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  • 胸部,胸脯,胸膛,胸口,胸,乳房
  • 正面
  • 伸出部分
  • 胸怀
  • 营养的来源
  • 心情,思想
  • 下侧,侧面
  • 窗腰,窗下墙
  • 炉胸
  • 【矿】工作面
  • 【船】中央系索
  • 挺胸面对,挺胸承担,慨然担起,坚定地面对
  • 用胸推,以胸对着,挺胸从…中挤过,以胸部触(线),用胸部护(小鸟)
  • 抵抗,与…搏斗,毅然对抗,对付
  • 挺进,逆...而进,冒着...前进,(奋勇)前进,冲过去
  • 吮吸(奶头)
  • 登,爬,挤,登上...的顶部
  • [C]乳房 either of the two parts of a woman's body that produce milk
  • [C]胸部,胸膛 upper front part of humanbody or garment; chest
  • [C]胸肉 part of animal corresponding to the human breast, eaten as food



一. the part of an animal's body that corresponds to a person's chestTka中文字网

二. the front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomenTka中文字网

e.g. he beat his breast in angerTka中文字网

Synonym: chestTka中文字网

三. either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a womanTka中文字网

Synonym: bosomknockerboobtittittyTka中文字网

四. meat carved from the breast of a fowlTka中文字网

Synonym: white meatTka中文字网



一. confront bodilyTka中文字网

e.g. breast the stormTka中文字网

Synonym: frontTka中文字网

二. reach the summit (of a mountain)Tka中文字网

e.g. They breasted the mountain
Many mountaineers go up Mt. Everest but not all summitTka中文字网

Synonym: summitTka中文字网

三. meet at breast levelTka中文字网

e.g. The runner breasted the tapeTka中文字网

一. (妇女的)乳房
A woman's breasts are the two soft, round parts on her chest that can produce milk to feed a baby.Tka中文字网

e.g. She wears a low-cut dress which reveals her breasts...
e.g. As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her tiny fingers stroked my skin.

She was slim and muscular and full-breasted.
她身材苗条但坚固 ,乳房丰满。

二. 胸;胸部;胸膛
A person's breast is the upper part of his or her chest.Tka中文字网


e.g. He struck his breast in a dramatic gesture.

三. 胸怀;内心
The breast is often considered to be the part of your body where your emotions are.Tka中文字网


e.g. The verse rose up to fire his breast with inspiration...
e.g. The battle roared; a sound calculated to arouse the sublimest emotions in the breast of the soldier.

四. (鸟类的)胸脯
A bird's breast is the front part of its body.Tka中文字网

e.g. The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.

...flocks of red-breasted parrots.

五. (衬衫、夹克或外套的)胸部
The breast of a shirt, jacket, or coat is the part which covers the top part of the chest.Tka中文字网

e.g. He moved out from beneath an awning, reaching for something inside the breast of his overcoat...
e.g. He reached into his breast pocket for his cigar case.

六. (禽鸟或羊的)胸脯肉
You can refer to piece of meat that is cut from the front of a bird or lamb as breast.Tka中文字网


e.g. ...a chicken breast with vegetables.
e.g. ...breast of lamb.

七. see also: double-breasted;single-breastedTka中文字网

八. 捶胸(表示气愤或悲伤)
If you say that someone beats their breast, you are emphasizing that they are very angry or upset about something, or that they are pretending to be very angry or upset about it.Tka中文字网


e.g. The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.

九. 坦白;如实承认
If you make a clean breast of something, you tell someone the truth about yourself or about something wrong that you have done.Tka中文字网

e.g. I might as well make a clean breast of it. I have been living as a woman since 一九七五.

一. 胸部:B级片既要控制成本又要取悦看众,直接的感官刺激成了它的杀手锏罗杰.科曼的电影就被称为三B电影:血腥(blood),胸部(breast)和飞车党(biker)Tka中文字网

二. 胸:维多利亚女王时代,人体胸部以下的名称都在忌讳之列,胸(breast)和腿(leg)都不能讲,于是就有以white meat和black meat分别表示餐桌上的chicken breast和 chick leg这类当时使用的委婉语,现在已经不用了.Tka中文字网

  • 常用短语Tka中文字网

  • 常用例句Tka中文字网

  • 词汇搭配Tka中文字网

  • 经典引文Tka中文字网

    坦白讲出… tell the whole truth about sth bad that one has done
  • She was feeding a baby at the breast.
  • He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast.
  • They had chicken breasts for lunch.
  • His breast swelled with emotion.
用作名词 (n.)
  • beat breast捶胸
  • give the breast to one's baby给孩子喂奶
  • make a clean breast全盘托出,坦白
  • suck the breast吃奶
  • take the breast吃奶
  • firm and elastic breast坚固 而有弹性的乳房
  • flabby breast下垂的乳房
  • sagged breast下垂的乳房
  • chicken breasts鸡胸肉
  • mother's breast妈妈的怀抱
  • breast form胸罩
  • breast pocket胸前的口袋
  • breast shield胸罩
  • breast stroke俯泳,蛙泳
  • at the breast未断奶的
  • receive the bullet in the breast胸部中弹
  • stab sb on the breast用刀刺胸
  • shoot sb through the breast射穿胸部
  • put an infant to breast让新生婴儿吃奶
  • Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murd'ring ministers.Tka中文字网

  • One Country Milch-Wench, to whom I was..put to the Breast.Tka中文字网

  • As swift As bird on wing to breast its eggs again.Tka中文字网

  • A baker's van breasted the hill.Tka中文字网

    出自:J. Buchan
  • Like a swimmer breasting a wave.Tka中文字网

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  • 词义讲解Tka中文字网

  • 词源解说Tka中文字网

breast, bosom, chest
  • 这组词均可指“胸部”。其区别是:
  • 一.bosom和breast均指人或动物的胸部,也指妇女的乳房;而chest则指颈部和腹部之间的部分,包括心、肺等,所指范围比bosom和breast大。
  • 二.chest一般不用于比喻;bosom和breast都可用作文学用词,前者指“胸怀”“心胸”,后者指“心”“心头”。
    • ☆ 直接源自中古英语的brest,意为膨胀,隆起。
    • 近义词Tka中文字网

    • 临近词Tka中文字网

    • chest
    • breastdeep
    • breast pad
    • breastwork
    • breast in
    • breasting
    • breath
    • breastfed
    • bream
    • breastmark
    • breasted
    • breastpin
    • breastrail
    I kept the list in my breast pocket.(我把单子放在胸前的暗袋里。)
    She put the baby to her breast.(她开始给婴儿哺乳。)
    Fortunately, cancer of the breast in young women is uncommon.(幸运的是,年轻妇女患乳腺癌的情况不常见。)
    The breast can be cut into portions for grilling.(胸脯肉可以切成小块来烤。)
    Her mother died of breast cancer.(她母亲死于乳腺癌。)
    Our country has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer.(我们国家在乳腺癌检查方面有着令人羡慕的纪录。)
    She cradled the child against her breast.(她把孩子抱在胸前。)
    She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.(她患有局部乳癌,两位医生均建议她做手术。)
    Sadly, my mother died of breast cancer when I was six.(不幸的是,我母亲在我六岁时死于乳腺癌。)
    Not all women have the choice whether or not to breast feed their babies.(不是所有的妇女都可以自由选择是否母乳喂养自己的婴儿。)