It's undoubted that some women would insist on the right to get a divorce if their husbands didn't work or save money as much as they did.(毫无疑问,有些妇女坚持要有离婚的权利,如果她们丈夫干的工作和积攒的钱不如她们多的话。)
On the other hand, Mrs Clinton is intelligent and formidably hard-working and has undoubted star power.(不过从另一个角度看,希拉里还是具有明星魅力的,不仅聪颖,同时努力工作的态度也令人敬畏。)
This was an undoubted social evil against which many voices were to be raised.(这无疑是一种社会邪恶,势必遭到人们的强烈反对。)
Listening has an undoubted position in English learning.(听力在英语学习中的地位不容质疑。)
The undoubted fact is, the first thing in the Lord's Prayer is letting us have bread every day.(不容置疑的事实是,在主祷文中向上帝祈求的第一件事是让我们天天有面包。)
It is the undoubted right of the people of England to call them to account for it.(英格兰人民无疑有权要求他们对此作出解释。)
As far as the difference between Western Modernism, Chinese Modernism undoubted has provided us with a new shape of Modernism.(就它与西方现代主义文学的差异而言,中国现代派文学无疑提供了一种现代主义的新形式。)
She has an undoubted talent as an organizer.(她的确有组织才能。)
His sincerity is undoubted.(他的诚意是无容置疑的。)
The form and content is undoubted the two basic element of dance.(形式与内容无疑是舞蹈的两大基本要素。)