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一. a light two-wheeled vehicle for one person
drawn by one horsekRF中文字网


一. depressingly darkkRF中文字网

e.g. the gloomy forest
the glooming interior of an old inn
`gloomful' is archaickRF中文字网

Synonym: gloominggloomygloomfulkRF中文字网

二. moving slowlykRF中文字网

e.g. a sluggish streamkRF中文字网

Synonym: sluggishkRF中文字网

三. sullen or moodykRF中文字网

Synonym: huffishkRF中文字网

一. 面有愠色的;生闷气的;闷闷不乐的
Someone who is sulky is sulking or is unwilling to enjoy themselves.kRF中文字网


e.g. I was quite sulky, so I didn't take part in much.
e.g. ...a sulky adolescent.

'You haven't got the right attitude,' he said sulkily.

一. sulky什么意思kRF中文字网

一. 生气的, 阴沉的:sully 玷污 | sulky 生气的, 阴沉的 | sundry 各式各样的kRF中文字网

二. 生气的:succinct简明的 | suffice满足 | sulky生气的kRF中文字网

三. sulkykRF中文字网

三. 郁郁不乐的,阴沉的:pattern 木底鞋 | sulky 郁郁不乐的,阴沉的 | riotous 喧闹的,吵嚷的kRF中文字网

四. sulky的意思kRF中文字网

四. 轮单座马车:Stagecoach 马车 | Sulky 轮单座马车 | Surrey 两个座位的四轮游览马车 (美国)kRF中文字网

  • 经典引文kRF中文字网

  • A tall boy with..a sulky mouth.kRF中文字网

    出自:K. A. Porter
  • Madge had fallen into one of her sulky silences.kRF中文字网

    出自:R. West
  • 近义词kRF中文字网

  • 临近词kRF中文字网

  • petulant暴躁的
  • moody易怒的
  • glooming怒容
  • grouchy不高兴的
  • sluggish缓慢的
  • huffish生气的
  • cross穿过
  • bad-tempered脾气不好的
  • morose郁闷的
  • uncooperative不合作的
  • resentful不满的
  • brooding孵卵
  • sullen愠怒的
  • gloomful阴暗的
  • unsociable不爱交际的
  • in a huff生气的
  • gloomy阴暗的
  • angry生气的
  • sulky ladle
  • sulky as a bear
  • sulky disk plow
  • sulky derrick
  • sulky disk plough
  • sulky weather.
  • sulky plough
  • sulk
  • sullen
  • sulky with a sore head
You must not think I am sulky when I do that. Just let me alone, and I "ll soon be right."(在这种情形下,您不要以为我是生气了,但听我自然,不久就会好的。)
Or you can say she looks moody and sulky.(或者你可以说她看起来情绪多变,有阴郁气质。)
Toad was inclined to be sulky at first; but he brightened up immediately, like the good fellow he was.(癞蛤蟆托德起初有点生气;但他马上高兴起来,像个好家伙一样。)
If a man is with a woman or a group of women, the women are likely to think he is distant, sulky or simply doesn't want to join in.(如果一个男人和其它女人在一起,那么女人很可能会觉得他心不在焉,没有心情,或者根本不想加入。)
A sulky young girl placed a pot of tea and two cups heavily on the table.(一个脸色不悦的年轻女孩重手重脚地在桌上放上了一壶茶和两个茶杯。)
Such sentiments might be the staple of sulky adolescents in the West, but they are new in China.(在西方闷闷不乐的青少年当中,这种情绪可能很普通,但在中国却是新鲜事。)
As usual when things weren't going her way, Mary turned quite sulky.(像往常一样,事情一不顺心,玛丽就会郁郁不乐。)
She will then turn to me with a sulky face and in a childish voice ask me, "baby can you get me some water?"(通常这时,她都会撅起小嘴,孩子气地和我说道:“亲爱的,能递给我一些水吗?”)
The child is a shade sulky.(那个小孩有一点不高兴。)
Except for the shape, she really wasn't any raving beauty, but she had a sulky look to her, and her lips stuck out in a way that made me want to mash them in for her.(除了身材好,她算不上特别漂亮。她看上去很忧郁,小嘴撅着,这让我有用一种想把她的嘴打回去的冲动。)