一. (computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a commandvZc中文字网
Synonym: command promptvZc中文字网
二. a cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken)vZc中文字网
e.g. the audience could hear his promptingvZc中文字网
Synonym: promptingvZc中文字网
一. serve as the inciting cause ofvZc中文字网
e.g. She prompted me to call my relativesvZc中文字网
Synonym: inspireinstigatevZc中文字网
二. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learnedvZc中文字网
Synonym: remindcuevZc中文字网
三. give an incentive for actionvZc中文字网
e.g. This moved me to sacrifice my careervZc中文字网
Synonym: motivateactuatepropelmoveincitevZc中文字网
一. performed with little or no delayvZc中文字网
e.g. an immediate reply to my letter
a prompt reply
was quick to respond
a straightaway denialvZc中文字网
Synonym: immediatequickstraightawayvZc中文字网
二. according to schedule or without delay
on timevZc中文字网
e.g. the train is promptvZc中文字网
三. ready and willing or quick to actvZc中文字网
e.g. she is always prompt to help her friendsvZc中文字网