一. 假定;假设;设想
You can use suppose or supposing before mentioning a possible situation or action. You usually then go on to consider the effects that this situation or action might have.wk4中文字网
e.g. Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside...
e.g. Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy.
二. (根据所知)认为,推断,料想
If you suppose that something is true, you believe that it is probably true, because of other things that you know.wk4中文字网
e.g. The policy is perfectly clear and I see no reason to suppose that it isn't working...
e.g. I knew very well that the problem was more complex than he supposed...
Note that when you are using the verb
suppose with a 'that'-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally make
suppose negative, rather than the verb in the 'that'-clause. For instance, it is more usual to say
'I don't suppose he ever saw it' than 'I suppose he didn't ever see it'. The same pattern applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such as
consider, and
注重,使用动词 suppose 加 that 从句表达否定的意见或看法时,通常否定 suppose 而非 that 从句中的动词。例如,通常说 I don't suppose he ever saw it(我认为他从没见过),而不说 I suppose he didn't ever saw it。同样的句型也适用于其他含义相近的动词,如 believe, consider 和 think。
三. 我看;要我说;我想
You can say 'I suppose' when you want to express slight uncertainty.wk4中文字网
e.g. I get a bit uptight these days. Hormones, I suppose...
e.g. I suppose I'd better do some homework...
四. (表示不耐烦或有些生气)我想,我看
You can say 'I suppose' or 'I don't suppose' before describing someone's probable thoughts or attitude, when you are impatient or slightly angry with them.wk4中文字网
e.g. I suppose you think you're funny...
e.g. I don't suppose it occurred to you to notify the police.
五. (用于婉转地提出请求)
You can say 'I don't suppose' as a way of introducing a polite request.wk4中文字网
e.g. I don't suppose you could tell me where James Street is could you?
六. (用于询问意见)你认为,你觉得
You can use 'do you suppose' to introduce a question when you want someone to give their opinion about something, although you know that they are unlikely to have any more knowledge or information about it than you.wk4中文字网
e.g. Do you suppose he was telling the truth?...
e.g. What do you suppose they want with her?...
七. (用于礼貌地建议或请求)
You can use 'do you suppose' as a polite way of suggesting or requesting that someone does something.wk4中文字网
e.g. Do you suppose we could get together for a little chat sometime soon?