一. any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted5rq中文字网
e.g. he prepared for great undertakings5rq中文字网
Synonym: undertakingtasklabor5rq中文字网
二. a planned undertaking5rq中文字网
Synonym: projection5rq中文字网
一. present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.5rq中文字网
e.g. He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism
She proposed a new theory of relativity5rq中文字网
Synonym: propose5rq中文字网
二. regard as objective5rq中文字网
Synonym: externalizeexternalise5rq中文字网
三. communicate vividly5rq中文字网
e.g. He projected his feelings5rq中文字网
四. transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another5rq中文字网
五. throw, send, or cast forward5rq中文字网
e.g. project a missile5rq中文字网
Synonym: send off5rq中文字网
六. put or send forth5rq中文字网
e.g. She threw the flashlight beam into the corner
The setting sun threw long shadows
cast a spell
cast a warm light5rq中文字网
Synonym: castcontrivethrow5rq中文字网
七. imagine
conceive of
see in one's mind5rq中文字网
e.g. I can't see him on horseback!
I can see what will happen
I can see a risk in this strategy5rq中文字网
Synonym: visualizevisualiseenvisionfancyseefigurepictureimage5rq中文字网
八. make or work out a plan for
e.g. They contrived to murder their boss
design a new sales strategy
plan an attack5rq中文字网
Synonym: plancontrivedesign5rq中文字网
九. draw a projection of5rq中文字网
一零. project on a screen5rq中文字网
e.g. The images are projected onto the screen5rq中文字网
一一. cause to be heard5rq中文字网
e.g. His voice projects well5rq中文字网
一二. extend out or project in space5rq中文字网
e.g. His sharp nose jutted out
A single rock sticks out from the cliff5rq中文字网
Synonym: stick outprotrudejut outjut5rq中文字网