
  • 详情解释qCS中文字网

  • 双解释义qCS中文字网

  • 英英释义qCS中文字网

  • 词典解释qCS中文字网

  • 罢工
  • 罢课
  • 发现
  • 【军】攻击,空袭,袭击
  • 打击,殴打
  • 走运,意外成功
  • 击,打
  • 罢市
  • 进行一次空袭的一群飞机
  • 报时
  • 钟声
  • 【棒】击球失败
  • 正球,好球
  • 【滚木球】第一球撞倒全部木柱
  • 攻击,打,殴,击,进攻
  • 撞,撞击
  • 碰,触
  • 冲击
  • 侵袭,袭击
  • 弹奏,奏出
  • 咬,咬伤
  • 拆除
  • 罢工
  • 抓,抓伤
  • 照在,照到
  • 传到
  • 打出
  • 压出
  • 删掉,取消
  • 降下
  • 使穿透,使深入
  • 偶然发现,忽然发现
  • (使)忽然想起
  • 使处于特定状态
  • 被鸣报
  • 被划着
  • 被点燃
  • 被听到
  • 咬饵
  • 行进
  • 击出(火星)
  • 触礁,搁浅
  • 下帆
  • 刺穿, 戳进
  • 降旗
  • vt. & vi. 打,击 hit
  • vt. 攻击,袭击; 侵袭 attack, especially suddenly; (of disaster, disease, etc.) afflict (sb/sth)
  • vt. & vi. 敲响; 报时; 擦出 make or put into action by hitting
  • vt. 偶然发现(矿藏等) discover (a material or place)
  • vi. 罢工 stop working because of disagreement
  • vt. (忽然)产生于(某人的)脑海中 occur to sb's mind
  • vt. 给…以(深刻)印象 have an effect on; affect with
  • vt. 取下; 降低 lower
  • [C] 罢工〔课,市〕 a time when no work is done because of disagreement, e.g. over pay or working conditions, etc.
  • [C] 袭击,攻击 an attack, especially by aircraft whose bombs hit the place attacked
  • [C] 忽然发现; 走运 success in finding especially a mineral in the earth


一. a conspicuous successqCS中文字网

e.g. that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career
that new Broadway show is a real smasher
the party went with a bangqCS中文字网

Synonym: hitsmashsmasherbangqCS中文字网

二. (baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shouldersqCS中文字网

e.g. this pitcher throws more strikes than ballsqCS中文字网

三. a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ballqCS中文字网

e.g. he finished with three strikes in the tenth frameqCS中文字网

Synonym: ten-strikeqCS中文字网

四. an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objectiveqCS中文字网

e.g. the strike was scheduled to begin at dawnqCS中文字网

五. a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditionsqCS中文字网

e.g. the strike lasted more than a month before it was settledqCS中文字网

Synonym: work stoppageqCS中文字网

六. a gentle blowqCS中文字网

Synonym: raptapqCS中文字网



一. cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lampqCS中文字网

e.g. strike an arcqCS中文字网

二. arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighingqCS中文字网

e.g. strike a balance
strike a bargainqCS中文字网

三. indicate (a certain time) by strikingqCS中文字网

e.g. The clock struck midnight
Just when I entered, the clock struckqCS中文字网

四. make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a targetqCS中文字网

e.g. The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 一, 一九三九
We must strike the enemy's oil fields
in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 五 to 二qCS中文字网

Synonym: hitqCS中文字网

五. affect or afflict suddenly, usually adverselyqCS中文字网

e.g. We were hit by really bad weather
He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager
The earthquake struck at midnightqCS中文字网

Synonym: hitqCS中文字网

六. produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphoricallyqCS中文字网

e.g. The pianist strikes a middle C
strike `z' on the keyboard
her comments struck a sour noteqCS中文字网

Synonym: hitqCS中文字网

七. pierce with forceqCS中文字网

e.g. The bullet struck her thigh
The icy wind struck through our coatsqCS中文字网

八. hit against
come into sudden contact withqCS中文字网

e.g. The car hit a tree
He struck the table with his elbowqCS中文字网

Synonym: hitimpinge onrun intocollide withqCS中文字网

九. smooth with a strickleqCS中文字网

e.g. strickle the grain in the measureqCS中文字网

Synonym: strickleqCS中文字网

一零. deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weaponqCS中文字网

e.g. The teacher struck the child
the opponent refused to strike
The boxer struck the attacker deadqCS中文字网

