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  • [C](厚)木板 a long narrow usually heavy piece of wooden board,especially used for making structures to walk on
  • [C]政纲条目,政策要点 any of the main principles of a political party's stated set of aims



一. an endorsed policy in the platform of a political partyklh中文字网

二. a stout length of sawn timber
made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposesklh中文字网

Synonym: boardklh中文字网


一. cook and serve on a plankklh中文字网

e.g. Planked vegetable
Planked shadklh中文字网

二. cover with planksklh中文字网

e.g. The streets were plankedklh中文字网

Synonym: plank overklh中文字网

三. set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noiseklh中文字网

e.g. He planked the money on the table
He planked himself into the sofaklh中文字网

Synonym: flumpplonkplopplunkplump downplunk downplumpklh中文字网

一. 厚(木)板;板条
A plank is a long, flat, rectangular piece of wood.klh中文字网

e.g. It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.
它由三块坚固的木板做成,很坚固 。klh中文字网

二. (团体或政党的)政纲条目;(政策或纲领的)要点
The main plank of a particular group or political party is the main principle on which it bases its policy, or its main aim.klh中文字网

e.g. Encouraging people to shop locally is a central plank of his environment policy.

一. 板材:锯材又分方木( square timber )、板材( plank )和规格材( dimension lumber ). 方木是指直角锯切且宽厚比小于 三 的,截面为矩形或正方形的锯材. 板材是指宽度为厚度 三 倍或 三 倍以上的矩形锯材. 规格材是指按轻型木结构设计的需要,klh中文字网

二. 木板:既然已经入了黑社会,我就开始向以色列人旁敲侧击地打探消息,结果真不巧,的确不是他们三人绑架了法老女儿,不过他们给我了块木板(plank),允许我自由进出后面的秘密基地.klh中文字网

三. plank是什么意思klh中文字网

三. 厚木板:比赛(race)的哥哥真优雅垃圾(litter)前的哥哥放光辉雨前(rain)的哥哥拣谷粒绳前(rope)的哥哥在摸索b在lank前变空格(blank)f在lank前是侧翼(flank)p在lank前厚木板(plank)前面加C是曲柄(crank)前面加f真坦白(frank)前面加p才klh中文字网

四. 板:(from Innercircle) 答:规定车底木板(plank)的厚度就是不容许车量运用地面效应所产生的真空吸盘作用...也因此规定车身与地面要有一定的高度... 问:好象车手要通过尿检,是在什么时候检的?赛前人多不好验,klh中文字网

  • 常用例句klh中文字网

  • 经典引文klh中文字网

  • We use a plank to cross the ditch.
  • They intend to win the next election on the plank of developing trade.
  • The weathered old grey beams..holding up the planks of the floor above.klh中文字网

    出自:D. Francis
  • We drank brown tea, bit buttered planks of soda bread.klh中文字网

  • Once the hull was entirely planked, deck beams were inserted.klh中文字网

    出自:Scientific American
  • 词义讲解klh中文字网

plank, batten, board, plate
  • 这组词都有“板”的意思。其区别在于:board是普通用词,泛指各种宽而薄的板; batten一般指“板条”“压条”“挂瓦条”“压缝条”。例如:
  • batten door小板门。
  • plate指金属等制作的“平板”“薄板”“片板”等,还可指“钢板”,在地理术语中,指陆地的“板块”“板层”。例如:
  • We got into the cellar through a round hole covered by a metal plate.我们从一个有金属盖板的圆洞进入地下室。
  • I read her name on the polished brass plate.我在擦亮的黄铜门牌上看到了她的名字。
  • In the steel plate five holes were drilled an inch apart.在这块钢板上钻了五个相距一英寸的孔。
  • plank指比较厚的“木板”“板材”。例如:
  • plank bed木板床; plank bridge木板桥。
    • 近义词klh中文字网

    • 临近词klh中文字网

    • plump down忽然而沉重地坠下, 快速...
    • slat薄而窄的板条...
    • plunk down忽然落下
    • plump丰满的
    • layer层
    • flump砰地倒下
    • board木板
    • lath木板条
    • plunk (使)发声...
    • timber木材
    • plonk砰砰作响...
    • strip剥去
    • plop扑通声
    • beam微笑
    • piece件
    • floorboard地板
    • wood木材
    • program节目
    • band乐队
    • stave桶板
    • planker
    • Planken
    • Planka
    • Planko
    • planking
    • plankter
    • plangent
    • planktor
    • plank it
    • plankton
    • planklike
    • plankless
    Here's to Johnny Plank!(为约翰尼·普兰克干杯!)
    "So, my beauty," said Hook, as if he spoke in syrup, "you are to see your children walk the plank."(“那么,我的美人儿,”胡克嘴上像抹了糖浆似地说,“你要看你的孩子们走跳板。”)
    Kuwaiti prisoners have their ears nailed to a plank of wood.(科威特战俘的耳朵则被钉在厚厚的木板上。)
    Our grand plan, the plank we were going to walk together.(我们打算一起走过的木板路已经破碎。)
    They were only boys, and they went white as they saw Jukes and Cecco preparing the fatal plank.(他们还只是孩子,当他们看到朱克斯和塞科准备那致命的木板时,脸色都变白了。)
    A wooden plank bridged the stream.(一块木板横跨于溪上。)
    Inhale forward to Plank Pose.(吸气向前到斜板式。)
    Next, the Roman Corvus, the ancient plank designed to board an enemy ship.(下一个,是罗马人的乌鸦吊,就是古代用来登上敌人船舰的木板。)
    Torrents of fresh rain all day long, their unremitting din on the plank roof.(新雨倾盆如注,落了整整一天,毫不间断地敲打着木板屋顶。)
    His father smiled, "Isn't it the same plank?"(父亲笑道:“不是一样吗?”)