
  • 详情解释iYb中文字网

  • 双解释义iYb中文字网

  • 英英释义iYb中文字网

  • 词典解释iYb中文字网

  • 网络解释iYb中文字网

  • 恰当的,适宜 的,贴切的,切合的
  • 有关的,相干的
  • 中肯的
  • 所论的,所指的,所说的
  • 附属物
  • 参考
  • 有关的;中肯的;恰当的 connected directly with what is being discussed, etc.;very suitable



一. being of striking appropriateness and pertinenceiYb中文字网

e.g. the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images
an apt replyiYb中文字网

Synonym: appositeaptiYb中文字网

二. having precise or logical relevance to the matter at handiYb中文字网

e.g. a list of articles pertinent to the discussion
remarks that were to the pointiYb中文字网

一. 有关的;相关的
Something that is pertinent is relevant to a particular subject.iYb中文字网

e.g. She had asked some pertinent questions...
e.g. Pertinent information will be forwarded to the appropriate party.

'If we pay players, how far do we go?' Gresson asked pertinently...
Where had they learned all this, or, more pertinently, why had they remembered it?
I do not see the pertinence of most of this material.

一. pertinent的翻译iYb中文字网

一. 中肯的:在停止治疗的消极行为和开出致死处方的积极行为之间是不是存在道德上的中肯的(pertinent)区别?*为什么政府需要给言论自由提供特别的保护?顽固分子以污辱性和挑衅性的语词攻击少数种族是不是也在这个自由之内?iYb中文字网

二. iYb中文字网

二. 适当的:所以如果取得适当的(pertinent)签证,「不一定」会因此丧失绿卡. 但这位律师完全没提到何谓「适当的」签证为何,所谓的「不一定」又是指哪些状况. 他也可能忘了,台美断交发生在马英九回国前. 马英九不可能用任何官方身份入境美国.iYb中文字网

三. 适当,有关的:pertinacious 执拗,固执的 | pertinent 适当,有关的 | perturb 使心烦意乱,扰乱iYb中文字网

  • 常用例句iYb中文字网

  • 经典引文iYb中文字网

  • The expert made some pertinent comments on the scheme.
  • Good judges who make pertinent remarks on the case.iYb中文字网

    出自:B. Jowett
  • Lao Tsu, whose wisdom is as pertinent today as it was two..thousand years ago.iYb中文字网

    出自:D. Rowe
  • His typically..pertinent usage of language.iYb中文字网

    出自:M. M. R. Khan
  • 近义词iYb中文字网

  • 反义词iYb中文字网

  • 临近词iYb中文字网

  • valid有效的
  • apt恰当的
  • connected相关的
  • relevant相关的
  • apposite适当的
  • relative相对的
  • germane有密切关系的...
  • appropriate适当的
  • applicable合适的
  • related相关的
  • impertinent鲁莽的
  • pertinent evidence
  • pertinent remarks
  • pertinent data
  • pertinent information
  • Perth
  • pertinently
  • pertinent suggestion
  • pertinent to
  • pertinent principle
  • pertinent literature
  • perturb
  • pertinent knowledge
There are several instances where pull-marketing is especially pertinent.(这里有一些实例对拉式营销是尤为适用的。)
It also requires less time to learn to use the pertinent tooling.(它需要很少的时间来学习使用相关工具。)
These capabilities are most pertinent when implementing model-driven architectures.(当实现模型驱动的架构时,这些功能是最密切相关的。)
We have seen few of the pertinent documents and heard little relevant testimony.(我们看不到有关的文件,也听不到相关的证词。)
Conduct pre-function meetings with scheduled staff and review all information pertinent to day's functions.(与预定的工作人员举行会前会议,并查看与当天工作有关的所有信息。)
Mrs. Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions.(萨瑟恩夫人兴致勃勃地听着,偶尔插入一个相关的问题。)
She had asked some pertinent questions.(她问了一些相关的问题。)
All this looks particularly pertinent today.(今天看来这点恰好正中要害。)
You'll find pertinent links to reviews and potential problems.(你将会得到相关的评论和日后可能碰到的问题。)
Listing 一 shows the pertinent fragment from the web.xml.(清单一显示了web.xml的相关片段。)