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  • 英英释义PRQ中文字网

  • 网络解释PRQ中文字网

  • 东南
  • 东南部,东南方,东南地区
  • 东海
  • 向东南的
  • 来自东南的
  • 东南的,东南部的
  • 位于东南的
  • 向东南,往东南
  • 在东南
  • 来自东南,从东南
  • [S] 东南,东南方,东南部 (the direction of) the point of the compass that is halfway between south and east
  • 东南的,东南部的 of or belonging to the southeast part
  • 向东南 towards the southeast



一. a location in the southeastern part of a country, region, or cityPRQ中文字网

二. the compass point midway between south and east
at 一三五 degreesPRQ中文字网

Synonym: sou'-eastsoutheastwardSEPRQ中文字网

三. the direction corresponding to the southeastward compass pointPRQ中文字网


一. situated in or oriented toward the southeastPRQ中文字网

Synonym: southeasternsoutheasterlyPRQ中文字网

二. coming from the southeastPRQ中文字网

e.g. southeasterly breezesPRQ中文字网

Synonym: southeasterlyPRQ中文字网


一. to, toward, or in the southeastPRQ中文字网

Synonym: south-eastsou'-eastPRQ中文字网

一. 东南:一八二零年三月二十四日,芬妮.克罗斯比生于纽约州(New York)普特南部(Putnam)的东南(Southeast). 与其说东南是一个市镇,不如说是个地理区域. 东南区域是由农田和森林组成,散布着几个小村落,有一座长老会的教堂. 芬妮.克罗斯比住的是一栋平房.PRQ中文字网

二. PRQ中文字网

二. 东南,东南部:source 源,根源 | southeast 东南,东南部 | southern 南方,南的PRQ中文字网

三. 东南赛区:Toronto Maple Leafs 多伦多枫叶 | Southeast 东南赛区 | Atlanta Thrashers 亚特兰大长尾鲛PRQ中文字网

四. southeastPRQ中文字网

四. 图例标识放在图右下角:'NorthWest 图例标识放在图左上方 | 'SouthEast' 图例标识放在图右下角 | 'SouthWest' 图例标识放在图左下角PRQ中文字网

  • 常用例句PRQ中文字网

  • Austria lies to the southeast of Germany.
  • There is a garage in the southeast corner of his house.
  • We will travel southeast first and then west.
  • 高考真题例句PRQ中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.southeast

Small talk is the grease(润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast.PRQ中文字网

印第安纳大学东南分校羞怯研究所主任贝尔纳多·卡杜奇表示, 闲聊是社交的润滑剂。PRQ中文字网


  • 近义词PRQ中文字网

  • 临近词PRQ中文字网

  • SE东南
  • southeasterly往东南的
  • southeastern东南方的
  • sou'-east东南
  • South-East东南
  • southeastward往东南
  • southeasterly
  • southern
  • Southeast Asia
  • south
  • southeasterner
  • southeast gale
  • southeast wind
  • southeastern
  • southeaster
  • Southeast area
  • southeastward
  • southeastwards
Some endemic Philippine species use disturbed habitat as extensively as non-endemic species that are widespread in Southeast Asia.(一些菲律宾特有的物种与东南亚普遍存在的非特有物种一样广泛地使用受到干扰的栖息地。)
Welcome aboard Southeast Service to Red Hill, East Croydon and Victoria.(欢迎乘坐东南航班到红山、东克罗伊登和维多利亚。)
OPPO is already a force in India and is in second place in Southeast Asia behind Samsung.(OPPO已经是印度市场上的一支力量,在东南亚地区紧随三星位居第二。)
Mangosteen is a common fruit in Southeast Asia. It is a round berry shaped fruit. The fruit is one of the most delicious fruits.(山竹果在东南亚是一种普通的水果,圆形莓果状,是最美味的水果之一。)
A group of sea dwelling people in Southeast Asia have evolved into better divers.(东南亚一群居住在海里的人已经进化成了更好的潜水员。)
Roughly one-half of the world's population, including virtually all of East and Southeast Asia also, is wholly dependent on rice to be its staple food.(世界上大约一半的人口,包括几乎所有的东亚和东南亚国家,都完全以大米作为主食。)
Thailand is in the heart of Southeast Asia.(泰国位于东南亚的中心。)
It shook buildings as far away as Galveston, 九零 miles to the southeast.(它震动了东南方向九零英里远的加尔维斯顿的建筑物。)
Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests upstream facing southeast and those facing in other directions.(此外,在最近的一项研究中,巢穴上游和巢穴入口处的水流速度,上游朝向东南和朝向其他方向的巢穴相似。)
Record levels of rainfall fell over the southeast of the country.(该国东南部降下了最高纪录的雨量。)