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一. a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrowKiY中文字网

Synonym: bowmanKiY中文字网

一. 弓箭手;射箭运动员
An archer is someone who shoots arrows using a bow.KiY中文字网


一. archerKiY中文字网

一. 弓箭兵:让桥上守卫的武士(warrior)撤到中部驻防的武士那里,派村里 的几个弓箭兵(archer)和一个矮人(dwaf)前去支援. 将武士分两组两翼排开,弓箭兵在 中间一字排开,矮人在弓箭兵侧前方使用手雷攻击僵尸并逐步向后方撤退,以便由弓箭兵尽 量将僵尸射杀.KiY中文字网

  • 近义词KiY中文字网

  • 临近词KiY中文字网

  • bowman弓箭手
  • Sagittarius射手座
  • archerfish
  • archerv
  • Archerd
  • Archeri
  • archers
  • Archer's Lark
  • archery
  • Archer Anne
  • Archerwill
  • archers left
  • Archeria
  • archbishop
Newland Archer, as became a young man of his position, strolled in somewhat late.(纽兰·阿切尔到达稍微晚了一点,这符合他这样的年轻人的身份。)
Mrs. Archer paled.(阿切尔太太脸色煞白。)
Mrs. Struthers extended a hail- fellow hand to Archer.(斯特拉瑟斯太太向阿切尔友好地伸出手。)
Obtain the software modeling tool from Sam Archer in the IT department.(从IT部门的SamArcher获得软件建模工具。)
Thank you — thank you, Mr. Archer.(谢谢你——谢谢你,阿切尔先生。)
Michelle Archer: Good morning.(米歇尔·阿彻:早上好。)
Newland Archer walked straight home again that afternoon.(纽兰·阿切尔这天下午又是直接走回家的。)
BLOCK: An archer, yeah, he's a big one, a big, bright one.(布洛克:一个弓箭手,是的,他是个巨大的,明亮的弓箭手。)
Mrs. Archer shook her head with a sigh.(阿切尔太太叹口气摇了摇头。)
The archer notices the dead man's boots and appropriates them.(射手注重到了死者的靴子,并占有了它们。)