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一. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium)
the term is not in technical useNWi中文字网

Synonym: buggermNWi中文字网

一. 微生物
A microbe is a very small living thing, which you can only see if you use a microscope.NWi中文字网


一. 微生物:免疫能力 (Immunity; 抵抗力) 是人体与生俱来的,当一个人的免疫系统功能正常时,体内就有足够的免疫机能,能够歼灭入侵体内的细菌 (Bacteria)、病毒 (Virus)、微生物 (Microbe)、各种新陈代谢 (Metabolism) 所产生的代谢废物 ( Metabolic waste),NWi中文字网

二. 微生物,细菌:meteorite 陨星 | microbe 微生物,细菌 | Millikan's 'oil-drop' ecperiment 密立根油滴实验NWi中文字网

三. 微生物,微菌:methylene blue 亚蓝 | microbe 微生物,微菌 | microbial activity 微生物活动NWi中文字网

四. NWi中文字网

四. 微菌 微生物 细菌:microbattery 微电池 | microbe 微菌 微生物 细菌 | microbeaker 微烧杯NWi中文字网

  • 近义词NWi中文字网

  • 临近词NWi中文字网

  • bug臭虫
  • germ细菌
  • microorganism微生物
  • microbedding
  • microbiology
  • microbeads
  • microbeam
  • Microbe Base
  • microbes
  • microbearing
  • microbeless
  • micro
  • microbench
  • microbemia
  • microbend
The shells of these small crustaceans are composed of a unique carbohydrate, chitosan, that's a natural microbe fighter.(这种小型甲壳类动物的壳是由一种特别 的碳水化合物壳聚糖构成的。壳聚糖是一种天然的细菌杀手。)
Scientists analyzing rust from the sunken ship have discovered a new species of microbe that eats iron.(对这座沉船上的锈迹进行分析的科学家们发现了一种新的噬铁细菌。)
One day, when he was using a microscope to watch the microbe, a messenger visited him.(一天,他正在用一台显微镜观察微生物的时候,一个送信者来拜访他。)
This microbe infects the brain and can cause headache, confusion, motor weakness and fever.(这种微生物可以感染脑部,引起头痛,精神错乱,虚弱和发烧。)
A new microbe engineering trick could potentially make butanol, a promising biofuel, so cheaply that it could compete with ethanol.(一种新的微生物基因修饰可以生产价格可以与乙醇竞争的生物燃料丁醇。)
However, a microbe collected from a vent in what's known as the Faulty Towers neighbourhood, 二四零零 metres down in the Pacific Ocean, has upped the ante.(然而,在太平洋二四零零米深处,一个叫做非常大酒店地区的喷泉中采集到的一种微生物,已经提高了价码。)
The stuffed toy has been designed to represent a "cuddlier" version of an H一N一 microbe, complete with a pig-like nose and eyes.(这款毛绒玩具根据H一N一病菌的模样设计,但它十分可爱,有着猪一样的鼻子和眼睛,让人一看就想摸。)
At the current pace, EOL will hold data on every known plant, animal, insect and microbe species by 二零一七.(以目前的速度,该数据库将于二零一七年前全面收集到每个已知植物,动物,昆虫和微生物物种的数据。)
Scientists were working with a microbe called Azotobacter vinelandii, which is found around the roots of various food plants.(科学家利用的微生物名叫棕色固氮菌(Azotobactervinelandii),它们存在于各种粮食作物的根系。)
In their laboratory experiment ma's team found that a Bacillus species found in chicken manure is the most effective oil-removing microbe.(在实验室进行的实验中,马辉文的团队发现,在鸡粪中发现的一种杆菌是最有效的清除石油的微生物。)