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  • [U][S]隆隆声,辘辘声 a low,powerful,rolling noise
  • vi. 发出隆隆声,发出辘辘声 make a low,powerful,rolling noise



一. a fight between rival gangs of adolescentsrg6中文字网

Synonym: gang fightrg6中文字网

二. a servant's seat (or luggage compartment) in the rear of a carriagerg6中文字网

三. a loud low dull continuous noiserg6中文字网

e.g. they heard the rumbling of thunderrg6中文字网

Synonym: rumblinggrumblegrumblingrg6中文字网



一. to utter or emit low dull rumbling soundsrg6中文字网

e.g. he grumbled a rude response
Stones grumbled down the cliffrg6中文字网

Synonym: grumblegrowlrg6中文字网

二. make a low noiserg6中文字网

e.g. rumbling thunderrg6中文字网

Synonym: grumblerg6中文字网

一. 低沉而持续的声音;隆隆声;轰隆声
A rumble is a low continuous noise.rg6中文字网

e.g. The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic...
e.g. The rain was teeming down and she thought she heard a rumble of thunder.

二. 发着轰隆声缓慢移动
If a vehicle rumbles somewhere, it moves slowly forward while making a low continuous noise.rg6中文字网


e.g. A bus rumbled along the road at the top of the path...
e.g. A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police...

三. 低沉的声音
If you refer to the rumble of someone's voice, you mean their voice sounds very low, making it hard to hear exactly what they are saying.rg6中文字网

e.g. Rose's voice dropped and was interrupted by the rumble of Dagmar's.

四. 发出隆隆声;发出持续而低沉的声音
If something rumbles, it makes a low, continuous noise.rg6中文字网


e.g. The sky, swollen like a black bladder, rumbled and crackled...
e.g. Speeches rumbled within the walls of the churches.

五. (肚子因饥饿而)咕噜作响,发出咕咕声
If your stomach rumbles, it makes a vibrating noise, usually because you are hungry.rg6中文字网


e.g. Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten any breakfast.

六. 看穿;发现;暴露
If someone is rumbled, the truth about them or something they were trying to hide is discovered.rg6中文字网


e.g. When his fraud was rumbled he had just £二零.一七 in the bank.

相关词组:rumble onrg6中文字网

一. 噪声:*转盘噪声(rumble) 指同LP电唱盘有关连的一种低频噪声. *SACD(Super Audio CD) 超级音频CD(SACD)唱片系由日本索尼公司和荷兰飞利浦公司联手开发的一种新型CD唱片格式. 在CD唱片大小的光盘上,既可存贮CD音频又可录以高解析力的数字音频.rg6中文字网

二. 隆隆:这之后不久,我们熟悉的第一 代汽车人战士基本上都出现了,比如探长(Hound) ,警车(prowl),蓝霹雳(Blue Streak),横炮(Sideswipe),幻影(Mirage)和开路先锋(Trailbreaker)等等;象照相机(Reflector),轰隆 隆(Rumble)等磁带兵都是这时出现的,rg6中文字网

三. (低频)隆隆声:Rumba 伦巴 | Rumble (低频)隆隆声 | RV rendezvous 会聚点rg6中文字网

  • 常用例句rg6中文字网

  • 经典引文rg6中文字网

  • I could still hear a rumble of thunder in the distance.
  • We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.
  • The big guns rumbled in the distance.
  • The train rumbled across the bridge.
  • Things rapidly became calm, though beneath the surface the argument rumbled on.
  • My stomach was rumbling, yet I still couldn't face the idea of food.rg6中文字网

    出自:H. Jobson
  • 近义词rg6中文字网

  • 临近词rg6中文字网

  • resound(使)回响
  • rumbling隆隆声
  • crash撞击
  • roll卷
  • grumble发牢骚
  • growl吠声
  • thunder雷
  • roar吼叫
  • grumbling喃喃鸣不平的...
  • boom繁荣
  • reverberate回响
  • reverberation反响
  • rumble seat
  • rum
  • rumble into
  • Rumble Roses
  • rumble forth
  • rumble stxips
  • rumble strip
  • rumen
  • rumble noise
  • rumble level
  • rumbler
  • rumbletumble
You hit the rumble strips the road.(你撞到路边的减震带了。)
" and 二五零-一 for "Let's get ready to rumble" and "Life is like a box of chocolates," said bookmakers Paddy Power.(、“生活像一盒巧克力”,赔率均为二五零赔一。)
The sounds of people's conversations mixed together into a deafening rumble, which filled the hall.(人们的说话声充满了整座大厅,发出震耳欲聋的隆隆声。)
But in the early spring three decades ago, Mount St. Helens began to rumble.(但是在三十前的春天早些时候,圣海伦火山开始隆隆作响。)
Will the rumble in the regions mean that Spain misses its deficit target?(地区的这些动静是否意味着西班牙与它的赤字目标失之交臂了呢?)
Those professionals, too, failed to rumble Mr Madoff.(而这些专业人士同样未能识破麦道夫的骗术。)
Moments later, he heard a low moaning rumble over the hills, a sound like a foghorn.(片刻之后,从山上传来了咆哮的声音,仿佛雾角一般低沉辽远。)
The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic.(夜晚的宁静被远处车辆的隆隆声所打破。)
Discussions rumble on over the siting of the new airport.(关于新机场的选址问题,讨论起来没完没了。)
So having a uniquely recognizable call, like Mlaika's low truck-rumble sound, could be a very useful.(所以,具备一种独一无二的可识别的叫声无疑是非常有用的,就像米爱卡发出的这种低沉的,卡车一样的隆隆声一样。)