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  • 刺破,刺穿,戳穿,穿过,刺入
  • 突破,冲破;突入
  • 进入
  • 响彻
  • 照进,透入,穿透
  • 识破,看穿,看破,洞察
  • 贯穿
  • 穿(孔),穿入,穿进,在(耳、鼻等上)穿孔
  • 深深打动,使感动,强烈地影响
  • 皮尔斯(音译名)
  • 透过,刺,插入
  • vt. & vi. 刺入; 刺穿; 穿透 go into or through; make a hole



一. make a hole into1WO中文字网

e.g. The needle pierced her flesh1WO中文字网

二. penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument1WO中文字网

Synonym: thrust1WO中文字网

三. cut or make a way through1WO中文字网

e.g. the knife cut through the flesh
The path pierced the jungle
Light pierced through the forest1WO中文字网

四. move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply1WO中文字网

e.g. The cold pierced her bones
Her words pierced the students1WO中文字网

五. sound sharply or shrilly1WO中文字网

e.g. The scream pierced the night1WO中文字网

一. 刺入;刺穿;刺破
If a sharp object pierces something, or if you pierce something with a sharp object, the object goes into it and makes a hole in it.1WO中文字网


e.g. One bullet pierced the left side of his chest...
e.g. Pierce the skin of the potato with a fork.

二. 给…穿孔;给…打眼
If you have your ears or some other part of your body pierced, you have a small hole made through them so that you can wear a piece of jewellery in them.1WO中文字网

e.g. I'm having my ears pierced on Saturday.
e.g. ...her pierced ears with their tiny gold studs.

三. (光线)穿透;(声音)响彻
If a light or sound pierces something or pierces through it, it is suddenly seen or heard very clearly.1WO中文字网

e.g. A spotlight pierced the darkness...
e.g. Then he spoke, in a voice that pierced the thick air...

四. 使心如刀割
If a thought, feeling, or sound pierces someone's heart, it makes them experience a feeling, especially sadness, very strongly.1WO中文字网

e.g. This sound, like all music, pierced my heart like a dagger.

五. 穿过;突破
If someone pierces something that acts as a barrier, they manage to get through it.1WO中文字网


e.g. German armoured divisions pierced the Russian lines.

一. pierce的翻译1WO中文字网

一. 刺穿:好在威力一般)、Hurricane(Nova+Hurricane,简直就是近身型玩家的噩梦,好在不常使用,只在被多人围砍的时候才会祭出),以及瞬移和钢铁处女;从未出现过的技艺有:冰崩(iceslide)、毒铠(poisonbody)、刺穿(pierce)和地震(Earth1WO中文字网

二. 穿透:ot)--全部追加(ALL-Add)代表芯片:炸弹系列(Minibomb等)--随机追加(Random)代表芯片:剑系列(Sword等)--穿透(Pierce)代表芯片:冲击波系列(Shockwave等)--破防(Break)代表芯片:拳头系列(GutPunch等)此类芯片无视一切置物类防御,1WO中文字网

三. pierce在线翻译1WO中文字网

三. 皮尔斯:(波士顿综合电)皮尔斯(Pierce)前天(新加坡时间昨天)在主场进行的美国职业篮球联赛中,在下半场及时恢复勇态,带领缺兵少将的波士顿凯尔特人经加时以一一二比一零八力挫迈阿密热浪,结束了二连败.1WO中文字网

四. 穿刺:在被动技能中,左边的四个技能,每个只加一点就可以,将致命攻击加到最大,刺入技能(Penetrate)加一零点左右,穿刺(Pierce)只加一点,剩下技能点就平均分配给中间的三项被功技能.1WO中文字网

