
  • 详情解释Gqm中文字网

  • 词典解释Gqm中文字网

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  • 不动感情的
  • 神经麻木的
  • 冷淡的
  • 不关心的
  • 淡漠的
  • 无动于衷的
  • 不易激动的
  • 感觉迟钝的
  • 呆头呆脑的
  • 顽强的
  • 茫然的
  • 麻木不仁的
  • 冷冰冰的
  • 感情麻木的
  • 不动声色的
  • 倔强冷静的
  • 狠心的

一. 冷漠的;感情不外露的;无趣的
If you describe someone as stolid, you mean that they do not show much emotion or are not very exciting or interesting.Gqm中文字网


e.g. He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.
e.g. ...the conflict that emerges when stolid countryfolk find themselves confronted by flighty townsfolk.

一. stolid的反义词Gqm中文字网

一. 迟钝的:stolen 偷窃 | stolid 迟钝的 | stolidity 迟钝Gqm中文字网

二. Gqm中文字网

二. 神经麻木的:stoking 连续烧结 | stolid 神经麻木的 | stolon 匍匐枝Gqm中文字网

三. 迟钝的/神经麻木的:stoking /连续烧结/ | stolid /迟钝的/神经麻木的/ | stolidity /感觉麻木/Gqm中文字网

四. 不易激动的, 神经麻木的, 感觉迟钝的 (形):stole the show 抢出风头 | stolid 不易激动的, 神经麻木的, 感觉迟钝的 (形) | stolidity 冷淡; 感觉麻木 (名)Gqm中文字网

  • 经典引文Gqm中文字网

  • A stolid seriousness which its inventors never can have intended.Gqm中文字网

  • A stolid child who seldom smiled.Gqm中文字网

    出自:A. Seton
  • 近义词Gqm中文字网

  • 反义词Gqm中文字网

  • 临近词Gqm中文字网

  • indifferent漠不关心的
  • unresponsive没有反应的
  • insensitive不敏感的
  • emotionless不露情感的
  • wooden木制的
  • slow-witted笨的
  • dull呆滞的
  • impassive无感情的
  • adroit熟练的
  • stoker
  • stolidity
  • stoma
  • stolidly
  • stolid rustics
  • Stolid Flycatcher
It's all so stolid and humorless, even the scenes in San Francisco, without compensating epic sweep.(全片麻木迟钝、一本正经,甚至是那些还在旧金山时的没有史诗场面的部分。)
The poor creature dropped on his knees before the stolid murderer, and clasped his appealing hands.(这个可怜的家伙跪在冷漠的凶手面前,恳求地紧握双手。)
The Dragon of Earth is the stolid, slow, even-tempered one among the Elemental Dragons.(大地之龙是元素之龙中最淡漠、迟缓、性格沉稳的。)
In actuality, my companions were stolid-looking couples of a certain age: Switzerland lets you dream, but only so much.(然而事实上,我的同伴那么些年以来都是一副冷漠的样子:瑞士会给你美梦,但只有那么多。)
As the drugs slid up the IV into her arm, we watched stolid barges plug up the Hudson like islands, the water silver in the haze.(我们冷冷看着那药水顺着静脉输液针流入她的手臂,如同驳船像小岛一样堵住了哈德森河,模糊中似乎镀上了银色。)
She felt more sympathy for Neil's sombrely stolid manner than she ever had before.(她比过去更同情尼尔忧郁而执拗的举止了。)
From the outside, its stolid grayness is more Soviet than Swiss.(从外观看,它冷漠的灰色更像苏联的而非瑞士的。)
The more stolid Wes Brown, hindered by injuries of late, did not appear even on the bench for United against City.(反应越来越慢的韦斯·布朗,也受伤病困扰,在曼城德比战中甚至没有出现在大名单上。)
Colin Firth portrays Vermeer as a conscientious craftsman who was a serious, even stolid personality.(哥连卓夫扮演谨慎认真的工匠华米亚,个性甚至带点冷漠;)
But out of what was once football's most entertaining conflict, a stolid peace had broken out.(但这场足球世界曾经是最富有娱乐性的冲突,如今却爆发了一次让人感觉迟钝的和平。)