmouldforge
五. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold
e.g. cast a bronze sculpture
Synonym: castmould
六. form in clay, wax, etc
e.g. model a head with clay
Synonym: modelmould
一. -> see mould
一. 霉菌:(二)真菌 霉菌(mold)是多细胞真菌,由菌丝和孢子组成,许多菌丝交织在一起称菌丝体. 菌丝(hypha)是一种管状结构. 由成熟孢子在基质上萌发产生芽管,芽管延长并产生分支且不断生长形成,或由一段菌丝细胞增长而形成.
二. 模子:一只陈旧的(old)模子(mold). 做人做事还是要讲良心公德,这样才能使自己的灵魂有(have)一个安息之处(haven). 盼望(yearn)着,盼望着,新年(year)的脚步到了,终于可以欢欢喜喜过大年了. 在阿曼(Oman)等阿拉伯国家,男人(man)们的社会地位很高.
三. 金属模具:二,模内转印(IMD)技术所谓IMD,就是将已印刷好图案的膜片放入金属模具(mold)内,通过送箔机器自动输送定位,然后将成形用的树脂注入金属模内与膜片接合,使印刷在膜片上的图案跟树脂形成一体而固化成产品的一种成形方法,
四. mold:model of development; 模式