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  • 【生】组织
  • 结构
  • 纹理
  • 肌理
  • 质地
  • 特征
  • 构造
  • 织法
  • 织品
  • 本质
  • 实质
  • 织物
  • 手感
  • 口感
  • 神韵
  • 谐和统一感
  • 质感
  • 使具有某种结构或特征
  • [C][U]手感,质感,质地 the degree of roughness or smoothness,coarseness or fineness,of a surface,substance,or material,especially as felt by touch



一. the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance)7k2中文字网

e.g. breadfruit has the same texture as bread
sand of a fine grain
fish with a delicate flavor and texture
a stone of coarse grain7k2中文字网

Synonym: grain7k2中文字网

二. the feel of a surface or a fabric7k2中文字网

e.g. the wall had a smooth texture7k2中文字网

三. the characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile quality7k2中文字网

四. the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together7k2中文字网

e.g. then another melodic line is added to the texture7k2中文字网

五. the essential quality of something7k2中文字网

e.g. the texture of Neapolitan life7k2中文字网

一. (摸上去的)质地,质感,纹理
The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is.7k2中文字网


e.g. Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture...
e.g. Her skin is pale, the texture of fine wax.

二. (尤指食品、土壤的)结构,构造
The texture of something, especially food or soil, is its structure, for example whether it is light with lots of holes, or very heavy and solid.7k2中文字网

e.g. This cheese has an open, crumbly texture with a strong flavour...
e.g. Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture.

三. (音乐、文学作品的)神韵,谐和统一(感)
The texture of a piece of music or a work of literature is the impression that it makes on you as a result of the way that its different elements are combined.7k2中文字网

e.g. The very texture of his prose bears the influence of his familiarity with drugs.

一. 咬花:目前机种印刷曾发生之问题印刷字体位元偏字体或窗框边缘呈锯齿状印刷油墨溢出外框油墨附著性不良,百格测试不过 (以字体与底色部分较受争议) 咬花 (Texture)咬花系指将所需花色以化学蚀刻的技术,将模仁(大多为母模面)进行蚀刻的动作.7k2中文字网

  • 常用例句7k2中文字网

  • 经典引文7k2中文字网

  • The texture of the rock's grains was described as being like sugar.
  • When the dyer dyes A texture.7k2中文字网

  • 近义词7k2中文字网

  • 临近词7k2中文字网

  • smoothness柔滑
  • finish完成
  • feel感觉
  • consistency连贯
  • coarseness粗糙
  • structure结构
  • construction建设
  • grain谷物
  • composition成分
  • touch触摸
  • make-up化妆品
  • surface表面
  • roughness粗糙
  • quality品质
  • fineness美好
  • texture pole
  • texture rug
  • textual
  • textured ZnO
  • textureless
  • TF
  • Texture view
  • textured yam
  • Texture soil
  • textured
  • texture edge
  • Texture Map
Precise is this sonar view of the world that bats can distinguish by size, shape, and texture something as small as a mosquito.(精确的是这种声纳观察世界的方法,蝙蝠可以通过大小、形状和纹理来辨别像蚊子这样的小东西。)
Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.(每块砖在色调、质地和尺寸上也略有不同。)
They don't just mimic the colors in their environment; they can also mimic the texture of objects in their environment.(它们不仅是模仿它们所处的环境中的颜色;它们也能模仿环境中物体的纹理。)
What is the texture of your experience?(你的经历的实质是什么?)
It has an orange flavour and smooth texture.(它有一种桔子的味道,质地光滑。)
The taste, texture, and feel of food are what we tend to focus on, but most important are the slight puffs of air as we chew our food—what scientists call "retronasal smell".(食物的味道、质地和口感往往是我们关注的重点,但最重要的是我们咀嚼食物时产生的稍微的气息,科学家们称之为“鼻后气味”。)
Gather some leaves which have an interesting texture and shape.(采集一些带有有趣的纹理和形状的叶子。)
We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring.(我们会喜欢该外观,但在网络环境中,我们无法感觉到质地的质量、合身的形状、褶皱的下垂或耳环的重量。)
Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.(印象派画家倾向于把颜料涂得很厚重,而且喜欢用笔触很粗的画笔,所以画布的纹理很粗糙。)
Visual and sound cues contribute, such as crunching, as does touch, including the texture and feel of food on our lips and in our mouths.(视觉和声音线索也有影响,比如嘎吱嘎吱的声音,还有触觉,包括食物在嘴唇上和嘴里的质地和口感。)