一一. remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a lineqCS中文字网

e.g. Please strike this remark from the record
scratch that remarkqCS中文字网

Synonym: scratchexpungeexciseqCS中文字网

一二. form by stamping, punching, or printingqCS中文字网

e.g. strike coins
strike a medalqCS中文字网

Synonym: mintcoinqCS中文字网

一三. produce by ignition or a blowqCS中文字网

e.g. strike fire from the flintstone
strike a matchqCS中文字网

一四. have an emotional or cognitive impact uponqCS中文字网

e.g. This child impressed me as unusually mature
This behavior struck me as oddqCS中文字网

Synonym: affectimpressmoveqCS中文字网

一五. occupy or take onqCS中文字网

e.g. He assumes the lotus position
She took her seat on the stage
We took our seats in the orchestra
She took up her position behind the tree
strike a poseqCS中文字网

Synonym: assumetaketake upqCS中文字网

一六. drive something violently into a locationqCS中文字网

e.g. he hit his fist on the table
she struck her head on the low ceilingqCS中文字网

Synonym: hitqCS中文字网

一七. cause to experience suddenlyqCS中文字网

e.g. Panic struck me
An interesting idea hit her
A thought came to me
The thought struck terror in our minds
They were struck with fearqCS中文字网

Synonym: hitcome toqCS中文字网

一八. find unexpectedlyqCS中文字网

e.g. the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
she struck a goldmine
The hikers finally struck the main path to the lakeqCS中文字网

Synonym: fall uponcome uponlight uponchance uponcome acrosschance onhappen uponattaindiscoverqCS中文字网

一九. stop work in order to press demandsqCS中文字网

e.g. The auto workers are striking for higher wages
The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not metqCS中文字网

Synonym: walk outqCS中文字网

二零. attainqCS中文字网

e.g. The horse finally struck a paceqCS中文字网

Synonym: come toqCS中文字网

二一. touch or seem as if touching visually or audiblyqCS中文字网

e.g. Light fell on her face
The sun shone on the fields
The light struck the golden necklace
A strange sound struck my earsqCS中文字网

Synonym: fallshineqCS中文字网

The form struck is the past tense and past participle. The form stricken can also be used as the past participle for meanings 六 and 一七. struck 为过去式和过去分词,义项 六 和一七 的过去分词亦可用 stricken。

一. 罢工
When there is a strike, workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves.qCS中文字网

e.g. French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay...
法国空中交通管制员因为薪资纠纷已开始了为期 三 天的罢工。
e.g. Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.

二. 罢工
When workers strike, they go on strike.qCS中文字网


e.g. ...their recognition of the workers' right to strike...
e.g. They shouldn't be striking for more money...

The strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they can't afford.

三. 打;击
If you strike someone or something, you deliberately hit them.qCS中文字网

e.g. She took two quick steps forward and struck him across the mouth...
e.g. He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents...

四. 撞;碰;撞击;碰撞
If something that is falling or moving strikes something, it hits it.qCS中文字网

e.g. His head struck the bottom when he dived into the 六ft end of the pool...
他一头扎进 六 英尺深的游泳池时头撞到池底了。
e.g. One 一六-inch shell struck the control tower...
一枚 一六 英寸的炮弹击中了指挥塔台。qCS中文字网

五. (使)撞击;(使)碰撞
If you strike one thing against another, or if one thing strikes against another, the first thing hits the second thing.qCS中文字网

e.g. Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor...
e.g. My right toe struck against a submerged rock.

六. (疾病、灾难等)侵袭,爆发
If something such as an illness or disaster strikes, it suddenly happens.qCS中文字网

e.g. Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck...
e.g. Both of them were afflicted with a rare genetic disease, which struck in their thirties...
他们两个都得了一种罕见的遗传病,这种病在他们三零 多岁时发作。qCS中文字网

七. 突击;猛烈攻击
To strike means to attack someone or something quickly and violently.qCS中文字网


e.g. The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra...
e.g. The killer says he will strike again...

