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  • 曲调,调子,音调,旋律
  • 调谐,调和,协调,和谐,一致
  • 腔调,语调
  • 歌曲
  • 调音,和音
  • 正常的状态
  • 态度,情绪
  • 程度,数量
  • 调整(发动机)
  • 调谐,(使)协调
  • (为...)调音,定弦,校准音调,调准...的音调
  • 调整(...的频率),调好频率
  • 使调和,(使)和谐,使一致,达成一致
  • 与...建立无线电联系
  • 【无线电】调谐
  • 发出音乐声,发声,唱,奏
  • 收听(收音机广播节目)
  • 调频道
  • 使适合
  • 合调
  • [C]曲调,曲子 melody
  • vt. & vi. 调音 adjust to the proper pitch; put in tune
  • vt. 调整 put in smooth working order


一. the adjustment of a radio receiver or other circuit to a required frequencySyo中文字网

二. the property of producing accurately a note of a given pitchSyo中文字网

e.g. he cannot sing in tune
the clarinet was out of tuneSyo中文字网

三. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequenceSyo中文字网

e.g. she was humming an air from BeethovenSyo中文字网

Synonym: melodyairstrainmelodic linelinemelodic phraseSyo中文字网


一. adjust the pitches of (musical instruments)Syo中文字网

e.g. My piano needs to be tunedSyo中文字网

Synonym: tune upSyo中文字网

二. adjust for (better) functioningSyo中文字网

e.g. tune the engineSyo中文字网

Synonym: tune upSyo中文字网

一. 曲调;调子;主旋律
A tune is a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember.Syo中文字网

e.g. She was humming a merry little tune.

二. 歌曲;短乐曲
You can refer to a song or a short piece of music as a tune .Syo中文字网


e.g. She'll also be playing your favourite pop tunes.

三. 为(乐器)调音
When someone tunes a musical instrument, they adjust it so that it produces the right notes.Syo中文字网

e.g. 'We do tune our guitars before we go on,' he insisted.

四. 调试,调整(发动机或机器)
When an engine or machine is tuned, it is adjusted so that it works well.Syo中文字网

e.g. Drivers are urged to make sure that car engines are properly tuned.

五. 调谐;调频道;调台
If your radio or television is tuned to a particular broadcasting station, you are listening to or watching the programmes being broadcast by that station.Syo中文字网

e.g. A small colour television was tuned to an afternoon soap opera.

六. see also: fine-tune;signature tune;tuning forkSyo中文字网

七. 发号施令;控制;操纵
If you say that a person or organization is calling the tune, you mean that they are in a position of power or control in a particular situation.Syo中文字网


e.g. Who would then be calling the tune in Parliament?

八. 改变调子;变卦;改变态度
If you say that someone has changed their tune, you are criticizing them because they have changed their opinion or way of doing things.Syo中文字网

e.g. You've changed your tune since this morning, haven't you?...
e.g. Yesterday he changed his tune, saying the fare increase was experimental.

九. 被…牵着鼻子走;受…的控制
If you say that someone is dancing to someone else's tune, you mean that they are allowing themselves to be controlled by the other person.Syo中文字网


e.g. The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors.

一零. 合调的/走调的;在调子上/不在调子上
A person or musical instrument that is in tune produces exactly the right notes. A person or musical instrument that is out of tune does not produce exactly the right notes.Syo中文字网

e.g. It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune...
e.g. Many of the notes are out of tune...

一一. 一致/不一致;赞同/不赞同
If you are in tune with a group of people, you are in agreement or sympathy with them. If you are out of tune with them, you are not in agreement or sympathy with them.Syo中文字网


e.g. Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times...
e.g. The peace campaigners were probably out of tune with most Britons.

一二. 高达;共计
To the tune of a particular amount of money means to the extent of that amount.Syo中文字网


e.g. They've been sponsoring the World Cup to the tune of a million and a half pounds.
他们已经对世界杯提供了高达 一五零 万英镑的赞助费。Syo中文字网

一三. he who pays the piper calls the tune -> see piperSyo中文字网

相关词组:tune intune outtune upSyo中文字网

一. tune的反义词Syo中文字网

一. 调节:按诸无线电学关於调谐的定义,当调节(Tune)可变电容器或电感线圈,使收音机接收系统与无线电波达到谐振(自振频率一致)范围,就进入了有效收音工况;如达到确切的谐振点,则可获得音正量足的最佳收音效果,称为调谐工况.Syo中文字网

