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  • 隆隆声
  • 滚动,打滚,滚翻
  • 名单,名册
  • 面包卷,卷饼,卷状物
  • 擂鼓声
  • 左右摇晃
  • 卷轴
  • 一卷钞票,钱
  • 振荡
  • 脂肪堆积的部位,肥胖的部位
  • 翻跟头
  • 发出隆隆声
  • 起伏
  • 转动
  • 行驶
  • 流逝
  • 啭鸣
  • 伸展
  • (使)滚动,(使)打滚,滚
  • 运转
  • 蜷缩
  • 旋转
  • 用车载运
  • (话语)滔滔不绝
  • 卷,绕
  • 辗,轧
  • 掷(骰子)
  • 擂(鼓)
  • 左右摇晃、摇摆
  • 翻滚,翻转
  • 原地打转,原地转圈
  • 翻身
  • 使…成球状,把…卷成筒状
  • 把(衣服的边)卷起来
  • 使平坦,压平
  • 覆盖
  • 包裹
  • 发出持续的声音
  • 启动,开动,开始工作
  • 非常富有,腰缠万贯,财源滚滚
  • vt. & vi. (使)打滚,(使)转动,滚动 turn over and over or from side to side, or move by doing this; move steadily and smoothly along (as if) on wheels; move or cause (the eyes) to move round and round
  • vt. & vi. 卷,把…卷成筒状 form into a tube or other (stated) shape by curling round and round
  • vt. 碾平 make sth flat by moving sth heavy on top of it
  • [C]一卷 a piece of flat material that has been rolled into a tube
  • [C]面包卷,圆面包 a small loaf for one person, either long or round
  • [C]名册 an official list of names
  • [C]打滚,滚动 an act of rolling, a rolling movement, over and over or from side to side


一. the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)iKa中文字网

Synonym: bowliKa中文字网

二. a flight maneuver
aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitudeiKa中文字网

三. walking with a swaying gaitiKa中文字网

四. the act of throwing diceiKa中文字网

Synonym: castiKa中文字网

五. anything rolled up in cylindrical formiKa中文字网

六. photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from lightiKa中文字网

七. a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)iKa中文字网

Synonym: scrolliKa中文字网

八. a list of namesiKa中文字网

e.g. his name was struck off the rollsiKa中文字网

Synonym: rosteriKa中文字网

九. a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shoreiKa中文字网

Synonym: rollerrolling waveiKa中文字网

一零. the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuouslyiKa中文字网

Synonym: paradiddledrum rolliKa中文字网

一一. a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)iKa中文字网

Synonym: pealpealingrollingiKa中文字网

一二. rotary motion of an object around its own axisiKa中文字网

e.g. wheels in axial rotationiKa中文字网

Synonym: axial rotationaxial motioniKa中文字网

一三. small rounded bread either plain or sweetiKa中文字网

Synonym: buniKa中文字网

一四. a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)iKa中文字网

e.g. he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nagiKa中文字网

Synonym: bankrolliKa中文字网

一五. a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)iKa中文字网

Synonym: coilwhorlcurlcurlicueringletgyrescrolliKa中文字网


一. execute a roll, in tumblingiKa中文字网

e.g. The gymnasts rolled and jumpediKa中文字网

二. show certain properties when being rollediKa中文字网

e.g. The carpet rolls unevenly
dried-out tobacco rolls badlyiKa中文字网

Synonym: roll upiKa中文字网

三. take the shape of a roll or cylinderiKa中文字网

e.g. the carpet rolled out
Yarn rolls welliKa中文字网

四. shape by rollingiKa中文字网

e.g. roll a cigaretteiKa中文字网

五. boil vigorouslyiKa中文字网

e.g. The liquid was seething
The water rollediKa中文字网

Synonym: seetheiKa中文字网

六. pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/iKa中文字网

e.g. She rolls her r'siKa中文字网

七. flatten or spread with a rolleriKa中文字网

e.g. roll out the paperiKa中文字网

Synonym: roll outiKa中文字网

八. arrange or or coil aroundiKa中文字网

e.g. roll your hair around your finger
Twine the thread around the spool
She wrapped her arms around the childiKa中文字网

