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  • 蹒跚
  • 踉跄
  • 蹒跚的脚步,摇晃的脚步
  • 摇晃不稳
  • 蹒跚,蹒跚而行,拖着脚步走
  • 踉踉跄跄地走,摇摇晃晃地走
  • 腿部畸形的


一. walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feetcOx中文字网

e.g. from his shambling I assumed he was very oldcOx中文字网

Synonym: shamblingshuffleshufflingcOx中文字网


一. walk by dragging one's feetcOx中文字网

e.g. he shuffled out of the room
We heard his feet shuffling down the hallcOx中文字网

Synonym: shufflescufflecOx中文字网

一. 拖着脚走;蹒跚而行
If you shamble somewhere, you walk clumsily, pulling your feet along the ground.cOx中文字网


e.g. The conductor shambled to the next carriage.
e.g. ...his tall, shambling figure.

一. shamble的翻译cOx中文字网

一. 蹒跚地走:Shamanism 萨满教 | shamble 蹒跚地走 | shambles 肉店cOx中文字网

二. cOx中文字网

二. 蹒跚:Shallow 浅薄的 | Shamble 蹒跚 | Shatter 打碎cOx中文字网

三. cOx中文字网

三. 拖沓地走:ramble 闲逛 | shamble 拖沓地走 | falter 支吾地说cOx中文字网

四. cOx中文字网

四. 疲倦或懒洋洋地拖脚走:grip 紧握 防滑层 防滑力 | shamble 疲倦或懒洋洋地拖脚走 | canyon 峡谷cOx中文字网

  • 近义词cOx中文字网

  • 临近词cOx中文字网

  • walk步行
  • scuffle混战
  • shuffling慢慢移动的
  • shambling蹒跚的
  • shuffle拖曳
  • amble溜蹄
  • waddle蹒跚而行
  • drag your feet拖着脚步(故意拖延)...
  • shaman
  • shambles
  • shambleblingly
  • Shamblee
  • shame
Zombies shamble up the rows of the grid toward your house, and if they get past your defenses, well, you know.(僵尸们在网格的每一行向你的房子蹒跚而行,如果他们越过了你的防线,那么,你知道的。)
Once again, as when we were small, we believe that magic can happen, that we can be different, that life is not just a predictable and frequently humiliating shamble towards the grave.(曾经,在我们小的时候我们相信这样的魔法会发生,我们能变得不同,生活不再是一切按部就班,我们不是踉踉跄跄的走向死亡。)