Why memorize it?(为什么要背诵?)
Memorize your speech.(背诵演讲稿。)
Can t memorize these lists?(记不住这些名单?)
For foreigners, it's hard to memorize them.(对于外国人来说,很难记住它们。)
I have to memorize these math formulas.(我得把这些数学公式背下来。)
D Day is celebrated to memorize the Normandy landings in France on June 六, 一九四四.(D日是为了纪念一九四四年六月六日在法国的诺曼底登陆。)
He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Rose's street.(他研究了地图,努力记住去罗丝家那条街的路。)
Now, was I to memorize all these notes for the exam?(那么,我是不是该为了考试而将所有这些笔记全都背下来呢?)
Dad, I need to memorize a unit about the reproductive cycle of plants.(爸爸,我需要记住一个关于植物繁殖周期的单元。)
Studies have found that rhyming makes it easier to remember things—which is why toddlers can memorize some books before they can read them.(研究发现,押韵可以让记东西更简单——这就是为什么孩子们在会阅读之前就能记住不少书的原因。)