Synonym: windwraptwineiKa中文字网

九. begin operating or runningiKa中文字网

e.g. The cameras were rolling
The presses are already rollingiKa中文字网

一零. move by turning over or rotatingiKa中文字网

e.g. The child rolled down the hill
turn over on your left sideiKa中文字网

Synonym: turn overiKa中文字网

一一. cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axisiKa中文字网

e.g. She rolled the ball
They rolled their eyes at his wordsiKa中文字网

Synonym: revolveiKa中文字网

一二. move, rock, or sway from side to sideiKa中文字网

e.g. The ship rolled on the heavy seasiKa中文字网

一三. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employmentiKa中文字网

e.g. The gypsies roamed the woods
roving vagabonds
the wandering Jew
The cattle roam across the prairie
the laborers drift from one town to the next
They rolled from town to towniKa中文字网

Synonym: wanderswanstraytramproamcastrambleroverangedriftvagabondiKa中文字网

一四. move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicleiKa中文字网

e.g. The President's convoy rolled past the crowdsiKa中文字网

Synonym: wheeliKa中文字网

一五. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motioniKa中文字网

e.g. The curtains undulated
the waves rolled towards the beachiKa中文字网

Synonym: undulateflapwaveiKa中文字网

一六. emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating soundiKa中文字网

e.g. The thunder rolled
rolling drumsiKa中文字网

一七. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activityiKa中文字网

Synonym: hustlepluckiKa中文字网

一八. occur in soft rounded shapesiKa中文字网

e.g. The hills rolled pastiKa中文字网

Synonym: undulateiKa中文字网

一. (使)滚;(使)滚动
When something rolls or when you roll it, it moves along a surface, turning over many times.iKa中文字网

e.g. The ball rolled into the net...
e.g. Their car went off the road and rolled over...

二. (身体)滚动,打滚
If you roll somewhere, you move on a surface while lying down, turning your body over and over, so that you are sometimes on your back, sometimes on your side, and sometimes on your front.iKa中文字网


e.g. When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg...
e.g. They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys...

三. (车辆)慢慢开动,缓缓行进
When vehicles roll along, they move along slowly.iKa中文字网


e.g. The lorry quietly rolled forward.

四. (机器)转动,运转,工作
If a machine rolls, it is operating.iKa中文字网

e.g. He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled...
e.g. The newspaper presses are rolling in Pittsburgh again today.

五. (液体)滚落,滑落
If drops of liquid roll down a surface, they move quickly down it.iKa中文字网


e.g. She looked at Ginny and tears rolled down her cheeks.

六. 卷;绕;使成筒状(或球状)
If you roll something flexible into a cylinder or a ball, you form it into a cylinder or a ball by wrapping it several times around itself or by shaping it between your hands.iKa中文字网

e.g. He took off his sweater, rolled it into a pillow and lay down on the grass...
e.g. He rolled and lit another cigarette.

七. 卷;卷轴
A roll of paper, plastic, cloth, or wire is a long piece of it that has been wrapped many times around itself or around a tube.iKa中文字网


e.g. The photographers had already shot a dozen rolls of film.
e.g. ...a roll of blue insulated wire.

八. 摇(车窗);卷(窗帘等)
If you roll up something such as a car window or a blind, you cause it to move upwards by turning a handle. If you roll it down, you cause it to move downwards by turning a handle.iKa中文字网

e.g. In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters...
e.g. She rolled up the window and drove on...

九. 转动(眼睛);(眼珠)骨碌碌地转
If you roll your eyes or if your eyes roll, they move round and upwards. People sometimes roll their eyes when they are frightened, bored, or annoyed.iKa中文字网

e.g. People may roll their eyes and talk about overprotective, interfering grandmothers...
e.g. His eyes rolled and he sobbed.

一零. (一人份的)小圆面包,面包卷
A roll is a small piece of bread that is round or long and is made to be eaten by one person. Rolls can be eaten plain, with butter, or with a filling.iKa中文字网

e.g. He spread butter on a roll.

