
  • 双解释义CCC中文字网

  • 英英释义CCC中文字网

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  • 夸脱(液体或固体的容积单位) a unit of liquid and dry measure,equal to 二 pints or about 一.一四 litre


一. a United States liquid unit equal to 三二 fluid ounces
four quarts equal one gallonCCC中文字网

二. a United States dry unit equal to 二 pints or 六七.二 cubic inchesCCC中文字网

Synonym: dry quartCCC中文字网

三. a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 二 pints or 一.一三六 litersCCC中文字网

一. 夸脱(容量单位,等于二品脱)
A quart is a unit of volume that is equal to two pints.CCC中文字网

e.g. Pick up a quart of milk or a loaf of bread.

一. 夸(特):这次用的食材及其份量有:有机菠菜,约 零.四 磅: 洗乾净, 把菠菜叶与菠菜梗子的部分分开自制无糖豆乳 (豆浆), 约 一 一/二 杯日本白酱油,约 一 大匙味琳 (mirin), 约 一 大匙昆布柴鱼高汤,约 一 夸特 (quart)海盐少许把菠菜高汤放到果汁机 (blender) 中打碎,CCC中文字网

二. 夸脱(容量单位):equivocal 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的 | quart 夸脱(容量单位) | necrogenic 腐尸的CCC中文字网

三. 四:quart夸脱;一夸脱的容器 | quart-四 | quart.季度的;四分之一的;每季的;季刊CCC中文字网

  • 常用例句CCC中文字网

  • 经典引文CCC中文字网

  • There is a quart of milk left in the pail.
  • From that polished oak cupboard take very carefully..four fat quart bottles of black stout.CCC中文字网

  • 临近词CCC中文字网

  • Quarth
  • quarte
  • Quartin
  • quarry
  • quartal
  • quarter
  • quartic
  • Quarta
  • Quartu
  • quarts
  • Quarti
  • quartus
I sneaked out a quart jar of peaches, some cold corn bread, and a few Onions, and started up the hollow back of our house.(我偷了一罐桃子、几块冷玉米面包和一些洋葱,打算从后门走。)
The human body can absorb no more than about a quart of water per hour, beyond which the brain can swell dangerously, says Dr. Goldfarb.(戈德法布博士称,人体每小时最多只能吸收大约一夸脱水,如果超过这个限度,大脑就会危险地膨胀。)
Simply mix the juice of about two lemons with a quart of distilled water or about two tablespoons of white vinegar with a cup of water.(只需将两个柠檬榨汁,与一夸脱蒸馏水混合,或在一杯清水中加入二汤匙白醋。)
Foner adds, "Whenever you go to buy a quart of milk you're likely to run into a student who wants to know what's on the midterm."(福纳教授同意到:“每当你在超市里要买一夸脱牛奶,但常常某个学生就会拦住你,然后向你打听期中考试的题目。”)
quart (四 cups) ripe strawberries.(一夸脱(四杯)熟草莓。)
In a quart pitcher, dissolve the sugar and salt in the hot water.(在一个夸脱罐里,将糖和盐溶解在热水中。)
Day一: measure二四零grams of strained grape juice and pour in a一-quart glass jar.(第一天:量出二四零毫升的过滤葡萄汁倒入一个一夸特的玻璃瓶。)
He stepped out to buy a quart of milk.(他出去买了一夸脱奶。)
The unit price is the price of an item per unit measure, for example, one ounce, one quart, one pound.(单价是一件商品计量单位的价格,例如,一盎司、一夸脱、一磅。)
Thee guardian found a quarterly quart of quartz in the safeguard.(监护人在安全装置内找到了四分之一夸脱石英。)