  • 常用短语1WO中文字网

  • 常用例句1WO中文字网

  • 词汇搭配1WO中文字网

  • 经典引文1WO中文字网

    刺进; 穿透 make a hole into (sth)
    pierce into sth

    A chill pierced into the marrow.1WO中文字网


  • The knife did not pierce very deeply.
用作动词 (v.)
  • pierce a disguise识破伪装
  • pierce the fallacy of an argument洞察论点的谬误
  • pierce a hole刺了一个洞
  • pierce straight直接深入
  • pierce accurately精确地刺穿
  • pierce completely完全刺入
  • pierce deeply深深地刺入
  • pierce effectually有效地刺透
  • pierce fatally〔mortally〕致命地刺中
  • pierce ruthlessly无情地刺入
  • pierce through刺穿,穿破
  • pierce beneath the shows of things透过事物的表面
  • pierce by windows(墙上)开了窗户
  • pierce in在…上刺洞
  • pierce a hole in a piece of leather在一块皮革上打洞
  • pierce into刺进,穿透
  • pierce into the heart刺进某人的心脏
  • pierce through刺穿,穿破…
  • pierce through the enemy's lines突破敌人的防线
  • pierce with a knife用刀子割
  • pierce with a lance用长矛刺
  • pierce with windows(墙上)开了窗户
  • The tools of the workmen..pierced the rocklike clay walls.1WO中文字网

    出自:E. Ferber
  • She..pierced the skin with her beak.1WO中文字网

    出自:B. Hines
  • Gusts of wind..piercing her with cold.1WO中文字网

  • The..flash of their torch as its light pierced the dark.1WO中文字网

    出自:G. Lord
  • 词语用法1WO中文字网

  • 词义讲解1WO中文字网

  • pierce的基本意思是“刺入”“刺穿”,引申可指严寒、痛苦、声音等刺伤或深深感动某人,打破寂静等。
  • pierce既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词into或through连用。
pierce, penetrate
  • 这组词都有“穿透”“渗透”的意思。其区别是:
  • 一.penetrate指用任何利器部分地或全部地刺入某物; pierce指切、割开缺口而进入到某物体中去或刺穿某一物体。
  • 二.penetrate作“渗透”“弥漫”解时,多指自然的作用,如气味、雨、雾、阳光等自然缓慢地弥漫、渗入,保留了其基本含义“深入,贯穿”。pierce则多为人工的作用,如光线、声音、痛苦等,仍保留其基本含义“迅速,锐利”,给人以忽然看到、听到或感受到的感觉。
    • 近义词1WO中文字网

    • 临近词1WO中文字网

    • prick刺
    • bore使厌烦
    • Franklin Pierce富兰克林·皮尔...
    • stab刺
    • thrust刺
    • penetrate渗透
    • puncture刺穿
    • perforate穿孔于
    • piercement
    • pier
    • pierced ear
    • pierce tap
    • pierce ears
    • pierceable
    • pierce into
    • Pierceton
    • piercer
    • pierced
    • Pierre
    • Pierce gun
    All night long you must sing to me, and my thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.(你必须整夜对我歌唱,我的刺必须刺穿你的心,你的生命之血必须流进我的血管,成为我的血液。)
    "Yeah, I think I'm still ready," Pierce says.(“是的,我认为我还是准备着要,”皮尔斯说。)
    Courtney's mom, Beth, says she found out Courtney and Pierce were dating by accident.(考特尼的母亲贝丝说她是碰巧发现女儿与皮尔斯交往的。)
    The note inside the bottle said, "Return to 四一九 Ocean Street and receive a reward of $一五零 from Richard and Tina Pierce, owners of the Beachcomber Motel."(瓶子里的纸条写着:“返还给海洋街四一九号,就能收到理查德和蒂娜·皮尔斯夫妇一五零美元的奖励,他们是海滩流浪者汽车旅馆的老板。”)
    Pierce also shows that there are fewer heavy smokers in each new generation.(皮尔斯的研究结果同时显示,在每一代人中,烟瘾大的人数都在减少。)
    Pierce notifies his agents that they are to detain Jack.(皮尔斯向他手下的特工通报,他们需要扣留杰克。)
    "There's no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell," says Sidney Pierce from the University of South Florida.(来自南佛罗里达大学的西德尼·皮尔斯说:“在地球上,藻类的基因不可能在动物细胞内起作用。”)
    Old Mother Adams next door couldn't Pierce her daughter's thoughts.(隔壁的亚当斯老大妈看不透女儿的心思。)
    Paul Pierce has three good ways to learn English songs.(保罗·皮尔斯有三种学唱英语歌的好方法。)
    Pierce went to the gym to work out yesterday.(Pierce昨天去健身房健身了。)