八. (军事)打击,攻击;(尤指)空袭
A military strike is a military attack, especially an air attack.qCS中文字网


e.g. ...a punitive air strike.
e.g. ...a nuclear strike.

九. 直击(要害);与…起(原则性)冲突
If something strikes at the heart or root of something, it attacks or conflicts with the basic elements or principles of that thing.qCS中文字网

e.g. ...a rejection of her core beliefs and values, which strikes at the very heart of her being...
e.g. The issue strikes at the very foundation of our community.

一零. 忽然想到,猛地意识到,一下子想起(想法或念头)
If an idea or thought strikes you, it suddenly comes into your mind.qCS中文字网

e.g. A thought struck her. Was she jealous of her mother, then?...
e.g. At this point, it suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time.

一一. 给…印象;让…觉得
If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it gives you the impression of being that thing.qCS中文字网

e.g. He struck me as a very serious but friendly person...
e.g. What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear...

一二. 打动;把…迷住
If you are struck by something, you think it is very impressive, noticeable, or interesting.qCS中文字网


e.g. She was struck by his simple, spellbinding eloquence...
e.g. Theresa was struck by her own lack of forethought...

一三. 达成(交易或协议)
If you strike a deal or a bargain with someone, you come to an agreement with them.qCS中文字网


e.g. They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit...
e.g. The two struck a deal in which Rendell took half of what a manager would...

一四. 达到(两全其美);找到(折中的办法)
If you strike a balance, you do something that is halfway between two extremes.qCS中文字网

e.g. At times like that you have to strike a balance between sleep and homework.

一五. 摆出(姿态);表现出(态度)
If you strike a pose or attitude, you put yourself in a particular position, for example when someone is taking your photograph.qCS中文字网

e.g. She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette.

一六. 使感到(惧怕 或惊慌)
If something strikes fear into people, it makes them very frightened or anxious.qCS中文字网


e.g. If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs.
如果只有一样东西定能让父母感到惧怕 ,那就是毒品。qCS中文字网

一七. 使顿时(看不见或说不出)
If you are struck dumb or blind, you suddenly become unable to speak or to see.qCS中文字网

e.g. I was struck dumb by this and had to think it over for a moment...
e.g. For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera.

一八. (钟表)敲,鸣,报时
When a clock strikes, its bells make a sound to indicate what the time is.qCS中文字网

e.g. The clock struck nine...
钟敲了 九 下。
e.g. Finally, the clock strikes.

一九. 删去;划掉
If you strike words from a document or an official record, you remove them.qCS中文字网

e.g. Strike that from the minutes...
e.g. Her achievements were struck from the record book.

二零. 擦,划(火柴)
When you strike a match, you make it produce a flame by moving it quickly against something rough.qCS中文字网

e.g. Robina struck a match and held it to the crumpled newspaper in the grate.

二一. 开采出;钻探到
If someone strikes oil or gold, they discover it in the ground as a result of mining or drilling.qCS中文字网

e.g. Hamilton Oil announced that it had struck oil in the Liverpool Bay area of the Irish Sea.

二二. 铸造(硬币、奖牌)
When a coin or medal is struck, it is made.qCS中文字网

e.g. Another medal was specially struck for him.

二三. 不利条件;挫折
If someone has two strikes against them, things cause them to be in a bad situation or at a disadvantage.qCS中文字网


e.g. The Hotel has two strikes against it. One, it's an immense ugly concrete building. Second, it lies in a rather awkward position...
e.g. When I got out I couldn't find any work, and for being an ex-con, that was a strike against me.

二四. see also: stricken;striking;hunger strikeqCS中文字网

二五. 近在咫尺
If you are within striking distance of something, or if something is within striking distance, it is quite near, so it could be reached or achieved quite easily.qCS中文字网


e.g. I believe we are within striking distance of an agreement...
e.g. The airport was within striking distance: no more than sixty miles to the west.
机场近在咫尺,西行不到 六零 英里即到。qCS中文字网

二六. 打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路
If you strike gold, you find, do, or produce something that brings you a lot of money or success.qCS中文字网

e.g. The company has struck gold with its new holiday development, Center Parcs.

