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  • 旁观者,局外人
  • 观众
  • 目击者
  • 观察者
  • 看热闹的人
  • [C] 观众,旁观者 a person who watches (especially an event or sport) without taking part


一. a woman's pump with medium heel
usually in contrasting colors for toe and heel8IX中文字网

Synonym: spectator pump8IX中文字网

二. a close observer
someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind)8IX中文字网

e.g. the spectators applauded the performance
television viewers
sky watchers discovered a new star8IX中文字网

Synonym: witnessviewerwatcherlooker8IX中文字网

一. (尤指体育比赛的)观众
A spectator is someone who watches something, especially a sporting event.8IX中文字网


e.g. Thirty thousand spectators watched the final game.
三 万名观众观看了决赛。8IX中文字网

一. 旁观者:艾迪生的名字在[[文学史]]上常常与他的好朋友[[理查德·斯蒂尔]](Richard Steele)一起被提起,两人最重要的贡献是创办两份闻名的杂志<>(''Tatler'')与<>(''Spectator'').8IX中文字网

二. 目击者:--查理斯.韦伯斯特爵士(Sir Charles Webster),<>(Spectator)九.如此宏伟的艺术作品,他再创了当时最高阶层的氛围,并让读者感到似乎站在他身旁,一如他本人般指挥著英国战争直到最终.8IX中文字网

  • 常用例句8IX中文字网

  • Many spectators watched the baseball game.
  • 近义词8IX中文字网

  • 临近词8IX中文字网

  • viewer观看者
  • gawker伸长脖子呆看的人...
  • watcher监票员
  • looker观看的人
  • beholder旁观者
  • gazer凝视者
  • tourist旅游者
  • cinema-goer电影观众
  • passerby过路人
  • rubberneck伸长脖子看(或听)的人...
  • onlooker旁观者
  • bystander旁观者
  • sightseer观光者
  • looker-on观看者
  • witness目击者
  • observer观察者
  • patron赞助人
  • spectator pump女运动鞋
  • spectator stand
  • spectator rs shot
  • spectator event
  • specter
  • spectator sport
  • spectator ego
  • spectators
  • spectator pump
  • spectatorial
  • spectatoritis
  • spectator circle
  • spectacular
So does Capitalia, which has been a surprising spectator to the merger boom.(在这次合并狂潮中一直吃惊旁观的Capitalia银行也要扩大国内业务。)
"We have a Spectator in Chief instead of a Commander in Chief," fumed Newt Gingrich.(纽特·金利奇愤怒地说“我们成了一个主要的旁观者,而不是指挥官!”)
The deal does not include the Wells Fargo Center or the Philadelphia Flyers, which will still be owned by Comcast-Spectator.(这笔交易并没有包括富国中心(WellsFargoCenter,费城七六人队和费城飞人队共同主场)的所有权,该球场仍然属于Comcast-Spectator公司所有。)
Once in a generation an athlete pits himself against such overwhelming odds that even the most jaded spectator finds himself cheering breathlessly.(每个年代都会有这么一次,某位运动员如此奋力地与强敌竞争以至于连最疲惫的观众都在为他喝彩助威。)
But a spectator-presidency of this sort would have had little appeal once one in five workers had nowhere to go in the mornings.(然而有五分之一的工人在早上无所是事,这样的情况令这种旁观式的管理鲜有吸引力。)
Any one in these vehicles is at once a spectator and a spectacle.(在这车队中的任何人,他既是观众又在演出。)
Sometimes, it's a spectator who decides to cross the street right in front of runners, making them all stop short and maneuver around them.(这样的一位观众往往是自己决定要横穿过跑道,然后拦在赛跑员的前面,以缠住他们,好让他们全部能够有片刻休息的时间。)
A spectator reads the show's official program.(一名观众正在阅读犬展官方日程。)
As a backer or a spectator, I get the warm glow watching that thing come to life, knowing that I have a piece of it in some way.(不管我支持还是围观,我看着这件东西活了起来,知道其中有我一份,都会感到散发出的温暖。)
I had been a spectator, and then suddenly a participant, a player, and member of the jury.(我是个旁观者,这时却忽然成了一个参与者,一个参加者,陪审团的成员。)