
  • 词典解释5FD中文字网

  • 网络解释5FD中文字网

一. 世俗的;俗家的;尘世的
Temporal powers or matters relate to ordinary institutions and activities rather than to religious or spiritual ones.5FD中文字网

e.g. ...their spiritual and temporal leader.
e.g. ...firmly believing in the need for the clergy not to become preoccupied with temporal matters.

二. 颞部的;太阳穴的
The temporal parts of your brain are the parts near the sides of your head.5FD中文字网


e.g. ...a small but important area of the temporal lobe of the brain.

三. 时间的;时间方面的
Temporal means relating to time.5FD中文字网

e.g. One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context...
e.g. The present world crisis should in principle be analysed from different temporal perspectives.

In the last stages of dementia, persons will be spatially and temporally disoriented.

一. temporal的近义词5FD中文字网

一. 时态:<>涉及到外币投报表折算它要求独立的子公司采用期末汇率(现行汇率,Current Rate)法,而整合的子公司采用时态(Temporal)法.5FD中文字网

二. 时间:面向时间数据管理: 时间(Temporal)数据库从文献内容可以看出,通向面向时间(time-oriented )临床数据的管理任务,正在从来自早期系统,大量应用是独立的,进步到更一般的途径,5FD中文字网

  • 经典引文5FD中文字网

  • The Government of Ireland is by the King, 二一 Bishops..and the Temporal Peers.5FD中文字网

    出自:W. Petty
  • 近义词5FD中文字网

  • 反义词5FD中文字网

  • 临近词5FD中文字网

  • worldly世间的
  • mortal致命的
  • progressive先进的
  • earthly地球的
  • mundane平凡的
  • secular世俗的
  • sequential连续的(序贯的)...
  • historical与历史有关的...
  • chronological按时间顺序的...
  • laylie的过去式....
  • terrestrial陆地的
  • profane亵渎的
  • spiritual精神的
  • eternal永久的
  • temporalism
  • temporality
  • temporalis
  • Temporali
  • temporalDB
  • temporalize
  • temporalty
  • temporary
  • temporalist
  • tempo
  • temporal GIS
  • Temporal CT
Temporal hours, which were first adopted by the Greeks and then the Romans, who disseminated them through Europe, remained in use for more than 二,五零零 years.(计时法最初由希腊人采用,后来由罗马人在欧洲传播,至今已使用了二五零零多年。)
It's also common among people with temporal lobe epilepsy.(这一点,对于那些患有颞叶癫痫病的人来说也很普遍。)
The sundial's counterpart, the water clock, was designed to measure temporal hours at night.(日晷的对应物是水钟,用来测量夜间的时间。)
This decision dramatically repudiated every divinization of the temporal order.(这一决定引人注目地否定了世俗秩序的神圣性。)
Application programming improvements: Temporal tables and versioning.(应用程序编程改进:临时表和版本控制。)
DB二 tracks two different types of temporal data: system time and business time.(DB二跟踪两种不同类型的时态数据:系统时间和业务时间。)
Although spiritual leader of millions of people, the Pope has no temporal power.(教皇虽然是亿万人的精神领袖,但没有丝毫的世俗权力。)
Yes, the temporal lobe is where your hearing goes on.(是的,颞叶处理你所听到的一切。)
Well, the temporal lobe is where your hearing occurs.(好吧,颞叶是听觉产生的地方。)
The advent of the mechanical clock meant that although it could be adjusted to maintain temporal hours, it was naturally suited to keeping equal ones.(机械时钟的出现意味着,尽管它可以通过调整来记录日光时,但是它本质上适合记录相等的时间。)