
  • 详情解释lHk中文字网

  • 英英释义lHk中文字网

  • 词典解释lHk中文字网

  • 网络解释lHk中文字网

  • 推测
  • 猜测,揣测,揣度,猜度
  • 臆测
  • 猜疑
  • 臆测
  • 推测,猜测,推断,猜想
  • 估计


一. a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidencelHk中文字网

Synonym: guessconjecturesuppositionsurmisalspeculationhypothesislHk中文字网



一. infer from incomplete evidencelHk中文字网

二. imagine to be the case or true or probablelHk中文字网

e.g. I suspect he is a fugitive
I surmised that the butler did itlHk中文字网

Synonym: suspectlHk中文字网

一. 推测;猜测;臆测
If you surmise that something is true, you guess it from the available evidence, although you do not know for certain.lHk中文字网

e.g. There's so little to go on, we can only surmise what happened...
e.g. He surmised that he had discovered one of the illegal streets.

二. 猜想;推测;臆测
If you say that a particular conclusion is surmise, you mean that it is a guess based on the available evidence and you do not know for certain that it is true.lHk中文字网

e.g. It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting...
e.g. His surmise proved correct.
他的猜测后来证实 是正确的。lHk中文字网

一. surmise的解释lHk中文字网

一. 猜度,臆测:七. seminary 高等中学,神学院/校 | 八. surmise 猜度,臆测 | 九. doctrine 教义lHk中文字网

二. 臆测,猜度:submit 提出,使降服,使服从 | surmise 臆测,猜度 | transmit 传送,传达lHk中文字网

三. 猜测:surmisable 可推测出的 | surmise 猜测 | surmount 战胜lHk中文字网

四. lHk中文字网

四. 推测;猜测:Infect:感染 | Surmise:推测;猜测 | Immunity:免疫lHk中文字网

  • 经典引文lHk中文字网

  • Ben's surmise was correct and Harry had indeed joined the Communist Party.lHk中文字网

    出自:M. Gardiner
  • I have a daughter..Who..Hath given me this. Now gather, and surmise.lHk中文字网

  • 近义词lHk中文字网

  • 临近词lHk中文字网

  • assume假定
  • conclusion结尾
  • judge法官
  • believe相信
  • deduce演绎
  • supposition假设
  • construe解释
  • regard尊敬
  • hold拿着
  • inference推理
  • assumption假定
  • guesswork臆测
  • conceive设想
  • hypothesis假说
  • speculation推测
  • consider考虑
  • suspicion猜疑
  • surmisal猜测
  • conjecture推测
  • imagine想像
  • suppose假设
  • work out做出
  • guess推测
  • gather聚集
  • deduction扣除
  • conclude推断出
  • prediction预言
  • presume假定
  • presumption推测
  • suspect怀疑
  • infer推断
  • think认为
  • surly
  • surmount
  • surmise a person's motive
  • surmiser
From his words we can surmise that the two people barely know each other.(很显然从他的话中我们可以猜测到这两个人并不熟悉对方。)
As you might surmise when you see the text file it USES, the default text driver is not a full-featured dictionary provider.(看到使用的文本文件时您可能怀疑,默认的文本驱动程序不是一个功能完善的词典提供程序。)
My surmise turned out to be right.(我的推测结果是正确的。)
It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.(博斯画这幅画时头脑里想着勃朗特的诗,这只是猜测而已。)
Apparently, the question towards Mr.Wang pervades vicious surmise, rather than well-meaning understanding.(显然,这里面弥漫着一种恶意的猜度,而不是善意的理解。)
They surmise that inflation in services is being underestimated, causing real growth to be overstated.(他们推测是因为低估了服务领域的通胀,因此实际增长才会被高估。)
We do not even have any surmise how such knowledge could be acquired.(关于这样的知识如何可以得到,我们甚至连一点猜想都没有。)
These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don't know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end?(这是开始,没错;但当你还没有看到结果如何的时候,你怎么能确切地知道,即使是猜测到,结果呢?)
They surmise that it may be because a high-protein diet causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones.(他们猜测可能是由于高蛋白食物能引起大脑产生降低食欲的激素。)
I surmise that there isn't.(我推测,是完全没有。)