一. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
e.g. the pass was fumbled
Synonym: passflip
二. an abrupt movement
e.g. a toss of his head
三. the act of flipping a coin
Synonym: flip
一. agitate
e.g. toss the salad
二. throw or toss with a light motion
e.g. flip me the beachball
toss me newspaper
Synonym: flipskypitch
三. throw carelessly
e.g. chuck the ball
Synonym: chuck
四. move or stir about violently
e.g. The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed
Synonym: convulsethreshthresh aboutthrashthrash aboutslashjactitate
五. lightly throw to see which side comes up
e.g. I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!
Synonym: flip
六. throw or cast away
e.g. Put away your worries
Synonym: discardflingtoss outtoss awaychuck outcast asidedisposethrow outcast outthrow awaycast awayput away
一. 扔;抛;掷
If you toss something somewhere, you throw it there lightly, often in a rather careless way.
e.g. He screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it into the fire...
e.g. He tossed his blanket aside and got up…
二. (常表示愤怒或轻蔑地)甩(头或头发)
If you toss your head or toss your hair, you move your head backwards, quickly and suddenly, often as a way of expressing an emotion such as anger or contempt.
e.g. 'I'm sure I don't know.' Cook tossed her head...
e.g. Gasping, she tossed her hair out of her face.
三. 掷(硬币以决定)
In sports and informal situations, if you decide something by tossing a coin, you spin a coin into the air and guess which side of the coin will face upwards when it lands.
e.g. We tossed a coin to decide who would go out and buy the buns.
四. 掷硬币决定
The toss is a way of deciding something, such as who is going to go first in a game, that consists of spinning a coin into the air and guessing which side of the coin will face upwards when it lands.
e.g. Bangladesh won the toss and decided to bat first.
五. 使摇动;使颠簸
If something such as the wind or sea tosses an object, it causes it to move from side to side or up and down.
e.g. The seas grew turbulent, tossing the small boat like a cork...
e.g. As the plane was tossed up and down, the pilot tried to stabilise it.
六. (在液体中)轻轻搅拌(食物)
If you toss food while preparing it, you put pieces of it into a liquid and lightly shake them so that they become covered with the liquid.
e.g. Do not toss the salad until you're ready to serve...
e.g. Add the grated orange rind and toss the apple slices in the mixture...
七. see also: toss-up
八. 为不重要的事争论不休
If you say that someone argues the toss, you are criticizing them for continuing to argue for longer than is necessary about something that is not very important.
e.g. They were still arguing the toss about the first goal...
e.g. They spend so much time arguing the toss over inconsequential matters.
九. 介意,在乎
If you say that you do not give a toss about someone or something, you are emphasizing that you do not care about them at all.
e.g. Well, who gives a toss about sophistication anyway?...
e.g. I don't give a toss what people think…
一零. 辗转反侧;翻来覆去
If you toss and turn, you keep moving around in bed and cannot sleep properly, for example because you are ill or worried.
e.g. You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.
一. toss
一. 挑边:运动员要上场比赛前,会到检录处(assembly point)去检录,然后由裁判员领着进场(march in)通过挑边(toss)选择发球(to serve)或接发球(to receive或是选择其开始比赛的场区.
二. toss
二. 翻身道情:翻身道情(Toss)手机铃声下载设置翻身道情(Toss)为手机彩铃一、请输入手机号下载翻身道情(Toss)铃声
三. 投:二.抛投(toss):其定义为底层队员(base person)双手向上伸展,把顶端队员(top person)向上抛投的动作. 腾翻(tumbling)、跳跃(jump)、舞伴特技(partner stunts)的攀登(climbing)和著地(dismount),这些是指体操技术性的展现.
四. 投,掷:嗜血(Bloodlust)的移动速度晋升由一零%/一五%/二零%/二五%下降至六%/九%/一二%/一五%,魔法消耗不随多重施法(Multicast)等级的上升而上升.山岭巨人(Tiny):岩石塌下(Bvalance)的作用范围下降五零;投掷(Toss)现在不能投掷不论什么Tiny所拥有的单元,
五. toss:terminal – oriented support system; 面向终端的支持系统
The ship tossed about on the stormy sea.
一. toss off : 一饮而尽;
二. win the toss : 掷钱币获胜;
三. toss up : 匆匆准备;
四. lose the toss : 掷钱币猜错;
Botham won the toss and put West Indies in to bat.
出自:G. BoycottI recommend a toss that reaches its apex just before your racquet meets the ball.
出自:TennisBe no more children, tossed to and fro, and caried about with euery winde of doctrine.
出自:Bible (AV): EphesiansWhen reproved, she..whined, tossing herself this way and that.
出自:B. Vine词语用法