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一. stick of wax with a wick in the middle70v中文字网

Synonym: candlewax light70v中文字网

二. a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame70v中文字网

Synonym: wick70v中文字网

三. the property possessed by a shape that narrows toward a point (as a wedge or cone)70v中文字网

四. a convex shape that narrows toward a point70v中文字网



一. diminish gradually70v中文字网

e.g. Interested tapered off70v中文字网

二. give a point to70v中文字网

e.g. The candles are tapered70v中文字网

Synonym: sharpenpoint70v中文字网

一. (使)一端逐渐变细;(使)变锥形
If something tapers, or if you taper it, it becomes gradually thinner at one end.70v中文字网


e.g. Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up...
e.g. ...beautiful hands with long, tapering fingers...

...the elegantly tapered legs of the dressing-table.

二. 逐渐减少;逐渐缩小
If something tapers or is tapered, it gradually becomes reduced in amount, number, or size until it is greatly reduced.70v中文字网

e.g. There are signs that inflation is tapering...
e.g. If you take these drugs continuously, withdrawal must be tapered.

三. 细长蜡烛;点火木片
A taper is a long, thin candle or a thin wooden strip that is used for lighting fires.70v中文字网


相关词组:taper off70v中文字网

一. 锥化:.一.四 [锥化](Taper)命令 九五 四.一.五 [斜切轮廓](Bevel Profile)命令 九七 四.一.六 [编辑网格](Edit Mesh)命令 九八 四.一.七 [噪波](Noise)命令 九九 四.一.八 [旋转](Lathe)命令 一零一 四.二 门厅效果图的设计说明与制作流程 一零二 四.二.一 门厅效果图的设计说明 一零二 四.二.二 门厅效果图的制作流程 一零三 四.三 门厅全局框架的制作 一零四 四.四 门厅效果图局部70v中文字网

二. 锥度:(五) 查证方法 ...(电器产品)及美国环保署推动的能源之...二二一.(X) 依CNS规定,锥度(Taper)符号为「」. 二二二.(O) 标注圆的直径尺度时,...七五三.(四) 电器设备或机具装接地线的主要目的是①避免雷击②防止爆炸③消除静电④...(一)中国国家标准(CNS)机械制图符号及其相关知 .70v中文字网

三. 锥形:为了确保结构件所需强度下减轻钢板重量,节省钢材,减少焊缝与工时,达到等级强度,省去加工量,使与混凝土结合更好,外形更美观,已创制出各种异形中厚板,目前有圆板,锥形(Taper)板,即长度方向不同厚度倾斜板,梯形(Ladder)板,70v中文字网

四. 渐尖:[摘要] 一种火山型中央处理单元CPU散热器系令一散热器的中央导热体的顶部形成一仿如火山形状的锥形部向着一冷却风扇的中央马达渐尖(taper)者,该风扇固设于该中央导热体径向连设的散热鳍片的顶部者,70v中文字网

  • 经典引文70v中文字网

  • I would sit in the flickering light of the burning taper.70v中文字网

    出自:Henry Miller
  • 近义词70v中文字网

  • 临近词70v中文字网

  • reduce减少
  • thin down弄细,变细
  • diminish减少
  • come to a point发现猎物时停止前进(竖起...
  • point观点
  • tail off变小
  • lessen减少
  • spill溢出
  • taper off使渐渐变尖
  • match对手
  • dwindling动词dwindle的现在...
  • thinning down变细
  • torch手电筒
  • sharpen使尖锐
  • narrow有限的
  • contract合同
  • candle蜡烛
  • lamp灯
  • dwindle减少
  • light光
  • wick蜡烛芯
  • elongation延伸
  • phase out逐渐停止
  • wax light蜡烛
  • taper fit
  • taper gib
  • tape
  • taper hob
  • tapering
  • taperer
  • taperoff
  • taper tab
  • tapered
  • taper die
  • taper tap
  • tapestry
Taper your pencil skirt just slightly to give it some shape.(让你的铅笔裙更紧缩一些来让它有型。)
Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.(不像其他树,它不是越往上越细,而是自下往上一样粗。)
These can have potential hang-up areas, like a too-abrupt taper into an adapter fitting.(这些部件具有潜在的壁挂区域,如同一个过分尖锐的锥形物放进一个接头中那样。)
Here's a hat that has no taper.(这里有一顶帽子,上面不是呈锥形的。)
Columns taper and tilt inward, lending a certain lightness to the massive stone structure.(圆柱逐渐变细,向内倾斜,给这巨石结构带来几分轻便 的感觉。)
I suggested that we start to taper off the counseling sessions.(我建议我们开始缩短咨询服务的时间。)
In this paper, an e-plane sectoral horn with amplitude taper and phase correction in the aperture is presented.(本文介绍一种在喇叭口径上具有幅度锥削的相位校正的E面扇形喇叭。)
If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.(如果木炭确实点不着,喷一种专用液体喷雾剂,再用一根长蜡烛把它点燃。)
The benefits of gas heating can be combined with the billet taper Quench to provide billets with a precise temperature taper.(天然气加热的好处即结合使用柱锭梯度水冷装置可向短锭提供精确的温度梯度。)
As lines become closer the viewers the lines get thicker. Lines taper towards the furtherest part of the object.(当线条与观看者的距离越近时,线条变得厚重。锥度线朝着物体最远的部分。)