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  • [C]神秘主义者 visionary


一. someone who believes in the existence of realities beyond human comprehensionZ2F中文字网

Synonym: religious mysticZ2F中文字网


一. having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence
beyond ordinary understandingZ2F中文字网

e.g. mysterious symbols
the mystical style of Blake
occult lore
the secret learning of the ancientsZ2F中文字网

Synonym: mysteriousmysticaloccultsecretorphicZ2F中文字网

二. relating to or characteristic of mysticismZ2F中文字网

e.g. mystical religionZ2F中文字网

Synonym: mysticalZ2F中文字网

三. relating to or resembling mysticismZ2F中文字网

e.g. mystical intuition
mystical theories about the securities marketZ2F中文字网

Synonym: mysticalZ2F中文字网

一. 神秘主义者
A mystic is a person who practises or believes in religious mysticism.Z2F中文字网

e.g. ...an Indian mystic known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

二. 同 mystical
Mystic means the same as mystical .Z2F中文字网

e.g. ...mystic union with God.

一. mystic在线翻译Z2F中文字网

一. 秘密:片名,不单点出影片中神秘(Mystery)、记忆(Memory)和秘密(Mystic)的主题,也代表了男、女主角民宇和「MiMi」的名字,再加上导演运镜的独到所呈现出的视觉美感,只能说真的是部题裁十分特别 的电影,悬疑、紧张中带著一丝恐怖片才有的氛围,Z2F中文字网

二. 神秘的, 不可思议的:oriental 东方的;东方诸国的, 亚洲的 | mystic 神秘的, 不可思议的 | the four treasures in the study 文房四宝Z2F中文字网

三. 神秘的:东方的 oriental | 神秘的 mystic | 文房四宝 the four treasures in the studyZ2F中文字网

  • 常用例句Z2F中文字网

  • They are religious mystics who spend a lot of time praying and meditating.
  • 近义词Z2F中文字网

  • 临近词Z2F中文字网

  • shaman萨满教巫师
  • mystical神秘的
  • spiritual精神的
  • numinous精神上的
  • secret秘密
  • mysterious神秘的
  • medium中等的
  • magician魔术师
  • cabalistic神妙的
  • spiritualist巫师的
  • sage圣人
  • magical魔术的
  • supernatural超自然的
  • enigmatic谜的
  • sorcerer男巫士
  • wizard【C】男巫
  • occult不可思议的
  • abstruse深奥的
  • magic魔法
  • mystics
  • mysticize
  • mysticlsm
  • Mysticeti
  • mysticete
  • mystic beauty
  • mystical
  • mystic words
  • mystery
  • mystic biscuit
  • mystic chord
  • Mystic beast
Do you think Matt should be let in on Mystic Falls' secrets?(你认为该让Matt知道神秘瀑布镇的秘密吗?)
It is ridiculous to represent him as a mystic in quest of total love.(让他代表找寻整个爱情的神秘主义者是荒唐可笑的。)
He is always prepared and a mystic person.(他一直都是有准备而又神秘的人。)
It figures in legend and history as a mystic land far back of beyond.(在传奇和历史故事中,它被视为与外界隔绝的神秘土地。)
However, you dont have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits.(然而,你不必为享受他的好处而成为一个和尚或者一个术士。)
Huck stared at the mystic sign awhile, and then said with a shaky voice, "Tom, let's get out of here!"(哈克盯着那神秘的记号看了一会儿,然后用颤抖的声音说:“汤姆,我们还是出去吧!”)
Mystic: Having to do with magic.(秘法:与魔法有关的事物。)
Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after receiving a disturbing phone call.(Tyler收到了一通令人不安的电话之后,将会回到神秘瀑布镇。)
Grigori Rasputin (一八六九–一九一六) was a Russian mystic believed by some to be a psychic and faith healer having supernatural powers.(雷戈里•埃菲莫维茨•拉斯普京(GrigoriRasputin,一八六九–一九一六)是俄国闻名的灵媒和信仰疗疾师,被认为有超自然力量。)
The mystic cords of affection!(多么神奇的爱情绳索!)