
  • 英英释义dOY中文字网

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一. a written proposal or reminderdOY中文字网

Synonym: memomemorandadOY中文字网

一. 备忘录
A memorandum is a written report that is prepared for a person or committee in order to provide them with information about a particular matter.dOY中文字网

e.g. ...a memorandum from the Ministry of Defence on its role...
e.g. The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.

二. (外交)备忘录
A memorandum is an informal communication between governments which often states a particular diplomatic purpose or point of view.dOY中文字网

e.g. ...a memorandum of understanding for co-operation between our two countries.

三. (公司或组织内部的)公务便条,备忘录
A memorandum is a short official note that is sent by one person to another within the same company or organization.dOY中文字网


一. dOY中文字网

一. 备忘:可以想见,巴塔耶对尼采广征博引--但并未像<>(Memorandum)所做的那样使自己完全消失在他导师文本的背后,巴塔耶<>一书也于一九四四年出版,是巴塔耶为了纪念尼采诞辰所编辑的尼采晚期作品合集.dOY中文字网

二. 附註:若损失已达或超过该比率或额度时,则保险人负责补偿全部损失. 劳依兹保单(S.G.Form)中之附注(Memorandum)即为典型之起赔额约定. 在船舶保险实务上,起赔额之约定已被自负额(Deductible)取代.dOY中文字网

三. memorandumdOY中文字网

三. memorandum:memo; 备忘录dOY中文字网

  • 近义词dOY中文字网

  • 临近词dOY中文字网

  • agenda议事日程
  • writing写作
  • commentary实况报道
  • dispatch派遣
  • memoranda备忘录
  • letter信
  • memorial纪念碑
  • message消息
  • note笔记
  • document文件
  • missive公文
  • communication交流
  • memo备忘录
  • report汇报
  • minute分钟
  • reminder提醒物
  • memorandum dial
  • memorandum goods
  • memorable
  • memorandums
  • memorandum macro
  • memorandum item
  • memorandum sale
  • memorandum book
  • memorandum trade
  • memorandum bill
  • memorial
  • memorandumbook
When the internal message is lighthearted and relatively unimportant, humor in a memorandum can distinguish its author as a person with personality and depth.(当内部信息是轻松的、相对不重要的时候,备忘录中的幽默可以展现作者的个性和深度。)
What Sanderson wrote in his own notations to Crowe's memorandum was that!(在针对克罗的备忘录里,桑德森是这么写的。)
'Well, I can't mind the exact day without looking at my memorandum-book, ' replied Crick, with the same intolerable unconcern.(“啊,我要看看我的备忘录,不然我不记得准确的日子,”克里克回答说,说话里同样带着叫人无法忍受的漠不关心。)
That same evening the Bishop wrote out and handed to his sister a memorandum conceived in the following terms(当天晚上,主教写了这样一张单子交给他的妹子。)
They stressed the need to ensure an efficient and smooth implementation of the modalities of the Memorandum of Understanding.(双方强调应确保备忘录的规定能得到顺利、有效的实施。)
He typed a four page memorandum to the admitting ER physician. He spoke with the admitting ER physician before he sent me to hospital.(当时,他给急救室的主治医师写了四页纸的备忘录,在送我去医院前也和急救室的主治医师进行了交谈。)
Two carry a peace message and one explains the Memorandum of Understanding.(这些海报一式三份,其中的两份印有和平标语,一份解释《谅解备忘录》的内容。)
Under a revised “model memorandum of understanding” adopted last year(去年修订并实施的“谅解备忘录模板”中...)
He also has a pacemaker, and once battled an addiction to painkillers, according to the memorandum.(根据记录,他装有心脏起搏器,而且曾与止疼药瘾搏斗。)
The Crowe Memorandum is a document projecting a kind of ruthless common sense rather than profound complexity.(《克罗备忘录》这份文件提出的是残酷的常识,而不是深奥的理论。)