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  • (长柄)大镰刀
  • 战车镰刀
  • 用(长柄)大镰刀割


一. an edge tool for cutting grass
has a long handle that must be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves parallel to the groundzlg中文字网



一. cut with a scythezlg中文字网

e.g. scythe grass or grainzlg中文字网

一. 长柄大镰刀;大钐镰
A scythe is a tool with a long curved blade at right angles to a long handle. It is used to cut long grass or grain.zlg中文字网


二. 用长柄大镰刀割(草、庄稼)
If you scythe grass or grain, you cut it with a scythe.zlg中文字网


e.g. Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.

一. 大镰刀:日本散热器厂商大镰刀(Scythe)于一零月一一日正式发布消息,开始接受新版风扇JYUNI-PWM的预定,产品预计于一零月下旬正式上市,目前还没有发布具体价格信息. 编辑点评:这款风扇的上一代产品虽然散热效果出众,但较高的噪音却成被不少玩家所诟病.zlg中文字网

二. (镰刀):在内层地面上也是逆时针绕行,干掉守卫以后,取得新武器--镰刀(Scythe这个武器在使用武器特种技攻击时候非常好用,攻防兼并,不错!继续前进,来到有中世纪骑士旗子的大门进入. 这就是城堡的主塔了. 这个塔一共有五层,每一层至少有二个守卫的敌人.zlg中文字网

三. 大钐刀:hayfork, pitchfork 干草叉 | scythe 大钐刀 | sickle 镰刀zlg中文字网

四. 长柄大镰刀:sibyl 古代女预言家,女先知 | scythe 长柄大镰刀 | nasal 鼻的, 鼻音的zlg中文字网

  • 经典引文zlg中文字网

  • And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence.zlg中文字网

  • Watching the hay being scythed.zlg中文字网

    出自:R. P. Graves
  • The brilliant and original young psychiatrist scythed down so prematurely.zlg中文字网

    出自:H. McLeave
  • 近义词zlg中文字网

  • 临近词zlg中文字网

  • sickle镰刀
  • slice薄片
  • cut down削减
  • machete弯刀
  • reap收割
  • pruner修枝剪刀
  • pruning hook修枝刀
  • cut切
  • billhook锚钩
  • hack劈或砍
  • sweep打扫
  • mow割(草、麦等)...
  • cutter裁剪者
  • scuttle
  • scythe mower
  • scythe blade
  • scytheman
  • Scythe butterflyfish
  • scythestone
  • Scythes swished to and fro.
  • SD
Oh, yes, the scythe is new to me as well, but I must admit… I'm starting to like it.(哦,是的,我也是刚刚拿到这把镰刀,但我必须承认……我开始喜欢上它了。)
A blade as sharp as Death's scythe.(与死神镰刀一样锋利的刀刃。)
Death is often pictured as a skeleton in a black robe, holding a scythe.(死神通常被描绘成披着黑袍、手持镰刀的骷髅。)
The scythe, one of the oldest and most efficient human implements, shows a remarkable degree of ergonomic engineering.(长柄大镰刀是最古老和最有效的人类工具,其设计即明显符合人类工程学。)
The farmer cut a swathe in the field with his scythe.(农民用镰刀在地里刈出一条路来。)
The Scythe Chariot is an upgrade of the Chariot. It has more hit points, more attack strength, and more armor.(卷镰战车从战车升级而来。它拥有更多的生命值、攻击力和装甲。)
Still, most field work was done with hand tools like the spade, hoe, and scythe, or with hand- or animal-driven plows.(尽管如此,大多数的庄稼活仍以手工工具完成,比如铁锹、锄头、长柄镰刀,手推犁或者动物推犁等等。)
Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared.(但那柄镰刀偏对一丛花高抬贵手。)
Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.(两个男人正试图割掉疯长的草。)
The old man whetted his scythe so hard that a long shower of sparks flew out on the grass.(那个老头使劲磨着大镰刀,一长串火星飞溅到草地上。)