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  • 晕倒症
  • 蹒跚
  • 摇晃,摆动
  • 交错
  • 动摇
  • 摆动误差
  • 眼花,眩晕
  • 交错安排(法),交错制
  • 酒醉
  • 【空】斜罩
  • 企图,努力
  • 前伸角
  • 踌躇
  • 交错的
  • 错开的
  • (使)犹豫,动摇, 使踌躇
  • (使)吃惊,使吓一跳,使…感到震动
  • 畏缩
  • 坚持进行
  • 压倒
  • 使摇晃, 使摇摆
  • (使)错开(时间),交错安排
  • 摇摇晃晃,蹒跚而行
  • 逡巡
  • (使)蹒跚,踉跄
  • (使)左右交错
  • 使(复翼飞机的上下翼)前后交错
  • vt. & vi. (使)蹒跚 walk or move unsteadily
  • vt. 错开 arrange times of events so that they do not all occur together
  • vt. & vi. (使)对…感到震动或担心 cause shock or worry to sth


一. an unsteady uneven gaitLid中文字网

Synonym: lurchstumbleLid中文字网


一. to arrange in a systematic orderLid中文字网

e.g. stagger the chairs in the lecture hallLid中文字网

Synonym: distributeLid中文字网

二. astound or overwhelm, as with shockLid中文字网

e.g. She was staggered with bills after she tried to rebuild her house following the earthquakeLid中文字网

三. walk as if unable to control one's movementsLid中文字网

e.g. The drunken man staggered into the roomLid中文字网

Synonym: reelkeellurchswagcareenLid中文字网

四. walk with great difficultyLid中文字网

e.g. He staggered along in the heavy snowLid中文字网

Synonym: flounderLid中文字网

一. 蹒跚;摇晃地走
If you stagger, you walk very unsteadily, for example because you are ill or drunk.Lid中文字网


e.g. He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and toppled over...
e.g. He was staggering and had to lean on the bar.

二. 勉强维持
If you say that someone or something staggers on, you mean that it is only just succeeds in continuing.Lid中文字网

e.g. Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years.
e.g. ...a government that staggered from crisis to crisis.

三. 使震动;让…大吃一惊
If something staggers you, it surprises you very much.Lid中文字网

e.g. The whole thing staggers me.

I was simply staggered by the heat of the Argentinian high-summer.

四. 使(假期或工作时间)错开
To stagger things such as people's holidays or hours of work means to arrange them so that they do not all happen at the same time.Lid中文字网

e.g. During the past few years the government has staggered the summer vacation periods for students.

五. see also: staggeringLid中文字网

一. 交错:镶嵌式奈米线是利用两种不同材料的奈米线,周期性排列而成的复合结构,其中虽然尺寸效应与界面热阻的影响会增加热阻,但因为嵌入的材料性质会使得整体热传导系数上升,进一步比较齐列式(Align)或交错(Stagger)式复合奈米线对整体热传影响,Lid中文字网

二. 蹒跚:squander#浪费 | stagger#蹒跚 | stalk#高视阔步Lid中文字网

三. 暴风:Blast: 疾风. | Stagger:暴风. | Direction:风的方向.Lid中文字网

四. 摇摇晃晃:toddel 蹒跚行走 | stagger 摇摇晃晃 | trudge 步履艰难Lid中文字网

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    摇摇晃晃,无确定目标地行走 move in an unsteady manner and an uncertain direction around (a place)
    stagger about〔around〕 sth

    Why is that man staggering about the room like that?Lid中文字网


  • He staggered to his feet.
  • He staggered to the door, bleeding from his wounds.
  • I finally staggered into bed at 三 o'clock in the morning.
  • He staggered under a heavy burden.
  • The drunken man staggered towards me.
  • The ship staggered.
  • We staggered to hear that the firm was bankrupt.
  • I staggered at the price.
用作动词 (v.)
  • stagger the imagination感到不可思议
  • stagger vacations间隔假期
  • stagger one's working hour错开工作时间
  • stagger cheaply便宜得令人震动
  • stagger outlandishly奇异得令人震动
  • stagger pretentiously自命不凡地手舞足蹈
  • stagger weakly虚弱得摇摇晃晃
  • stagger by the news对此消息感到震动
  • stagger under heavy burdens被沉重的担子压得摇摇晃晃
  • A push made him stagger against the mizzen-mast.Lid中文字网

    出自:J. Conrad
  • Staggering along the pavement with baskets crammed to the brims.Lid中文字网

    出自:A. Ransome
  • The drunken revellers staggering home at..dawn.Lid中文字网

    出自:E. Johnson
  • My father slowly rose, staggered a little, and then took a faltering step.Lid中文字网

    出自:F. King
  • Both..recovered, and staggered on through the year.Lid中文字网

  • 词语用法Lid中文字网

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  • 词源解说Lid中文字网

  • stagger的基本意思是“摇晃不定地移动”,通常指虚弱、负重、醉酒等导致身体失去平衡或行走失态,强调不稳定性和失控性。引申可表示碰到困难或处于矛盾状况的任何事务,如头脑困惑不解,观点遭到反对等,也可指“使某人慌乱或震动”。
  • stagger可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
stagger, reel, stumble
  • 这组词都有“蹒跚”的意思。它们的区别是:stagger指虚弱、负重、醉酒等导致身体失去平衡或行走失态; reel指受到打击或眩晕而站立不稳; stumble指由于脚下被绊,迈错步或受惊等而“蹒跚”行走。
    • ☆ 一五世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古斯堪的那维亚语的stakra,意为蹒跚。
    • 近义词Lid中文字网

    • 临近词Lid中文字网

    • amaze
    • staggering
    • Stagger MTI
    • staggered
    • Staggerweed
    • staggers
    • staggerwort
    • staggerbush
    • staggery
    • stagger in
    • stagnant
    • staggerer
    • stage
    There were so many runners that they had to stagger the start.(参加赛跑的选手很多,他们不得不把起跑的时间错开。)
    The young lady stagger a moment, and then step forward.(那位年轻女郎稍稍犹豫了一下,然后就走上前去。)
    He gave a stagger on hearing the news.(他听到这一消息两腿摇晃起来。)
    You stagger under this heavy load, which I never intended you to carry.(你在这样的重负下蹒跚而行,这绝不是我打算让你扛负的。)
    The flames burnt through the rope and he was able to stagger a short distance before collapsing and dying.(火焰通过绳索开始燃烧,在死亡之前他还能短距离的蹒跚几步。)
    Keep your feet parallel, as shown here, or stagger one foot ahead of the other.(保持双脚平行,如图中所示,或错开一只脚在另一只的前面。)
    Can consider whether to stagger off the North and the South?(是否可以考虑南北方错开休假?)
    I managed to stagger the last few steps.(我好不容易跌跌撞撞走了这最后几步。)
    We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next.(我们仿佛在接连不断的危机中举步维艰。)
    Sure enough his resolution began to stagger.(果然他的决心开始动摇了。)