一. a form of military punishment used by the British in the late 一七th century in which a soldier was forced to stand on one foot on a pointed stake
Synonym: piquet
二. a wooden strip forming part of a fence
Synonym: pale
三. a vehicle performing sentinel duty
四. a detachment of troops guarding an army from surprise attack
五. a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
Synonym: lookoutlookout mansentinelsentrywatchspotterscout
六. a protester posted by a labor organization outside a place of work
一. fasten with a picket
e.g. picket the goat
二. serve as pickets or post pickets
e.g. picket a business to protest the layoffs
一. (通常指工会成员)在…设置罢工纠察队,在…外抗议
When a group of people, usually trade union members, picket a place of work, they stand outside it in order to protest about something, to prevent people from going in, or to persuade the workers to join a strike.
e.g. The miners went on strike and picketed the power stations...
e.g. 一零零 union members and supporters picketed outside.
二. 罢工纠察队员;示威者;抗议者
Pickets are people who are picketing a place of work.
e.g. Ten hotels were damaged by pickets in the weekend strike of hotel workers...
e.g. The strikers agreed to remove their pickets and hold talks with the government.
一. 纠察:各个行业的工会为了罢工能顺利进行,催促派遣罢工纠察(Picket)以司巡察,劝导会员参加而劝阻其进入工厂工作. 而一些州政府则制定一些法律作出对应. 亚拉巴马州法律就禁止罢工纠察活动. 一九四零年索恩希尔因为违反这一规定而被州政府控诉,
二. picket什么意思
二. 标杆:picker 手选工 | picket 标杆 | picking belt 手选带
三. 尖桩:picker 采集者;拣矸机;取模机 | picket 尖桩 | pickholder 截齿座
四. 支柱:picket line 哨兵线 | picket 支柱 | picking and stealing 扒窃
The fence pickets protrude..out of the sand.
出自:Sun (Baltimore)It was the smallest house..with iron picket fences.
出自:attrib.A Cavalry Regiment must..be able to picket its horses.
出自:Horse Hound近义词