一一. (鼓的)咚咚声,隆隆声,持续的轰鸣声
A roll of drums is a long, low, fairly loud sound made by drums.iKa中文字网

e.g. As the town clock struck two, they heard the roll of drums.

一二. 名单;名册
A roll is an official list of people's names.iKa中文字网

e.g. ...the electoral roll.

一三. see also: rolling;rock and roll;sausage rolliKa中文字网

一四. 连连成功;连交好运
If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue.iKa中文字网


e.g. I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn't see anything going wrong.

一五. 盼望;期待
If you say roll on something, you mean that you would like it to come soon, because you are looking forward to it.iKa中文字网

e.g. Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria.

一六. 集于一身;融为一体
If something is several things rolled into one, it combines the main features or qualities of those things.iKa中文字网


e.g. Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein, Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum...
e.g. This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.

一七. to start the ball rolling -> see ball
heads will roll -> see headiKa中文字网

相关词组:roll backroll inroll upiKa中文字网

一. 面包卷:面包房(bakery)里能烤出面包卷(roll)来,面包都烤完以后(when all the bread has been baked)进行清点,给rolls(面包卷)进行一次roll call(点名)倒是名副其实的.iKa中文字网

二. 轧辊:将钢胚(billet,bloom,slab)通过两个转动轧辊(roll),受连续轧压力而压伸为长形,其产品谓之轧制钢材. 用鎚或压机(forging machine)等加工成形者,谓之锻钢品. 成品形状复杂者,不易用轧制和锻造法成形,须用铸造法. 钢之铸造,iKa中文字网

  • 情景对话iKa中文字网

  • 常用短语iKa中文字网

  • 相关词组iKa中文字网

  • 常用例句iKa中文字网

  • 词汇搭配iKa中文字网

  • 经典引文iKa中文字网



A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?

B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.


A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?

B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.


A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.

B:Thank you.

    在…中翻腾 seethe across
    roll across sth

    Dark clouds rolled across the skies.iKa中文字网


一. roll out : 铺开, 洪亮地讲出;iKa中文字网

二. roll in : 蜂拥而来;iKa中文字网

三. roll up : 卷起;iKa中文字网

四. roll back : 击退, 把...压低到标准水平;iKa中文字网

五. roll into : 滚进, 卷成, 使合为一体;iKa中文字网

  • Round things roll easily.
  • The wire rolled easily.
  • The tennis courts rolled easily after the shower.
  • The drums rolled.
  • The child was rolling a hoop.
  • A river rolls the stones along its bed.
  • We rolled a big snowball.
  • He was rolling something in his fingers.
  • He rolled some tobacco and made a cigarette.
  • They were rolling the road.
  • Roll the ball to me.
  • Last October the first batch of low-alloy channel steel was successfully rolled.
用作动词 (v.)
  • roll a cigarette卷一根纸烟
  • roll a hoop滚铁环
  • roll a lawn把草坪碾平
  • roll a map把地图卷起来
  • roll a pencil旋转笔
  • roll a snowball滚雪球
  • roll a towel把毛巾卷起来
  • roll barrels滚着圆桶
  • roll carpet把地毯卷起来
  • roll some tobacco把烟丝裹起来
  • roll string把细绳绕成线团
  • roll the road碾压道路
  • roll the stones翻滚石头
  • roll wool把毛线绕成线团
  • roll badly摇晃得厉害
  • roll dangerously危险地度过
  • roll fiercely残忍地度过
  • roll furiously剧烈转动
  • roll heavily重重地转动
  • roll impetuously鲁莽地转动
  • roll luxuriously奢侈地度过
  • roll rhythmically有节奏地转动
  • roll smoothly平静地度过
  • roll along(车)驶向前去
  • roll in滚滚涌上
  • roll on岁月流逝
  • roll out one's words用流畅的声音说话
  • roll up蹒跚地走来,卷起
  • roll up one's trousers卷起裤腿
  • roll down the hill滚下山
  • roll in the dust在尘土里打滚
用作名词 (n.)
  • call the roll点名
  • read the roll in school〔class〕在学校里〔班里〕点名
  • crusty roll硬皮面包
  • soft roll软皮面包
  • sweet roll甜面包
  • the electoral roll选举人名单
  • bacon and tomato roll猪肉加西红柿的面包
  • bake rolls烘面包卷
  • breakfast rolls早餐面包卷
  • cheese roll干酪面包
  • drums roll隆隆的鼓声
  • egg rolls炸蛋卷
  • ham roll火腿面包
  • jelly roll果子冻卷筒蛋糕
  • membership roll会员名册
  • pay roll工资表
  • school roll学生名册
  • employment roll雇员名册
  • honour roll荣誉名册
  • a roll in the grass在草地上尽情打滚
  • a roll of cloth一卷布
  • a roll of film一卷胶卷
  • a roll of paper一卷纸
  • a roll of thunder隆隆的雷声
  • a roll of voters选举人名单
  • the roll of graduate毕业生名单
  • Poured..milk into his tea and ate a buttered roll.iKa中文字网

