
  • 英英释义DGt中文字网

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  • 网络解释DGt中文字网


一. a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)DGt中文字网

Synonym: tamptamping barDGt中文字网


一. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestlyDGt中文字网

e.g. Someone tampered with the documents on my desk
The reporter fiddle with the factsDGt中文字网

Synonym: fiddlemonkeyDGt中文字网

二. intrude in other people's affairs or business
interfere unwantedlyDGt中文字网

e.g. Don't meddle in my affairs!DGt中文字网

Synonym: meddleDGt中文字网

一. 干预;篡改
If someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so.DGt中文字网

e.g. I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence...
e.g. He found his computer had been tampered with.

...discovering a motive for a crime like product tampering.

一. 篡改:坏哥哥却得了军 功章(badge) 阿弗为光线在争吵(affray),赌博为光线被出卖(betray),大街上光线在迷失(stray),只好到光 线下去祈祷(pray),钩住光线的是盘子(tray),装灰的盘子是烟灰缸(ashtray) 家有提篮(hamper)他篡改(tamper),篡改无人是纵容(tamp),DGt中文字网

二. tamper的近义词DGt中文字网

二. 防拆:八.主机具防拆(Tamper)功能. 九.访客电铃按钮. B.暂态(Momentary)输出设定(继电器接点输出时间一~二五五秒)DGt中文字网

三. 夯土机;捣固机:tamped backfill 夯实回填;夯实回填土 | tamper 夯土机;捣固机 | tangent pile 支护桩DGt中文字网

四. 削弱, 篡改:temper 脾气;性情;心情 | tamper 削弱, 篡改 | falter 颤抖, 支吾, 踌躇DGt中文字网

  • 经典引文DGt中文字网

  • The queen dowager tampered in this plot.DGt中文字网

    出自:Horace Walpole
  • He was trafficking with her enemies and tampering with her friends.DGt中文字网

    出自:C. M. Yonge
  • 近义词DGt中文字网

  • 临近词DGt中文字网

  • mess around浪费时间
  • mess about闲逛
  • corrupt腐败的
  • tamp夯实
  • tinker修补匠
  • influence影响
  • bribe贿赂
  • monkey猴子
  • intrude闯入
  • pry打听
  • fool with 玩弄
  • busybody爱管闲事的人...
  • intervene干涉
  • fiddle小提琴
  • fix使 ... 固定
  • rig装备
  • damage损害
  • tamping bar捣锤
  • monkey with瞎弄
  • alter改变
  • interfere干涉
  • meddle干涉
  • manipulate操纵
  • tamper with
  • tamper pipe
  • tamperproof
  • tampon
  • tampering
  • tamper-proof
  • Tampere
  • Tampa
  • tamperer
  • tamper seal
  • Tamper Resist
  • tamper switch
Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game?(他们凭什么擅自修改比赛规则?)
It is built on the hardened, tamper-proof DataPower platform.(它构建于通过硬化的防篡改datapower平台上。)
The more human beings tamper with the foods I eat, the worse I feel when I eat them.(食物被人工干预得越多,我吃的时候感觉就越差。)
For security reasons, developers are unable to tamper with browser history or any related buttons.(出于安全的原因,开发人员不能篡改浏览器历史记录或者任何相关按钮。)
Depending on your web application, there will be many more parameters the user can tamper with.(根据你的web应用,可能会有更多的参数用户可以篡改。)
When a server and client communicate, TLS ensures that no third party may eavesdrop or tamper with any message.(当服务器和客户机进行通信时,TLS确保第三方无法窃取或篡改任何消息。)
The possible use of NILFS includes, versioning, tamper detection, SOX compliance logging, and so forth.(NILFS的可能用途包括:版本控制、篡改检测、SOX遵从日志等等。)
In 八二八,八零四 polling stations, 一,三六八,四三零 simple, robust and apparently tamper-proof electronic voting machines will be deployed.(在八二八,八零四个投票站将安放一三六八四三零台简单、坚固 和明显是防捣鬼的电子投票机。)
Similarly, one can tamper with the actual response from a legitimate query.(类似地,可以篡改来自合法查询的实际响应。)
When you tamper with this position, you are asking for trouble.(若是你损害了这一定位,那么你就是在自找麻烦。)