二七. (尤指)暴富;发大财
If you strike it rich, you make a lot of money, especially in a short time.qCS中文字网

e.g. He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.

二八. to strike a chord -> see chord
to strike home -> see home
to strike it lucky -> see lucky
to strike a happy medium -> see mediumqCS中文字网

相关词组:strike backstrike downstrike offstrike outstrike upqCS中文字网

  • 常用短语qCS中文字网

  • 相关词组qCS中文字网

  • 常用例句qCS中文字网

  • 词汇搭配qCS中文字网

  • 经典引文qCS中文字网

    为反对…而罢工 refuse to work to express opposition to sth
    strike against sth

    My arm accidentally struck against the table.qCS中文字网


    The child's head struck against the wall.qCS中文字网


    strike sth against sth

    He struck his head against the doorpost and fell to the ground in a faint.qCS中文字网


    strike against sth

    The women have threatened to strike against unequal pay.qCS中文字网


    They decided to strike against the dismissal of a colleague.qCS中文字网


    The workers struck against the company for better working conditions.qCS中文字网


    打击(某人、物) try to hit or aim a blow at sb/sth
    strike at sb/sth

    He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.qCS中文字网


    They struck at the enemy from every conceivable angle.qCS中文字网


    We struck at several of his units simultaneously.qCS中文字网


    She found a chance to strike at Cage.qCS中文字网


    We avoided the enemy's main forces and struck at his weak spots.qCS中文字网


    We must go deeper and strike at the roots of the trouble.qCS中文字网


    Many of the newspapers struck at the government's latest plan.qCS中文字网


    strike blows at sth

    They have struck heavy blows at the new-colonialists.qCS中文字网


    The Taiping revolution gave history a great push forward by striking blows at the imperialist and feudal forces.qCS中文字网


