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  • 轮胎
  • 轮箍
  • “提尔”(古代腓尼基的有名港口现属黎巴嫩)
  • 凝乳
  • 车胎
  • 车轮
  • =tire(美)
  • 为…装轮胎
  • 给…上轮箍
  • 装轮胎
  • 装轮胎于


一. hoop that covers a wheelu6R中文字网

e.g. automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed airu6R中文字网

Synonym: tireu6R中文字网

in AM, use 美国英语用 tire

一. 轮胎;车胎
A tyre is a thick piece of rubber which is fitted onto the wheels of vehicles such as cars, buses, and bicycles.u6R中文字网


一. 轮胎:由轮胎(Tyre)引发的中美贸易保护议题是否如<>所说让人感觉疲倦(Tire)?或许,成功转型的匹兹堡刚好能够投射一个美国制造业没落的背影.u6R中文字网

二. tyreu6R中文字网

二. 提尔城:不过应萨宾娜的请求,萨拉丁在一一八八年释放了基尔,夫妻二人后来逃到了提尔城(Tyre). 一一八七年九月二零日,继赫淀战役的胜利后,萨拉丁的军队包围了耶路撒冷城. 两个星期的围攻后,耶路撒冷城终于提出开城投降. 萨拉丁开出了他的条件:每个男人,u6R中文字网

三. 提尔:] ,从那里它又向南转,通过叙利亚,取道大马士革(Damascus), 提尔(Tyre),加沙(Gaza),到达埃及的皮鲁苏姆(Pelusium)和孟斐斯 (Memphis). 从巴比伦和苏沙,大东路通过艾克巴塔纳(Ecbatana),莱格(Rhagae) 及里海隘口(Caspian Gates)到达麦什德,u6R中文字网

四. 提尔(推罗):亚历山大与大流士第一次大规模会战伊苏斯战役结束后,亚历山大为了在陆地上消灭波斯的海军,兵锋直指地中海沿岸的城市,绝大多数城市主动投诚,但是地中海东岸中部的腓尼基城市提尔推罗(Tyre)凭借其强大的城防不肯屈服,u6R中文字网

  • 经典引文u6R中文字网

  • She crumpled her sweater into a tyre and eased her head through the hole.u6R中文字网

    出自:B. Hines
  • Wendy had grown huge; blubber-armed, tyres on her throat.u6R中文字网

    出自:M. Gee
  • 近义词u6R中文字网

  • 临近词u6R中文字网

  • Sur 苏尔(黎巴嫩西南部港市...
  • tire轮胎
  • tyrein
  • Tyreke
  • tyro
  • tyrant
  • Tyree
  • Tyrer
  • Tyreek
  • tyresin
  • tyres
  • Tyrek
  • Tyrell
  • Tyrex
Its technical expertise is available to provide laser, tyre, roller and girth gear.(其技术专长是提供激光、轮胎、辊和环齿轮。)
The raw material for the tyre is a byproduct of oil refining.(这种轮胎的原料是汽油提炼的副产品。)
Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.(相反,燃烧轮胎会产生有害的污染物,二氧化硫。)
I found a nail sticking in the tyre.(我发现轮胎上扎了一根钉子。)
One vehicle with a flat tyre can bring the motorway to a standstill.(一辆轮胎瘪掉的汽车就能导致公路交通的停顿。)
This is to accommodate different tyre sizes and overall gearing.(这是为了适应不同的轮胎尺寸和总体传动装置。)
The tyre plant is not the only sign of prosperity in Gujarat.(轮胎工厂不是古吉拉特邦兴盛的唯一迹象。)
Hiram, the king of the Phoenician city of Tyre, was an ally and business partner of Solomon, King of Israel.(腓尼基提尔城的国王希兰是以色列王所罗门的同盟,也是他的生意伙伴。)
Notice how the tread on this tyre has worn down.(注重这个轮胎的花纹磨损的程度。)
One of the mechanics took off the damaged tyre, and took it back to the station to be patched.(其中一个机械师取下受损轮胎,把它拿到站里修补。)