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  • 词典解释h9P中文字网

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  • (关系)缓和
  • 融化,融解,融雪,融霜
  • 解冻,解冻时期,解冻季节,融化季节
  • 融雪的温暖气候,暖和天气 ,春融
  • 变和缓, 变得不拘束,随便
  • (使)融化,消融,化冻
  • (使)融解,(使)解冻
  • 变暖和,使暖和,渐渐温暖起来,变得友好
  • 变得随和,变得不拘束,变得融洽
  • 缓和,使缓和,缓和起来, 趋于和缓
  • 使变得不拘束,使融洽
  • 回到正常温度
  • 溶化,溶解
  • 软化
  • 随和
  • 更友好
  • vi. (冰、雪及冷冻食物)溶化,溶解 (especially of ice,snow or frozen food) become liquid or soft due to the temperature rising above freezing point
  • vi. (气候)解冻 (of weather) become warm enough to melt ice or snow
  • vi. 软化,暖和起来 become less hard,less numb,less icy,etc.,as a result of being warmed
  • vi. (态度、感情等)缓和,随和,更友好 become more friendly,less stiff in manner
  • vt. 使融化,使缓和 cause to thaw;cause to become more friendly
  • [C]融化,解冻 the action,fact,or process of thawing
  • [C](足以解冻的)暖和天气 warmth of weather sufficient to thaw ice


一. a relaxation or slackening of tensions or reserve
becoming less hostileh9P中文字网

e.g. the thaw between the United States and Russia has led to increased cooperation in world affairsh9P中文字网

二. warm weather following a freeze
snow and ice melth9P中文字网

e.g. they welcomed the spring thawh9P中文字网

Synonym: thawingwarmingh9P中文字网

三. the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquidh9P中文字网

e.g. the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster
the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hoursh9P中文字网

Synonym: meltthawingmeltingh9P中文字网


一. become or cause to become soft or liquidh9P中文字网

e.g. The sun melted the ice
the ice thawed
the ice cream melted
The heat melted the wax
The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase
dethaw the meath9P中文字网

Synonym: dissolveunfreezeunthawdethawmelth9P中文字网

一. (冰雪等)融化,融解,解冻
When ice, snow, or something else that is frozen thaws, it melts.h9P中文字网

e.g. It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw...
e.g. The ground has thawed.

二. (通常指冬末的)解冻时节,天气回暖期
A thaw is a period of warmer weather when snow and ice melt, usually at the end of winter.h9P中文字网


e.g. We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw.

三. (使)(冷冻食品)解冻,融化
When you thaw frozen food or when it thaws, you leave it in a place where it can reach room temperature so that it is ready for use.h9P中文字网

e.g. Always thaw pastry thoroughly...
e.g. The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.

四. (使)(关系)回暖,缓和,改善
If something thaws relations between people or if relations thaw, they become friendly again after a period of being unfriendly.h9P中文字网

e.g. At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere...
e.g. It took up to Christmas for political relations to thaw.

相关词组:thaw outh9P中文字网

一. thawh9P中文字网

一. 解冻:但是九零%的该公司的最终采购都是来自于从六个 choices的选项中的. 同样,在公司为员工设立和购买退休基金的时候也都有相同的结果. 科学家A研究出一个模型,得出结论农作物区域降水要减少,等等. 然后好象春天土壤解冻(thaw)的早(这部分重要),什么的.h9P中文字网

二. 解冻 解冻:texture map 纹理贴图 材质贴图 | thaw 解冻 解冻 | thickness 厚度 厚度h9P中文字网

三. 解冻融化:thaw vi.融化 | thaw 解冻;融化 | thaw 融化h9P中文字网

四. 融解:thapsigargin 毒胡萝卜素,毒胡萝卜内酯 | thaw 融解 | thawing point 凝结点h9P中文字网

  • 常用例句h9P中文字网

  • 经典引文h9P中文字网

  • The ice thawed in the sun.
  • It thawed early last spring.
  • He thawed after sitting at a fire for a while.
  • His shyness thawed under her kindness.
  • The little girl's smile thawed the angry old man.
  • We were trapped in the ice and had to wait for the thaw.h9P中文字网

    出自:J. Clavell
  • The splintering of ice in the first spring thaw.h9P中文字网

    出自:P. Fitzgerald
  • If the Sun of Righteousness will arise upon him, his frozen Heart shall feel a Thaw.h9P中文字网

  • Where Phoebus' fire scarce thaws the icicles.h9P中文字网

    出自:Merchant of Venice,Shakespeare
  • Energy to thaw the frozen lake of my ideas.h9P中文字网

  • 词义讲解h9P中文字网

thaw, dissolve, melt
  • 这组词都可表示“融化”“溶解”。它们之间的区别是:melt指由于热的影响而使某一固体软化,失去形状而成为液体,也可指一固体在液体中溶解; thaw指冰冻的东西解冻成液体或柔软的固体; dissolve则多指固体在液体中溶解。
    • 近义词h9P中文字网

    • 临近词h9P中文字网

    • defrost除霜
    • warming加温
    • unthaw使融化
    • unfreeze溶化
    • liquefy液化
    • dissolve使溶解
    • warm up变暖
    • soften(使)变柔和
    • thawing熔化
    • melt融化
    • melting融化的
    • thawy
    • Thawat
    • thawer
    • Thawin
    • Thawar
    • the
    • Thawi
    • Thawe
    • Thawee
    • Thawit
    • Thawan
    • thatch
    The ice over military ties may not thaw as easily as in previous cold snaps.(军事关系上的坚冰可能不会像之前的寒流那样容易融化。)
    Outside of containers, this new freeze/thaw scheme can find uses in checkpointing.(在容器的外面,这个新冻结/解冻模式可以用于检查点。)
    Let's go skating before the thaw sets in.(趁还未开冻,我们去溜冰吧。)
    The spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region.(春天冰雪融化,使河水泛滥淹没了那地区。)
    It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw.(天气太冷了,积雪都没机会融化。)
    It's starting to thaw.(天气转暖,冰雪开始融化了。)
    Even though the sun is warming the frog up on the outside, its inside thaw out first.(尽管太阳先温暖青蛙的体表,但它的内部会先开始解冻。)
    A thaw has set in.(解冻的天气将至。)
    The ice will not thaw slowly, it will break.(冰块不会慢慢地溶解,而是破裂。)
    Thaw frozen egg products in the refrigerator or under cold running water.(解冻冷冻蛋制品在冰箱或冷自来水。)