He doesn't scare so easily.(他不那么容易受惊吓。)
The silence and emptiness of the house did not scare her.(房子的空寂并未使她感到害怕。)
Someone came up, opened the passenger side door which would scare you.(有人走过来,打开了乘客侧门,这可能会吓到你。)
The news set off a continent-wide health scare.(这一消息引起了整个大陆的健康恐慌。)
On Oct. 一零, a quake occurred very near the Emerald Crystal and was reported nationally. Unlike "usual" tectonic quakes, it did not scare the animals.(一零月一零日,翡翠水晶四周发生地震,全国都有报道。与“寻常”的构造地震不同,这次地震没有吓到动物。)
We made a terrible voice to scare them even more, and then we slipped off the window sill.(我们做出可怕的声音把他们吓得更厉害,然后我们就从窗台边上滑下来。)
Sniffer dogs are friendly and cute, so they don't scare people as they sniff through the crowds.(嗅探犬既友好又可爱,所以它们在人群中嗅探时不会吓到人。)
The latest scare involves eggs.(最新的恐慌是有关鸡蛋的。)
Machines such as these take researchers into the field of socialised robotics: how to make robots act in a way that does not scare or offend individuals.(诸如此类的机器促使研究人员步入了机器人社会化的领域:即,如何让机器人以一种既不会吓到或冒犯到别人的方式行动。)
I'll see if I can scare up enough chairs for us all.(我来看看能不能给大家凑够椅子。)