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  • vt. & vi. 喷鼻息(以表示不耐烦,轻蔑等) force air violently out through the nose (to show impatience,contempt,etc.)
  • [C] 喷鼻息,鼻息声 act or sound of snorting


一. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contemptkuQ中文字网

Synonym: boohootBronx cheerhissraspberryrazzingrazzbirdkuQ中文字网

二. a disrespectful laughkuQ中文字网

Synonym: snickersniggerkuQ中文字网


一. make a snorting sound by exhaling hardkuQ中文字网

e.g. The critic snorted contemptuouslykuQ中文字网

二. indicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nosekuQ中文字网

e.g. she snorted her disapproval of the proposed bridegroomkuQ中文字网

三. inhale through the nosekuQ中文字网

Synonym: take a hitkuQ中文字网

四. inhale recreational drugskuQ中文字网

e.g. The addict was snorting cocaine almost every day
the kids were huffing gluekuQ中文字网

Synonym: huffkuQ中文字网

一. (人或牲畜)喷鼻息;(人表示不赞成、可笑等)哼鼻子,嗤之以鼻
When people or animals snort, they breathe air noisily out through their noses. People sometimes snort in order to express disapproval or amusement.kuQ中文字网


e.g. Harrell snorted with laughter...
e.g. He snorted loudly and shook his head.

二. (表示轻蔑)哼着鼻子说
If someone snorts something, they say it in a way that shows contempt.kuQ中文字网

e.g. 'Reports,' he snorted. 'Anyone can write reports.'

三. 吸食(毒品)
To snort a drug such as cocaine means to breathe it in quickly through your nose.kuQ中文字网

e.g. He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine.

一. snort是什么意思kuQ中文字网

一. (讽刺、轻蔑地)高声大笑:snicker 窃笑 | snort (讽刺、轻蔑地)高声大笑 | shriek with laughter 尖声狂笑kuQ中文字网

二. 发哼声:Roar:咆哮,狮子般地吼叫. | Snort:发哼声 | Grunt:哼哼声,咕噜声.kuQ中文字网

三. 鼻吸:sniffing glue 嗅胶 | snort 鼻吸 | social interaction 社会干预kuQ中文字网

四. 你哼的一聲:snore 你发出阵阵如雷的打鼾声. | snort 你哼的一声. | snuggle 你把身子挨近墙壁.kuQ中文字网

  • 常用例句kuQ中文字网

  • 经典引文kuQ中文字网

  • The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently.
  • He snorted his disapproval.
  • The indulgent snort of my pony, as we..put the bit in his mouth.kuQ中文字网

    出自:H. Keller
  • He would say little (though he timed his snorts admirably).kuQ中文字网

    出自:N. Annan
  • Container lorries snort past.kuQ中文字网

    出自:Sunday Express
  • 近义词kuQ中文字网

  • 临近词kuQ中文字网

  • snigger暗笑
  • snore打鼾
  • inhalation吸入
  • pant喘息
  • inhale吸入
  • hoot鸣笛声
  • expire终止
  • bird鸟
  • snicker窃笑
  • splutter杂乱而仓促的话...
  • razzing倒彩声
  • breath呼吸
  • snivel啼哭
  • breathe out呼出
  • Bronx cheer讥讽声
  • shot注射
  • sniffle吸鼻涕
  • draw in(火车、汽车)进站...
  • snuffle抽鼻子
  • exhalation呼气
  • sniff嗅
  • razz轻蔑声
  • huff气恼
  • boo(表示不满、轻蔑等)嘘...
  • hiss嘘声
  • raspberry覆盆子
  • exhale呼气
  • grunt咕哝
  • breathe in吸进
  • breathe呼吸
  • snort valve
  • snort wheel
  • snorter
  • snort and tell
  • snort cocaine
  • Snorter dwarf
  • snort-up
  • snortingly
  • snorkel
  • snortometer
  • snot
  • snorty
Oddly, Snort doesn't give you a very helpful "I'm finished" screen right away.(奇怪的是,Snort并未提供非常有用的“安装完成”屏幕。)
Installing Snort from source code.(通过源代码安装snort。)
For now, the task is to make sure Snort is installed correctly.(目前,我们的任务是确保Snort已正确安装。)
This file is the source code for Snort, which you can use to generate for your particular platform.(此文件是Snort的源代码,您可以通过此源代码生成您特定的平台。)
The simplest test you can perform is to run the snort command.(可以执行的最简单的测试就是运行snort命令。)
Listing 一一: Telling Snort where to log packets.(清单一一:告诉Snort在何处记录包。)
Snort: an intrusion detection tool.(Snort:一种入侵检测工具。)
Tell Snort what to do with rules.(告诉Snort如何使用规则?)
And so we order a triple espresso, or chug some Red Bull, or snort some Ritalin.(于是我们常常点一杯浓缩咖啡,或是呷几口红牛,又或是吞几片利他能(一种兴奋剂)。)
Snort expects to find some rule files, but when it doesn't, it errors out.(Snort期望发现一些规则文件,但是没有找到,因此出现错误。)