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一. give in, as to influence or pressureoh8中文字网

Synonym: yieldsoftenoh8中文字网

一. 变宽厚;变温和;心软
If you relent, you allow someone to do something that you had previously refused to allow them to do.oh8中文字网


e.g. Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry.

二. (天气)转晴,缓和,转好
If bad weather relents, it improves.oh8中文字网


e.g. If the weather relents, the game will be finished today.

一. 变温和:release 释放 | relent 变温和 | relevant 有关,中肯的oh8中文字网

二. 反复地借-->v.使......宽厚,仁慈:turbulent 混乱的,动荡的=chaos | relent 反复地借-->v.使......宽厚,仁慈 | relentless 无情,冷酷oh8中文字网

三. 变宽厚:relend 再借 | relent 变宽厚 | relentingly 仁慈地oh8中文字网

四. 发仁慈、慈善的:release 释放、免除、放弃 | relent 发仁慈、慈善的 | relentless 冷酷无情的oh8中文字网

  • 经典引文oh8中文字网

  • My mother sent him packing...Then relented; then sent him off again.oh8中文字网

    出自:S. Bedford
  • 近义词oh8中文字网

  • 临近词oh8中文字网

  • in在 ... 里
  • yield生产
  • submit使服从
  • cave in下陷
  • soften(使)变柔和
  • concede承认
  • surrender投降
  • sympathize同情
  • give up放弃
  • give给
  • change your mind改变主意
  • bend弯曲
  • relax休息
  • give in屈服
  • relentless
  • relentingly
  • relention plate
  • relegate
The police will not relent in their fight against crime.(警方将继续严厉打击犯罪活动。)
WILL Iran relent and take steps to build confidence in the claimed peaceful nature of its nuclear work?(伊朗声称自己的核项目是出于和平目的,它愿意采取温和的态度、通过实际行动来建立起人们的信心吗?)
Dad began walking along the dusty roads. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind, hoping he would relent.(爸爸开始沿着满是尘土的道路向家里走去,我迅速地跳上车紧跟其后,希望他能回心转意。)
Your own family might in time relent .(你自己的家庭总有一天会变温和。)
I will not relent in this struggle for the freedom and security of my country and the civilized world.(我不会在这场为我的国家和文明世界的自由与安全所作的斗争中松懈自己的斗志。)
Mr Mugabe is unlikely to relent unless under serious, concerted pressure.(除非多方协调,认真的施加压力,穆加贝先生是不可能软化的。)
Davis, feeling that any man possessing a human heart would relent when that delicious perfume met his nose.(看着美味的腌橙,安米觉得但凡有一点同情心的人闻到这份酸橙的美味也该心软了。)
That is why we will not relent nor slacken in our efforts until all of you are also conscious of this truth.(所以这就是为什么我们会坚定不移的努力,直到你们中的所有人都知道这个真相。)
I confess the inhumanity of this action moved me very much, and made me relent exceedingly.(我自认这种不人道的举动使我很痛心,我非常怜悯她。)
Only in 一九四八 did Cambridge relent. It was the last English university to let women graduate.(直至一九四八年,剑桥大学才开始授予女性学位,也是英国最后一所解除学位性别限制的大学。)