一. strike out : 狠打, 冲压成, 产生, 勾掉;qCS中文字网

二. strike up : 开始演奏;qCS中文字网

三. strike it rich : 走运, 发现丰富的矿藏;qCS中文字网

四. strike off : 删去;qCS中文字网

五. strike back : 回击;qCS中文字网

六. go on strike : 举行罢工;qCS中文字网

七. strike down : 击倒, 杀死;qCS中文字网

八. strike home : 击中要害;qCS中文字网

九. strike against : 为反对...而罢工;qCS中文字网

一零. strike in : 插嘴;qCS中文字网

  • Strike while the iron is hot.
  • The lightning struck again.
  • My heart struck heavily when it was my turn to answer the questions.
  • I didn't hear the clock strike.
  • These damp matches won't strike.
  • Davy, we are going to strike.
  • What's more, lots of teachers have struck too.
  • The children struck in all the schools there.
  • Who struck the first blow?
  • Why did you strike him?
  • In all our travelling, we never saw an adult strike a child.
  • He apologized to Martin for striking him.
  • Bells don't ring till you strike them.
  • I left immediately the clock struck twelve.
  • The huge clock of the Customs House strikes the hours.
  • He struck the table angrily.
  • The ship struck a rock and started to sink.
  • He struck the ball beautifully.
  • They struck the enemy in the rear.
  • Our troops struck the enemy camp at night.
  • The fighter-bombers returned safely after striking their targets.
  • The blight struck the crop.
  • A hurricane struck the city.
  • Don't strike a match if you smell gas.
  • The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin.
  • As I watched them, an idea struck me.
  • Suddenly a happy thought struck her.
  • The first thing that struck me was the numerous charts that covered the walls.
  • A thing that struck me was the great number of bicycles on the streets.
  • It was obvious that his speech was striking a chord among the group.
  • The suggestion at once struck a younger worker.
  • We submitted a request that more lights (should) be installed on our street.
  • The negotiators failed to strike a compromise.
  • He was reluctant to strike such an undignified pose before his girlfriend.
  • After tramping for miles through the forest, we finally struck the road.
  • The gardener struck some cuttings.
  • He was struck by a lightning.
  • The boat was struck by a torpedo and sank.
  • Even in the summertime we might be struck by blizzards.
  • The government decided that a one-pound coin should be struck.
  • I was immediately struck by the idea.
  • I was very much struck by London.
  • Everyone was struck by their readiness to pass on all they knew.
  • Visitors to Beijing are usually struck by the great number of trees in the city.
  • I was particularly struck by a group of teen-age girls going through their basic skills.
用作动词 (v.)
  • strike a child打小孩
  • strike a coin铸一枚硬币
  • strike a light打火取亮
  • strike a match擦着火柴
  • strike a medal铸一枚奖章
  • strike a tree撞到树上
  • strike an average平均起来,折中
  • strike an enemy soldier打敌军士兵
  • strike an iceberg撞上冰山
  • strike midnight午夜的钟声响了
  • strike noon中午的钟声响了
  • strike one's opponent打击对手
  • strike one's wife打老婆
  • strike ten钟敲十点
  • strike the cuttings栽下剪下的枝条
  • strike the right path走上了正确的道路
  • strike the road沿大道走去
  • strike the table击打桌子
  • strike the wall击打墙
  • strike aimlessly无目的地打
  • strike ardently强烈地冲击
  • strike barbarously无礼地敲击
  • strike boldly大胆划去
  • strike brutally狠狠地敲击
  • strike characteristically具有特色地敲击
  • strike continuously不停地敲击
  • strike criminally错误地划去
  • strike decisively决定性地敲击
  • strike determinedly果断地划去
  • strike energetically充满活力地打击
  • strike feebly无力地打击
  • strike fiercely猛烈地打击
  • strike firmly坚定地打击
  • strike forcibly强有力地打击
  • strike furiously剧烈打击
  • strike harshly严厉地打击
  • strike heavily重重地打击
  • strike impetuously急躁地打击
  • strike incessantly持续不断地打击
  • strike insidiously不知不觉地打击
  • strike instinctively凭直觉敲击
  • strike intermittently断断续续地冲击
  • strike mysteriously神秘地打击
  • strike nervously心神不宁地打击
  • strike obliquely间接性地打击
  • strike prematurely过早地打击
  • strike rapidly迅速敲击
  • strike regularly正常碰到
  • strike rhythmically有节奏地敲击
  • strike ridiculously荒唐可笑地敲击
  • strike ruthlessly无情地打击
  • strike satirically讽刺性地敲击
  • strike savagely野蛮地打击
  • strike scathingly不留情地打击
  • strike significantly大大地冲击
  • strike simultaneously同时铸造
  • strike spontaneously自然地敲击
  • strike unexpectedly意外地想起
  • strike unscrupulously肆无忌惮地打击
  • strike vehemently激烈地打击
  • strike verbally口头地打击
  • strike vigorously精力充沛地发现
  • strike virulently恶毒地打击
  • strike back进行反击
  • strike back at向…挥拳打回去
  • strike down打倒,使病倒,杀死,划掉,取消
  • strike home击中要害,触及痛处
  • strike in插话
  • strike off砍掉,删去,扣除,除(名)
  • strike off sb's head砍掉某人的头
  • strike out打出,划掉,删去,想出
  • strike out a line for oneself独树一帜
  • strike out a plan订出一个计划
  • strike up开始,结交,相识
  • strike up a conversation开始谈话
  • strike up an old tune重弹老调
  • strike up friendship between nations建立国家之间的友谊
  • strike out at sb狠揍某人
  • strike out for开始向…方向前进
  • strike out on one's own自谋生路,展开新活动
  • strike out with sb失宠于某人
  • strike up with sb偶然碰到某人
  • strike against撞在…上,反对…而罢工
  • strike against a stove撞在炉子上
  • strike against the wall撞在墙上
  • strike sb as silly使某人感到愚蠢
  • strike at向…袭击,扑向
  • strike at peaceful villages袭击和平村庄
  • strike at sb with a stick用棍子打某人
  • strike at the root of the evil根绝邪恶
  • strike for为…而罢工
  • strike for higher pay举行罢工要求提高工资
  • strike sb in the face打某人的脸
  • strike into打进,刺入,使害怕
  • strike into the woods进入树林
  • strike on打在…上,忽然获得
  • strike on an idea忽然想起一个主意
  • strike on the door敲门
  • strike through删去,冲破
  • strike through the heavy fog冲破浓雾
  • strike through the sentence删去这个句子
用作名词 (n.)
  • avert a strike防止罢工
  • break (up) a strike破坏罢工
  • call a strike号召举行罢工
  • come out on strike举行〔开始〕罢工
  • go on strike举行〔开始〕罢工
  • set off a strike引起罢工
  • take a strike举行罢工
  • general strike大罢工
  • industrial strike工业部门的罢工
  • lucky strike好运气
  • retaliatory strike报复性打击
  • unofficial strike非正式罢工
  • gold strike忽然发现一个金矿
  • wildcat strike自发举行的罢工
  • air strike空袭
  • oil strike意外地发现石油
  • miners' strike矿业工人罢工
  • strike ballot决定是否罢工的投票
  • first strike capacity先发制人的能力
  • strike action罢工
  • the strike of a hawk on its prey鹰向猎物之猛扑
  • Rather than the usual dog fighting, F一九 goes for the silent strike.qCS中文字网

