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  • 瓷器
  • 瓷(料)
  • 有光卡片纸
  • 精美的
  • 脆的
  • 易碎的
  • 瓷(器)的
  • 瓷制的
  • [U]瓷,瓷器 fine china with a coating of transparent material called glaze



一. ceramic ware made of a more or less translucent ceramicfPG中文字网

Porcelain is a hard, shiny substance made by heating clay. It is used to make delicate cups, plates, and ornaments.fPG中文字网


e.g. There were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases.

二. 瓷器
A porcelain is an ornament that is made of porcelain. You can refer to a number of such ornaments as porcelain .fPG中文字网


e.g. ...decorative 一七th and 一八th century porcelains.
e.g. ...a priceless collection of English porcelain.

一. 瓷器:共分作瓷器(Porcelain),半瓷器(Semi-Porcelain),陶器(china),半陶器(Semi-china),炻器(Stone ware),土器(Earthen ware)等六大类. 其中关于瓷器与陶器的解释是:fPG中文字网

二. 瓷:陶瓷艺术( Ceramics, ) 是中国的独特的,民族的,和具有国际影响的,陶(Pottery)和瓷(Porcelain)是两种工艺产品. 同世界上一切古老文明一样,中国早在新石器时期(大约在公元前二零零零零年),就开始出现了陶器,包括黑陶,彩陶等等;fPG中文字网

三. porcelain的反义词fPG中文字网

三. 陶瓷:冷瓷工艺美术品与一般的陶瓷(Porcelain)和树脂(波丽Poly)工艺美术品最大的不同点就在于它的表面非常细致且稳定,所以更能体现出手工彩绘的立体效果,造型更具生动,栩栩如生,是现代高科技与传统手工彩绘的完美结合.fPG中文字网

四. fPG中文字网

四. 瓷的:覆盖门牙时一般用烤瓷人工牙齿,此时都用里层是金属,表面是陶瓷的(porcelain)人工牙齿. 这么做,因里层为金属,光线透不到里面,所以会使人感觉是不透明的人工牙齿.而且牙龈也会发暗.fPG中文字网

  • 常用例句fPG中文字网

  • 词汇搭配fPG中文字网

  • 经典引文fPG中文字网

  • It's porcelain of delicate workmanship.
  • The cargo includes three thousand pieces of porcelain.
用作名词 (n.)
  • a piece of porcelain一件瓷器
  • The dispensary ball, at which the porcelain portion of the community danced.fPG中文字网

    出自:H. Smart
  • China creeds and delicate porcelain opinions.fPG中文字网

    出自:A. Birrell
  • 近义词fPG中文字网

  • 临近词fPG中文字网

  • China中国
  • porcelain cup
  • POR
  • porcelain tip
  • porch
  • porcelains
  • porcelain pot
  • porcelain jar
  • porcelainite
  • porcelainous
  • porcelainize
  • porcelain set
  • Porcelaine
Looking at a piece of porcelain like a teacup, no one associates it with the shellfish or pigs .(看着自己面前的一只茶杯,或是之类的瓷器,没有人会由它联想到贝类动物和猪。)
In the elegant surroundings of a drawing-room, interior designer Pierre-Yves Rochon sips jasmine tea from a porcelain cup.(在一间环境优雅客厅的中,室内设计师皮埃尔·罗雄从一个陶瓷茶杯中啜饮了一口茉莉花茶。)
The trade for porcelain not only promoted bilateral economic contact but also opened a window for the western world to know more about China.(瓷器贸易不但开创了双边经济联系,而且为西方世界更多地了解中国打开了一扇窗口。)
Unfortunately, Bottger failed to achieve this and soon gave up, but in order to please the king he attempted to make high-quality porcelain.(不幸的是,伯特格尔没有做到这一点,并且很快就放弃了,但为了取悦国王,他试图制作高质量的瓷器。)
I gave us a stained porcelain sink.(我给我们一个生锈的瓷水槽。)
The ceramics fall into three broad types—earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain—for vessels, architectural items such as roof tiles, and modeled objects and figures.(陶艺被分为三大类——陶器、炻器和瓷器——包括器皿,屋顶瓦片等建筑制品,以及模型物体和造像。)
We'd better cover the porcelain ware against All Risks.(我们最好把这些瓷器上全险。)
Porcelain is a material made from well-chosen porcelain clay or pottery stone through technological processes.(瓷器是一种由精选的瓷土或瓷石通过工艺流程而制成的物件。)
Pyrex and heat-proof porcelain are fine but fragile.(耐热玻璃和耐热瓷器好虽好但又容易损坏。)
The porcelain is fine and glossy.(瓷质细润。)