Prejudice and oppression now occurs with impunity.(偏见和压迫现在不受惩罚地发生。)
There existed class exploitation and racial oppression.(这里存在着等级剥削和种族压迫。)
The media focus solely on poverty and the cycle of oppression.(媒体关注的只是贫困和周期性的压迫。)
Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts.(求你救我脱离人的欺压。我要遵守你的训词。)
Where there is oppression there is resistance.(哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗。)
Our patience and our solidarity did not make us forget the oppression.(我们的忍耐和团结并没有让我们忘记我们受到的压迫。)
Most of the countries have suffered far more severe symptoms, from Libya's civil war to the vicious oppression seen in Syria and Yemen.(大多数国家仍在遭受更为严重的后遗症,从利比亚的内战,到在叙利亚和也门所看到的凶残镇压。)
But after 三零 years of oppression, journalists are afraid of their own shadows.(不过,历经三零年压制,新闻记者早已杯弓蛇影。)
These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.(这些权利就是自由、财产、安全和反抗压迫。)
Overcoming oppression and abject poverty and terrible disease is hard.(战胜压迫,卑微的贫穷,以及可怕的疾病才是困难的。)