二. 调子:同~une串记:调子(tune)在六月(June),调节(tune)变和谐(tune). 同~us串记:只有(just)灰尘(dust),必定(must)生锈(rust). 同win~串记:风(wind)中酒(wine)香长翅膀(wing). 公共英语考试(PETS)相关文章Syo中文字网

三. tune:tuner; [无]调谐器Syo中文字网

  • 常用短语Syo中文字网

  • 相关词组Syo中文字网

  • 常用例句Syo中文字网

  • 词汇搭配Syo中文字网

  • 经典引文Syo中文字网

    改变(某人的)态度change one's attitude
    达…之多to the sum or amount of sth

一. tune up : 调整, 调节;Syo中文字网

二. out of tune : 走调;Syo中文字网

三. call the tune : 定调子;Syo中文字网

四. dance to another tune : 改弦易辙;Syo中文字网

五. play down one's tune : 降低调子;Syo中文字网

六. to the tune of : 达到...数量, 价格达...;Syo中文字网

七. in tune : 合调子;Syo中文字网

八. change one's tune : 改变调子, 变卦;Syo中文字网

  • The band struck up a tune.
  • He sang a merry tune.
  • He is in tune with his company.
  • The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.
  • A man is tuning the piano.
  • The orchestra tuned their instruments.
  • The machine has just been tuned.
用作名词 (n.)
  • hum a tune哼一首曲子
  • sing another tune改变态度
  • in tune音调准确,一致,协调,和睦,合调地
  • the notes of a tune曲调
  • to a tune随着曲子
  • tune of…的曲调
  • tune to a song歌的曲调
用作动词 (v.)
  • tune accurately准确地调整
  • tune automatically自动协调
  • tune perfectly很协调
  • tune skillfully熟练地调整
  • tune in收听
  • tune out调掉(收音机的干扰等),对…不予注重
  • tune up(乐队)调整定音开始奏乐
  • tune in on the radio调准收音机
  • tune in to Radio Beijing收听北京电台广播
  • The Tune I still retain, but not the Words.Syo中文字网

  • The Minuet..is a tune meant to be danced to.Syo中文字网

    出自:Classic CD
  • These two tuning-forks are tuned absolutely alike.Syo中文字网

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • The piano..never got tuned.Syo中文字网

    出自:A. Burgess
  • 词语用法Syo中文字网

  • 词义讲解Syo中文字网

  • tune的基本意思是“调整”,指一物与他物之间或几个事物彼此之间的调整,以使其一致起来,和谐地工作。除指“调音”外,也指调试机器、调整情绪等。
  • tune可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。
  • tune后接副词in表示“收听”; 后接副词out表示“调掉(收音机的干扰等),对…不予注重”; 后接副词up表示“调弦,定音; 调试”; 后接介词to表示“调到…”。
tune, aria, lied, melody, song
  • melody通常指美妙的歌曲; song则泛指歌曲,是通俗用法; tune作为曲调比melody更简单、直接; aria主要指“独唱”; lied指十八世纪的浪漫曲。
    • 近义词Syo中文字网

    • 反义词Syo中文字网

    • 临近词Syo中文字网

    • song
    • air
    • untune弄乱调子; 使走调...
    • tuner
    • tuneup
    • tuned
    • TUNEL
    • Tunesi
    • Tunea
    • tundra
    • Tunet
    • tuneful
    • Tunell
    • tunein
    • tune of
    I just can't sing in tune!(我一唱就走调!)
    Children rapidly tune out if you go beyond them.(如果你的话超出了孩子们的理解力,他们很快就不听了。)
    He started humming a tune, then interpolated the odd word as though having difficulty remembering.(他开始哼起一个曲调,尽管记得不太清楚,他又插入了几个词。)
    A barrel-organ was wheezing out an old tune.(一架手摇风琴正在呼哧呼哧地奏着一首古老的曲子。)
    Listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words.(听听曲调,看你能否记起歌词。)
    Moby certainly has a fine ear for a tune.(莫比对音调的分辨能力一定很强。)
    I don't know the title but I recognize the tune.(我不知道曲名,但听得出这曲调。)
    I recognize the tune but I can't put a name to it.(这曲子我听过,但想不起叫什么了。)
    He played the first few notes of the tune.(他演奏了这支曲子开始的几个音。)
    I can't get that tune out of my head.(我忘不掉那个曲调。)