    出自:B. Malamud
  • The drums..played a murderously fast roll.iKa中文字网

    出自:S. T. Felstead
  • The house shook..after a long roll of thunder.iKa中文字网

    出自:E. Welty
  • She wasn't rolling about in the gutter with a bottle of meths.iKa中文字网

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  • As the..car slid sideways, she thought..it would roll.iKa中文字网

    出自:P. Carey
  • She rolled over in the still water.iKa中文字网

    出自:S. Cooper
  • She liked her baby to have..liberty to roll around.iKa中文字网

    出自:M. Forster
  • 词语用法iKa中文字网

  • 词义讲解iKa中文字网

  • 词源解说iKa中文字网

  • roll的基本意思是“滚动”,指一个物体(如圆柱体)在另一物体接触面上不断移动; 引申可表示“卷”“把…卷成筒状”“碾平”等; 在非正式英语中,可指岁月“流逝”,时间不知不觉地“度过”等。
  • roll既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化成介词for的宾语,有时还可接由形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。
  • roll是可数名词,基本意思是“卷状物”,指成卷状的物品。引申可指“打滚,滚动”“摇晃”,还可指“名册”。
roll, catalogue, list, table
  • 这几个词都有“表”“单”“册”的意思。其区别在于:catalogue是按字母顺序或其他方法排列的;而list则仅指列表,有时不必有严格的顺序;roll指人的花名册,尤指属于团体或军事单位的全体人员名册;table指便于迅速查阅的目录、表格。例如:
  • This is the list of the people who are going to the picnic.这是打算参加野炊的人员名单。
  • The teacher read the roll of graduates.教师宣读毕业生名单。
  • Find Volume 三 by reading in the table of contents.看着目录,找到第三卷。
    • ☆ 一三世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的rolle,意为羊皮卷;最初源自中世纪拉丁语的rotulus,意为一卷纸。
    • 考研真题例句iKa中文字网

    考研真题例句 OG 一.roll

    Madrid was hailed as a public health beacon last November when it rolled out ambitious restrictions on the most polluting cars.iKa中文字网



    • 近义词iKa中文字网

    • 临近词iKa中文字网

    • reel
    • turn
    • record
    • rock
    • wheel
    • cycle
    • list
    • wind
    • turn
    • register
    • Rolly
    • roller
    • Rolli
    • Rolla
    • role
    • rolls
    • rollup
    • Rolles
    • Rollis
    • Rolle
    • rollin
    • Rollor
    Roll-call will be at 七 a.m.(早晨七点钟点名。)
    The car began to roll back down the hill.(汽车开始倒着往山下滑。)
    If you study hard, you can make the roll of honour.(如果你努力学习,你就能上荣誉名册。)
    The bank refused to roll over the debt.(银行拒不允许延期偿还借款。)
    The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll.(世界杯足球赛热潮即将涌起。)
    Northern Telecom says its products will roll out over 一八 months beginning early next year.(北方电讯公司表示其产品将从明年初起用一八个多月的时间推出。)
    Not for nothing was he called the king of rock and roll.(他被称作摇滚之王不是没有道理的。)
    Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll.(乡村音乐无疑是摇滚乐的先导之一。)
    Now they will roll better!(现在他们变得更好滚了!)
    We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.(我们天天早上都得站在雪地里等着点名。)