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  • 更换
  • 取代
  • 归还
  • 赔还
  • 代替者
  • 代替物
  • 补充兵源
  • 淘汰
  • 补偿
  • 备用
  • 顶替
  • [U]代替,替换,更换 the act of replacing, especially with sth better, newer, etc.
  • [C]替换的人〔物〕 sb/sth that replaces


一. the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of anotherjGN中文字网

e.g. replacing the star will not be easyjGN中文字网

Synonym: replacingjGN中文字网

二. a person or thing that takes or can take the place of anotherjGN中文字网

Synonym: substitutejGN中文字网

三. an event in which one thing is substituted for anotherjGN中文字网

e.g. the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor bloodjGN中文字网

Synonym: substitutionpermutationtranspositionswitchjGN中文字网

四. a person who follows next in orderjGN中文字网

e.g. he was President Lincoln's successorjGN中文字网

Synonym: successorjGN中文字网

五. someone who takes the place of another personjGN中文字网

Synonym: surrogatealternatejGN中文字网

六. filling again by supplying what has been used upjGN中文字网

Synonym: refillingreplenishmentrenewaljGN中文字网

一. 替代;替换;取代
If you refer to the replacement of one thing by another, you mean that the second thing takes the place of the first.jGN中文字网

e.g. ...the replacement of damaged or lost books.

二. 替补(成员或队员);接替者
Someone who takes someone else's place in an organization, government, or team can be referred to as their replacement .jGN中文字网

e.g. Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement...
e.g. The 一八-year-old made his debut last week as a replacement for the injured Gordon Durie.

一. 替换:薄膜设计 (Thin Film Design) 其中包含许多的功能及主要特色 光学(Optical),物理(Physical),大量(massive)层的厚度定义 Ruget , 数学操作 , Herpin 替换(replacement) 光学和物理厚度的转换 群组和层数的转换 反向设计(reverse dejGN中文字网

二. 更换:不可避免得要介绍一些图形(Graph)理论,因为前者是后者的一分支,所用的语言也是后者的语言. 六.七 更换(Replacement)问题六.八 搜索(Search)问题六.九 竞争(Competitive)问题jGN中文字网

三. jGN中文字网

三. 重置:重置(Replacement)方案.(一) 扩充(Expansion)案例(二) 重置(Replacement)案例敏感度分析(Sensitivity analysis)指变动某一影响未来现金流量或折现率的因素的假设,并同时假设其它影响因素不变,然后分析此单一因素变动与其变动幅度对NPV之影响.(如毛利率变动:六%,jGN中文字网

  • 情景对话jGN中文字网

  • 常用例句jGN中文字网

  • 词汇搭配jGN中文字网

  • 经典引文jGN中文字网


A:my company will begin business soon, but I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?

B:I will try my best. Generally speaking ,the business tax is levied on the taxable service ,the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china .

A:what do you mean by the taxable services?

B:they are the definite items stipulated by the law, such as the transportation, construction, finance , insurance and the like .they do not include the processing, repairs, and replacement services, for they are subject to the value added tax.

A:it is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset?


B:it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.

A:what about the tax base?

B:in most case, it is the total consideration received, including additional fees and charges.

A:does that include the turnover received in advance?

B:yes, it does in the case of transfer of the intangible assets or immovable property .


A:and what about the donation?


B:the donation is taxable in the case of transfer of the immovable property. But the turnover will be assessed by the tax authority.

A:what can we do if we receive turnover in the form of foreign currency?

B:you can transfer the foreign currency into Reminbi at exchange rate based upon either the date or the first day of the month, that the Taxable item happened .

A:how about the tax rate?

B:in general, the rate is from 三% to 五%, but the entertainment is from 五% to 二零%.


A:what you have said is very helpful, thank you.

  • The bike is in need of replacement.
  • As Jack is ill, we have to get a replacement for him.
用作名词 (n.)
  • find〔get〕 a replacement找代替者
  • make a replacement成为接替者
  • His housekeeper gave notice; Mary..found a replacement.jGN中文字网

    出自:A. Bishop
  • 近义词jGN中文字网

  • 临近词jGN中文字网

  • auxiliary助动词
  • additional附加的
  • permutation交换
  • renewal更新
  • equivalent等价的 相等的...
  • stand-in替身
  • standby备用
  • alternate交替
  • extra额外的
  • substitution代替
  • switch转换
  • replenishment补充
  • transposition调换
  • emergency突发事件
  • proxy代理人
  • alternative两者择一的
  • successor接班人
  • spare备用的
  • stand-by可靠的人
  • surrogate代理人
  • relief减轻
  • unused未用过的
  • understudy充当(某角色的)候补演员...
  • refilling回填
  • substitute代用品
  • replacing更换的
  • replacement cell
  • replacement rule
  • replay
  • replacement root
  • replacements
  • replacement fee
  • replacement bit
  • replacement name
  • replacement air
  • replacement item
  • replace
  • replacement set
Next is the replacement chunk.(接着就是替换部分。)
She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found.(在找到替换人员以前,她将继续做她目前的工作。)
That's a good question, and I don't want to pretend that MBWA is some sort of replacement for other methods of customer research.(这是一个很好的问题,我不想假装MBWA是某种替代其他客户研究方法的东西。)
Much of the food value is lost in the animal's process of digestion and cell replacement.(食物的大部分价值在动物的消化和细胞替代过程中丧失了。)
Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.(索菲在父亲去世后没有刻意地找一个代替的人。)
Your replacement will, by then, need your chamber.(到那时,你的继任者将需要你的房间。)
A closer look at the fertility behavior of the poor is important because of the extensive literature on the "replacement effect" of high infant mortality.(仔细研究穷人的生育行为是很重要的,因为有大量关于婴儿高死亡率的“替代效应”的文献。)
Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement.(泰勒已经提名亚当斯为接替者。)
His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.(他的死纯粹出乎意料,因此还没有为他的替代人定出计划。)
A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.(一个承包商被雇来排干蓄水池里的水,然后挖出其中一块地方的泥土,换上粘土。)