
  • 词典解释SFS中文字网

  • 网络解释SFS中文字网

一. 心情多变的;闷闷不乐的
If you describe someone as moody, you mean that their feelings and behaviour change frequently, and in particular that they often become depressed or angry without any warning.SFS中文字网

e.g. David's mother was unstable and moody...
e.g. Ray is a complicated, moody man behind the joking front.

He sat and stared moodily out the window.
His moodiness may have been caused by his poor health.

二. (绘画、电影、音乐)令人伤感的
If you describe a picture, film, or piece of music as moody, you mean that it suggests particular emotions, especially sad ones.SFS中文字网


e.g. ...moody black and white photographs.
e.g. ...a blend of melancholy guitars and moody lyrics.

一. moody什么意思SFS中文字网

一. 情绪化的:因为心理因素而产生的 (psychogenic) 情绪化的 (moody) ???标题看不懂! 因为心理因素而产生的 (psychogenic) 情绪化的 (moody) ??? 形容词....(恕删)SFS中文字网

二. 摩迪英联:通过三名审核员三个工作日认真细致的审查论证,摩迪英联(MOODY)论证公司派出的审核专家对天士力帝益公司在质量管理体系建设方面的努力和成果给予了高度评价,并宣布天士力帝益公司正式通过ISO九零零一:二零零零质量管理体系的现场论证.SFS中文字网

三. SFS中文字网

三. 悶悶不樂的:焦躁不安的restless | 悶悶不樂的moody | 缺乏適應力或不成熟的inadequateSFS中文字网

  • 经典引文SFS中文字网

  • The Fellows dined in moody silence.SFS中文字网

    出自:T. Sharpe
  • The boy is fourteen, often evasive and moody.SFS中文字网

    出自:D. DeLillo
  • 近义词SFS中文字网

  • 临近词SFS中文字网

  • mopish忧郁的
  • blue蓝色的
  • saturnine忧郁的
  • temperamental气质的
  • glowering动词glower的现在进...
  • dark黑暗的
  • sullen愠怒的
  • glum闷闷不乐的
  • dour严厉的
  • sour酸的
  • gloomy阴暗的
  • morose郁闷的
  • Helen Wills威尔斯
  • sulky生气的
  • Moody Theory
  • moody's bond yield
  • moon
  • moody set
  • Moody firction factor
  • Moody Ron
  • mood
  • Moody' s Company
  • moody diagram
  • moody order picture
  • Moody figure
  • Moody diagrams
Moody people are very difficult to deal with.(喜怒无常的人很难打交道。)
I became frustrated and moody.(我也变得沮丧,喜怒无常。)
She sat moody, with wounded pride, till the bell rang.(她自尊心受了伤,郁郁寡欢地坐在那里,直到铃声响起。)
The result: "more significant drops in sales, prices and construction," Moody says.(Moody指出:“结果是导致销售,价格和市场结构大幅下滑。”)
Why are you so moody today?(你今天怎么这么闷闷不乐啊?)
We all get moody, we all have triggers, and we can all pout with the best of them.(我们会情绪化,我们会有被触动爆发的一刻,我们会和我们最亲的人噘嘴赌气。)
My daughter is very difficult, uncommunicative and moody.(我女儿很难对付,她不爱说话而且喜怒无常。)
They may deny responsibility and became moody, volatile or angry.(他们可能推卸责任,变得不快,动辄发脾气。)
Except for a moody period in my early 二零s, I have not kept a journal.(除了在二零岁出头那段忧郁的时期之外,我一篇日记也没写过。)
It is also more likely to make them moody.(睡眠不足也更可能使他们喜怒无常。)