
  • 双解释义mRH中文字网

  • 英英释义mRH中文字网

  • 词典解释mRH中文字网

  • 网络解释mRH中文字网

  • [A]大都会的,大城市的 of a metropolis
  • [A]中心地区的,正宗的 being the central country of a system


一. a person who lives in a metropolismRH中文字网

二. in the Eastern Orthodox Church this title is given to a position between bishop and patriarch
equivalent to archbishop in western ChristianitymRH中文字网


一. relating to or characteristic of a metropolismRH中文字网

e.g. metropolitan areamRH中文字网

一. 大都会的;大都市的
Metropolitan means belonging to or typical of a large busy city.mRH中文字网

e.g. ...the metropolitan district of Miami.
e.g. ...a dozen major metropolitan hospitals.

二. (东正教和天主教的)大主教
A metropolitan is an important priest in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. He has authority over other priests and is in charge of a particular area.mRH中文字网


e.g. ...the Ukrainian Catholic representatives, Metropolitan Volodymyr and Bishop Sofron.

一. 大都会:* 一九九零年Whit Stillman的喜剧电影<>(Metropolitan)中套用了曼斯菲尔德庄园的情节,将背景转换到当代的纽约. 剧中人物争辩时也引用了奥斯丁作品.mRH中文字网

二. 大城市:但是它同样忽视绿色通道思想,并且导致了不同寻常的结论即公园应该按照不同的大小等级来配置(图六):大城市(metropolitan)公园、区域(district)公园、地方(local)公园.mRH中文字网

三. 都会区:如果方向不变,不难想像香港会发展成大都会区(Metropolitan)模式,其中九龙及港岛区成为这个都会的核心地区,这地区的楼价及生活指数会是全港最高,能在这里居住的大概祗有那些投资移民、本地富豪及打工皇帝,至於一般普罗大众,mRH中文字网

  • 常用例句mRH中文字网

  • 词汇搭配mRH中文字网

  • 经典引文mRH中文字网

  • Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm.
  • Metropolitan buildings become taller than ever.
  • Canadian French is different from the language of metropolitan France.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • metropolitan buildings大城市的建筑
  • metropolitan residents大都市的居民
  • These sophisticated metropolitans, all of them Petersburg graduates.mRH中文字网

    出自:A. Brien
  • 词源解说mRH中文字网

  • ☆ 一六世纪四零年代进入英语,直接源自后期拉丁语的metropolitanus;最初源自希腊语的metropolites,意为大城市的。
  • 近义词mRH中文字网

  • 临近词mRH中文字网

  • cosmopolitan世界性的
  • citizen公民
  • municipal市政的
  • cardinal红衣主教
  • civic公民的
  • urbanite都市人
  • townie城市生活的
  • city城市
  • urban城市的
  • bishop主教
  • resident居民
  • metropolitanism
  • mettle
  • metropolitan group
  • metropolitanate
  • metropolis
  • metropolitan zone
  • metropolitans
  • metropolitan park
  • metropolitan area
  • metropolitan text
  • metropolitan city
  • metropolitanize
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough supplied all its schools returns.(诺斯利大都会区提供了所有的学校报酬。)
His helmet is marked 'MP', denoting Metropolitan police.(他头盔上的标记为‘MP’,意味着他隶属伦敦警察局。)
Would she rather join the bowling league or the metropolitan symphony?(她宁愿加入保龄球队或都市交响乐队吗?)
Shanghai is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world.(上海是世界上最大的大都会之一。)
Since then, however, the skill-level of metropolitan areas has diverged.(然后之后,高水平的大都市导致了这种分化。)
None of the chain's stores in the Washington metropolitan area are to be closed.(这家连锁店在华盛顿市区的所有分店都不会关闭。)
Across the metropolitan area, ambitious building projects are moving forward.(在整个市区,雄心勃勃的建设项目正在向前推进。)
To enter Class B airspace, such as an approach to a major metropolitan airport, an explicit ATC clearance is required.(需要持有明确的空中交通管制许可才能进入B类空域,如接近一个大都会机场。)
Or there is our main metropolitan city, Toronto, on the east coast.(在东海岸的多伦多,那是我们重要的大都会。)
He is currently being held in a metropolitan correctional centre.(他现在被关在一座城市监狱中。)