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  • 萌芽,出芽,发芽,抽芽
  • 很快地成长,迅速生长;长出
  • 使萌芽,使发芽
  • 使生长
  • 抽条,抽枝
  • 摘去芽
  • 出现,涌现出
  • 嫩枝,新梢;新芽,幼芽,萌芽
  • 幼苗状物,新芽样物
  • 籽苗,苗
  • 年幼者,年轻人,小孩
  • 【植】球芽甘蓝,抱子甘蓝
  • 后代
  • 小支流
  • Brussels sprockets的缩略形式
  • vt. & vi. (使)发芽 (cause to) grow
  • vt. & vi. 发展 develope; produce


一. a newly grown bud (especially from a germinating seed)mYC中文字网

二. any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a budmYC中文字网



一. put forth and grow sprouts or shootsmYC中文字网

e.g. the plant sprouted early this yearmYC中文字网

Synonym: stockmYC中文字网

二. produce buds, branches, or germinatemYC中文字网

e.g. the potatoes sproutedmYC中文字网

Synonym: shootspudgerminatepullulatebourgeonburgeon forthmYC中文字网

一. (植物、蔬菜、种子)发芽,抽芽,长芽
When plants, vegetables, or seeds sprout, they produce new shoots or leaves.mYC中文字网

e.g. It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.

二. (叶子、芽或植株)生长
When leaves, shoots, or plants sprout somewhere, they grow there.mYC中文字网


e.g. Leaf-shoots were beginning to sprout on the hawthorn...
e.g. Birch trees sprouted from the rubble and grew into a dense young wood.

三. 使生长
If a garden or other area of land sprouts plants, they start to grow there.mYC中文字网

e.g. ...the garden, which had had time to sprout a shocking collection of weeds.

四. (出于食用目的)使(豆子、种子等)发芽
If you sprout beans or seeds, you make them grow small shoots before eating them. You usually do this by soaking them in water.mYC中文字网


e.g. When you sprout seeds their nutritional content increases...
e.g. Sprouted beans only need to be cooked for 一-二 minutes.

五. (毛发等)生长,长出
If something such as hair sprouts from a person or animal, or if they sprout it, it grows on them.mYC中文字网

e.g. She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin...
e.g. As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.

六. 大量涌现;迅猛发展
If a large number of things have appeared or developed somewhere, you can say that they have sprouted there or that the place has sprouted them.mYC中文字网

e.g. More than a million satellite dishes have sprouted on homes across the country...
一零零 多万个卫星接收器迅速出现在了全国各地的家庭用户中。
e.g. Since its first shop was opened in 一九七六, it has sprouted outlets in 三九 countries.
自从 一九七六 年开设第一家店以来,它已经在 三九 个国家里开设了大量分店。mYC中文字网

七. 抱子甘蓝;球芽甘蓝
Sprouts are vegetables that look like tiny cabbages. They are also called brussels sprouts .mYC中文字网


八. 新芽;子苗;嫩枝
Sprouts are new shoots on plants.mYC中文字网


e.g. After eleven days of growth the number of sprouts was counted.

一. 新芽:研究证实,在周围神经损伤后,其形成的新芽(sprout)对α肾上腺素能激动剂非常敏感,并且还发现背根神经节上存在有α肾上腺素能受体,背根节与交感神经传出纤维终末之间形成了神经支配,这意味着交感神经传出纤维的活动能使周围传入纤维的活动和反应发生异常.mYC中文字网

二. 发芽:Furion的发芽(Sprout)技能的问题.修正了一个潜在的时间漫游(Time Walk)的问题.修正了一个会造成永久的黑夜的问题.修正了一些罕见的关于黑洞(Black Hole)和极寒领域(Freezing Field)的问题.增加一些代码帮助防止单个玩家得到多个英雄的问题.修正了火焰气息(Breath of Fire)和醉酒云雾(Drunken Haze)会造成持续减少生命值情况mYC中文字网

三. 萌芽:一方面受到影响--一个是艺术家兼导演托马斯-坎贝尔(Thomas Campbell,他执导的影片<>(Sprout)主要使用Mojave 三以及Halstead的音乐)的作品,一个是奇特诡异的音乐影像<>(Breaking The Ice),由新兴的Bradley Beesley导演.mYC中文字网

