一. an act that brings discredit to the person who does it
e.g. he made a huge blot on his copybook
Synonym: blotsmirchspotstain
二. a blemish made by dirt
e.g. he had a smudge on his cheek
Synonym: smudgespotblotdaubsmirchslur
三. a thin tissue or blood sample spread on a glass slide and stained for cytologic examination and diagnosis under a microscope
Synonym: cytologic smearcytosmear
四. slanderous defamation
Synonym: vilificationmalignment
一. charge falsely or with malicious intent
attack the good name and reputation of someone
e.g. The journalists have defamed me!The article in the paper sullied my reputation
Synonym: defameslandersmirchaspersedenigratecalumniatesullybesmirch
二. cover (a surface) by smearing (a substance) over it
e.g. smear the wall with paint
daub the ceiling with plaster
Synonym: daub
三. make a smudge on
soil by smudging
Synonym: blursmudgesmutch
四. stain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance
一. (用润滑、黏腻之物)涂,抹
If you smear a surface with an oily or sticky substance or smear the substance onto the surface, you spread a layer of the substance over the surface.
e.g. My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool...
e.g. Smear a little olive oil over the inside of the salad bowl.
二. 污迹;油迹
A smear is a dirty or oily mark.
e.g. There was a smear of gravy on his chin.
三. 中伤;诽谤;污蔑
To smear someone means to spread unpleasant and untrue rumours or accusations about them in order to damage their reputation.
e.g. ...an attempt to smear the director-general of the BBC.
四. 污蔑;诽谤;中伤
A smear is an unpleasant and untrue rumour or accusation that is intended to damage someone's reputation.
e.g. He puts all the accusations down to a smear campaign by his political opponents.
五. 涂片检查(对妇女子宫颈取样检查癌变的一种方法)
A smear or a smear test is a medical test in which a few cells are taken from a woman's cervix and examined to see if any cancer cells are present.
in AM, use 美国英语用 pap smear, pap test
一. 涂抹:Ani免费韩剧在线观看Polygon)及喷枪(Spray) 三五种颜料效果 如涂抹(Smear) 透明(glass) 色彩循环(glow) 括取(scrape) 浮雕 (emboss) 上釉(glaze)及修边(UNZag全彩动画 您可以很容易的将视讯影像与二四位元 的影像互相结合 并且
二. 涂片:涂片标本的制备; 涂片(smear)法是常用的一种方法,如血液等可直接涂于载玻片上制成涂片标本,干燥后进行固定、染色及封固. 铺片标本的制备;(stretched preparation)法用于疏松结缔组织、神经等柔软组织或肠系膜等薄层组织,
三. smear什么意思
三. 胶渣:三.可能原因:主轴转速(RPM)不足对策:减低进刀速率(IPM)或增加钻针转速(RPM). 一.可能原因:主轴的偏转(Run-Out)过度八、为什么胶渣(Smear)太多?四.可能原因:主轴(Spindle)转动二.可能原因:钻针的尖点偏心或钻刃(Lip)宽度不对
四. 抹:种颜料效果:如涂抹(Smear)、透明(glass)、色彩循环(glow)、括取(scrape)、浮雕 (emboss)、上釉(glaze)及修边(UNZag) 多种彩绘笔刷造形 可自由设定缩放视窗(ZOOM) 可以RGB及HLS自由调节色彩调色盘 调出彩虹渐层 表现花边及雕刻效果 自由设定遮罩区域(MASK) 文字工具 支援 Postscript Type 一字型(.PF及 HP Laserjet bitMap 字
A smear of red lipstick on her lips.
出自:D. HoganThe floor was wet and his feet left smears.
出自:N. LowndesHis dungarees were smeared with paraffin.
出自:J. MasefieldBread thickly smeared with treacle.
出自:J. L. WatenSoot smeared our faces.
出自:A. Toffler近义词