I retorted, showing a decided purple witness to refute her.(我回嘴,指着我明摆着的紫斑作为见证来驳倒她。)
His reasons may be food, and no one may have been able to refute them.(他的理由可能是食品,显然没有人能够拒绝它们。)
We can easily refute his argument.(我们可以很容易地驳倒他的论点。)
I do not believe everything originated in India, and I certainly do not refute the Aryan Invasion Theory.(我不相信万物起源于印度,当然我也反驳不了雅利安人入侵理论。)
And when people don't need to refute counterarguments, there's no point in listening to them.(当人们不需要反驳悖论时,服从他们还有什么意义呢?)
Yet this study did not necessarily refute Dollo's law.(这项研究并不能充分驳倒道罗法则。)
Future housing data will confirm or refute whether the housing market's pain is starting to fade.(未来的住房行业数据将加强或者驳斥房屋市场的疼痛是否会开始逐渐消失。)
The rumors have greatly upset Fan, forcing him to constantly refute untruths.(这些谣言让范佳发非常受挫,使得他不断地驳斥谣言。)
Even if true, this evidence does not refute the contention that editors should bear some of the blame for the reductions, unless editors are merely passive instruments responding to reader interest.(即使这是真的,这一证据也不能反驳编辑应该承担部分责任的论点,除非编辑只是被动地回应读者的兴趣。)
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.(沉默是最难反驳的论点之一。)