    出自:CU Amiga
  • Impatient, she strikes straight down the steps to the..promenade.qCS中文字网

    出自:M. Gee
  • 词语用法qCS中文字网

  • 词义讲解qCS中文字网

  • 常见错误qCS中文字网

  • 词源解说qCS中文字网

  • strike用作动词的基本意思是“打”“击”“敲”,多指用手、拳、器具、武器、子弹等急速地、忽然地敲击或击打,强调行为的有意性。其程度可从稍微的碰撞到毁坏性的撞击,也可用于表示时钟“敲响”。引申可表示“袭击”“划(火柴等)”“偶然发现(矿藏等)”“用冲压法制造(钱币、奖章等)”“罢工”“产生于(某人的)脑海中”“给…以(深刻)印象”“划去”“引起(感情、情绪等)”“使喜爱”“达成(交易等)”“铸造”“摆…姿态”“碰到”“扎根”“生根”等。
  • strike既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作“打,击”解时还可接双宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。作“给…以(深刻)印象”解时,还可接以as加名词、形容词或现在分词充当补足语复合宾语。strike用作不及物动词作“划(火柴等)”解时,其主动形式含有被动意义。
  • 表示“敲击某人身体的某部位”或引申指“(灯光)照到脸〔身〕上”时,要用strike sb on〔in〕 the...结构。
  • strike作“罢工”解时用作不及物动词,与介词for搭配表示“为…而罢工”,与 against 搭配表示“为反对…而罢工”。
  • strike的现在分词striking可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语,表示“突出的”“显著的”“鲜明的”等。
  • strike用作名词的基本意思是“罢工〔课、市〕”,通常是为了求得更高的工资或更好的工作条件而举行的以停止工作、学习或营业为表现形式的行动。strike还可表示“袭击,攻击”,尤指用飞机或导弹等进行“空袭”,还可用于足球比赛中前锋队员的“攻门或射门”。strike有时还可作“忽然发现”解,其对象通常是矿藏、油田等,可用于比喻义。
  • strike在句中可修饰其他名词,作定语。
strike, beat, buffet, hit, knock
  • 这组词都可以表示“打”。其区别是:
  • 一.buffet和beat都可指“有意地打”。knock和strike既可表示有意地“打”,也可表示无意地“撞”。例如:
  • We were buffeting a storm.
  • 我们正与暴风雨搏斗。
  • The fall knocked me senseless.
  • 那一次摔得我失去了知觉。
  • The child's head struck against the door.
  • 孩子的头撞在门上。
  • 二.buffet表示连续猛击; beat指用棍、棒等连续击打; hit指对准某一目标去“打”; strike指徒手或持物一次性地打击。例如:
  • The waves buffeted the shore.
  • 浪拍打着海岸。
  • The missile hit the carrier but only dented the hull.
  • 这枚导弹击中了航空母舰,但只是把 舰体打凹了。
  • His fist struck home.
  • 他一拳正中要害处。
  • 三.hit引申为“攻击”“抨击”“受打击”,也可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”; beat可指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方,用作不及物动词时,可指心脏或脉搏的“跳动”; 而strike则可以用于时钟敲响。例如:
  • The reviewers hit his novel severely.
  • 评论家们对他的小说批评得很严厉。
  • This clock strikes on the hour.
  • 这个钟报时。
  • n.(名词)
    be on strike, go (out) on strike
  • 这两个短语的意义有所差别,用法也有所区别:前者通常译为“在罢工”,指一种状态,可与表示一段时间的状语连用; 后者往往译为“开始〔举行〕罢工”,强调一个动作的发生,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:
  • 工人们罢工已持续了两周。
  • [误] The workers have went on strike for two weeks.
  • [正] The workers have been on strike for two weeks.
  • v.(动词)