四. 芽:此外,和美国萌芽(Sprout)公司联合出版的<>,在二零零八年奥运会期间,被美国奥组委指定为美国运动员的汉语学习手册. 说起外向型图书的现状,副社长张健的语气里充满了自信.mYC中文字网

  • 常用短语mYC中文字网

  • 常用例句mYC中文字网

  • 词汇搭配mYC中文字网

  • 经典引文mYC中文字网

    发育 grow up
    sprout up

    At the age of fourteen John really began to sprout up.mYC中文字网


  • The seeds we planted finally sprouted.
  • After the rain the trees sprouted.
用作动词 (v.)
  • sprout the barley使大麦发芽
  • sprout a beard留胡子
  • sprout the type of bean使这种豆子发芽
  • sprout continuously不停地发展
  • sprout eventually终于发芽
  • sprout slowly慢慢发芽
  • sprout unconsciously不知不觉地发展
  • sprout up发育
  • He's not just a sprout any more, and we can't be watching him all his life.mYC中文字网

    出自:S. Bellow
  • Hotels and casinos are sprouting up all over the place.mYC中文字网

    出自:J. Blume
  • Burdocks were sprouting through cracks in the steps.mYC中文字网

    出自:B. Chatwin
  • The fuzz he liked to call his 'beard' that sprouted on his face.mYC中文字网

    出自:E. Segal
  • 词语用法mYC中文字网

  • sprout作名词时的意思是“芽”,转化为动词意思是“(使)发芽”,指植物在生长期最初阶段的发展。引申可表示“萌发”“发展”“冒出”等。
  • sprout既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。
  • 近义词mYC中文字网

  • 临近词mYC中文字网

  • stem柄
  • new growth新生物
  • flourish茂盛
  • wax蜡
  • appear出现
  • shoot发射
  • sprig小树枝
  • spud马铃薯
  • develop发展
  • pullulate繁殖
  • start开始
  • germinate发芽
  • originate发起
  • twig小枝
  • pop up忽然出现
  • leaf页
  • bourgeon萌发
  • spring up跳起
  • burgeon发芽
  • up向上
  • shoot up迅速上升,猛增...
  • grow增加
  • mushroom蘑菇
  • stock存货
  • thrive兴旺
  • spring春天
  • emerge浮现
  • layer层
  • bud芽
  • Sprite
  • sprout out
  • Sprout nip
  • sprouts
  • sprout up
  • sproutland
  • sprouter
  • sprout age
  • spruce
  • sprouting
  • sprouted
  • sprout eye
By contrast, trees that sprout naturally are native species and more resilient.(相比之下,天然发芽的树木多为当地树种并且适应性更强。)
Can you make a novel, as he says in the essay, that will "sprout wings and grow claws" in secret in his mind?(就像他在文章里说的那样,你能够让一本小说在他脑海里秘密地“展开翅膀,伸出爪子”?)
Snake embryos, for example, sprout hind limb buds.(例如,蛇的胚胎会生长出后肢。)
When the seedlings sprout, uncover the tray.(幼苗发芽后,揭开盘上的遮盖物。)
And weeds are beginning to sprout up in luxury villa developments that are devoid of residents.(在豪华别墅开发区,野草渐渐繁生,居民却踪迹全无。)
Specific recommendations to sprout producers.(对芽苗菜生产者的具体建议。)
If you want to try this, sprout the seeds.(要是你想试试这个,就让种子发芽。)
Buds sprout in the spring.(芽在春天萌发。)
The original use was typed by Wayne Pearson, in Calgary, who says he wrote the first ever LOL in reply to a gag by someone called "Sprout".(最初的用法是加拿大卡尔加里的WaynePearson输入的,他说他在回复一个名叫“Sprout”的笑话时第一次写下了LOL。)
His immense capacity for enjoyment, like the breezes of spring, helped poetry to sprout.(他无比宽宏深厚的欣赏力像春天的微风,促使诗歌生长发芽。)