
  • 双解释义74x中文字网

  • 英英释义74x中文字网

  • 词典解释74x中文字网

  • 网络解释74x中文字网

  • [C]犯规,违法行为,罪行 breaking of a rule or law; illegal act; crime
  • [U]冒犯 act or cause of upsetting or annoying sb; insult



一. (criminal law) an act punishable by law
usually considered an evil act74x中文字网

e.g. a long record of crimes74x中文字网

Synonym: crimeoffensecriminal offensecriminal offencelaw-breaking74x中文字网

二. the action of attacking an enemy74x中文字网

Synonym: offenseoffensive74x中文字网

三. a lack of politeness
a failure to show regard for others
wounding the feelings or others74x中文字网

Synonym: discourtesyoffenseoffensive activity74x中文字网

四. a feeling of anger caused by being offended74x中文字网

e.g. he took offence at my question74x中文字网

Synonym: umbrageoffense74x中文字网

五. the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score74x中文字网

Synonym: offense74x中文字网

The spelling offense is used in American English. The pronunciation /'ɒfens/ is used for meaning 三. 拼写offense用于美国英语中。义项三读作/'ɒfens/。

一. 违法行为;罪行
An offence is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment.74x中文字网

e.g. Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty...
e.g. In Britain the Consumer Protection Act makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe.

二. 冒犯;得罪
Offence or an offence is behaviour which causes people to be upset or embarrassed.74x中文字网

e.g. The book might be published without creating offense...
e.g. Privilege determined by birth is an offence to any modern sense of justice.

三. (体育运动中的)进攻队,进攻方
In sports such as American football or basketball, the offense is the team which has possession of the ball and is trying to score.74x中文字网


e.g. Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle.

四. 冒犯;得罪;惹恼
If you cause offence or give offence to someone, you say or do something rude which upsets or embarrasses them.74x中文字网

e.g. It says the photograph is likely cause distress and offence to the public...
e.g. We have had our differences and I'm sorry if it has caused offence.

五. 别见怪;无冒犯之意
Some people say 'no offence' to make it clear that they do not want to upset you, although what they are saying may seem rather rude.74x中文字网


e.g. Dad, you need a bath. No offence.

六. (常指不必要地)(对…)生气,(因…)见怪
If someone takes offence at something you say or do, they feel upset, often unnecessarily, because they think you are being rude to them.74x中文字网

e.g. She never takes offence at anything...
e.g. Never had she seen him so tense, so quick to take offence as he had been in recent weeks.

一. 冒犯:使用这个词可以避免使用其他字眼儿而冒犯(offence)对方. 例如,你使用lover一词,而对方心里却一直当作boyfriend/girlfriend的,这种情况下对方就很可能觉得你的说法不妥(inappropriate). 在美国,婚礼和聚会邀请函时常用到这个词.74x中文字网

  • 常用短语74x中文字网

  • 常用例句74x中文字网

  • 词汇搭配74x中文字网

  • 经典引文74x中文字网

    不要见怪 used to explain that one does not intend to upset or annoy sb
  • Because it was his first offence, the punishment wasn't too severe.
  • She felt she had committed an offence against the rights of others.
  • It is an offence against the rules of grammar.
  • I am cautious of giving offence.
  • I am sorry,I intended no offence when I said that.
  • I am sure he didn't mean to cause offence to you.
  • The new shopping centre is an offence to the eye.
用作名词 (n.)
  • condone an ~不咎罪过
  • expiate an ~赎罪
  • forgive an ~宽恕过错
  • give ~ to sb得罪某人
  • overlook sb's ~宽容某人的过错
  • repeat an ~再次犯错
  • first ~初犯
  • grave ~严重的犯罪
  • heinous ~滔天大罪
  • indictable ~可起诉的犯罪
  • minor ~轻罪
  • petty ~轻罪
  • weighty ~重罪
  • weapons of ~进攻性武器
  • ~ against decency无礼
  • ~ against good manner没规矩
  • ~ against the law违法
  • ~ to the ear刺耳的声音
  • ~ to the eye刺眼的东西
  • The over-dressed man..is an offence.74x中文字网

    出自:A. G. Gardiner
  • 词语用法74x中文字网

  • 词源解说74x中文字网

  • offence意为“犯法,过错”,使用范围比较广,可指触犯国法,也可指违反规章制度和任何失礼的言行。这个词的英式英语拼法是offence,美式英语拼法是offense。
  • 表示“违犯…,犯…罪”时, offence与 against 连用。
  • offence还可表示“使人不悦的事物”。
  • ☆ 一四世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的ofense,意为侮辱;最初源自拉丁语的offensa,意为冒犯。
  • 近义词74x中文字网

  • 反义词74x中文字网

  • 临近词74x中文字网

  • slight
  • affront
  • annoyance
  • anger
  • delict
  • harm
  • violation
  • injury
  • displeasure
  • wrong
  • injustice
  • hurt
  • crime
  • fault
  • sin
  • misdeed
  • benefaction
  • delight
  • deed
  • pleasure
  • good
  • offence of rape
  • offences
  • offend
  • offence form
  • offence of arson
  • offenceful
  • offal
  • offence forms
  • offenceless
  • offence foul
  • offence variable
  • offence cycle
Our offence has underperformed all year.(我们全年在进攻方面都表现不佳。)
Instead of taking offence, the woman smiled.(那女人不但不生气反而笑了。)
A first offence carries a fine of $一,零零零.(初犯要罚款$一零零零。)
We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence.(对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。)
The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.(这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。)
Giving false information to the police is a punishable offence.(向警方谎报情况是应受惩处的罪行。)
If I've caused any offence over something I have written, I will happily apologize.(如果我所写的东西冒犯了他人,我将很乐意道歉。)
I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.(我无意冒犯,那只是贸然随口而说的。)
It's the first time a Westerner has been convicted for a drug-related offence in recent years in China.(这是近年来第一次有西方人在中国被判犯有与毒品有关的罪行。)
"No offence," she said, "but your sister seems a little gloomy."(“没有冒犯的意思,”她说:“不过你妹妹似乎有点悲观。”)