      She stuck me on my head.qCS中文字网

      She stuck me on the head.qCS中文字网

      表示“打中某人某部位”一般用“strike sb on〔in〕+某部位”的结构。qCS中文字网


      He stuck a match for smoking.qCS中文字网

      He stuck a match to smoke.qCS中文字网

      一般用动词不定式来表示一次性具体的目的,而不用“for+ v -ing”结构。qCS中文字网


      The clock is striking at eight.qCS中文字网

      The clock is striking eight.qCS中文字网

      表示“钟敲…点时”, strike用作及物动词,后面直接接钟点数作宾语,而不必加介词at。qCS中文字网


      It struck to me that we had really learnt a great deal there.qCS中文字网

      It struck me that we had really learnt a great deal there.qCS中文字网



      It was reported in the newspaper that the workers were still on the strike.qCS中文字网

      It was reported in the newspaper that the workers were still on strike.qCS中文字网


      The shopmen went on the strike for higher pay.qCS中文字网

      The shopmen went on strike for higher pay.qCS中文字网

      be〔go〕 on strike表示“在〔举行〕罢工”,是固定用法, strike前没有定冠词the。qCS中文字网

    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的strican,意为掠过。
    • 高考真题例句qCS中文字网

    • 考研真题例句qCS中文字网

    高考真题例句 OG 一.strike

    It struck me that playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team.qCS中文字网

    我猛然意识到, 对队里所有的女孩来说, 与另一支球队比赛都是一个很好的学习机会。qCS中文字网


    高考真题例句 OG 一.strike

    Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm.qCS中文字网

    就在九月的前几天, 米勒被一辆车撞了, 失去了右臂。qCS中文字网


    考研真题例句 OG 一.strike

    However, over the past 一二 months, those commuters have also experienced some of the worst rail strikes in years.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 二.strike

    The Government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum service requirement so that, even when strikes occur, services can continue to operate.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 三.strike

    The responsibility for the latest wave of strikes rests on the unions.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.strike

    Looking back, he is struck that his parents could provide a comfortable life for their children even though neither had completed college when he was young.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 二.strike

    Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 三.strike

    When one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless, it strikes one that, these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.strike

    Strike a balance among different plantsqCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 二.strike

    Thankfully, there is a way out of this trap – but it involves striking a subtle balance.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.strike

    Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change.qCS中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.strike

    In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them.qCS中文字网



    • 近义词qCS中文字网

    • 反义词qCS中文字网

    • 临近词qCS中文字网

    • attack
    • touch
    • attack
    • affect
    • smite
    • sway
    • hit
    • punch
    • beat
    • pummel
    • buffet
    • stoppage
    • assault
    • buffet
    • raid
    • slap
    • hit
    • pound
    • baste
    • impress
    • influence
    • slog
    • slug
    • beckon
    • strike on
    • strikeout
    • striker
    • strike to
    • strike in
    • strike up
    • strike at
    • strife
    • strikeoff
    • striken
    • strikeman
    • strikeer
    They accused strike leaders of fomenting violence.(他们指责罢工领导人煽动暴力事件。)
    The snake coiled up, ready to strike.(那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。)
    The workers balloted for a strike.(工人对是否罢工进行无记名投票表决。)
    They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike.(他们决定发动先发制人的攻击。)
    The threatened strike has been called off.(扬言要进行的罢工被取消了。)
    Management has not succeeded in breaking the strike.(资方未能使罢工中止。)
    The lion crouched ready to strike.(狮子蹲身准备袭击。)
    A strike has shut the factory.(罢工使工厂停业。)
    The six-month strike seemed to be petering out.(持续了六个月的罢工似乎在逐渐停息。)
    The strike caused total paralysis in the city.(罢工使这座城市完全瘫痪。)