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  • 【化】铀(元素符号U)
  • [U] 铀 heavy white metal with radioactive properties,a source of atomic energy



一. a heavy toxic silvery-white radioactive metallic element
occurs in many isotopes
used for nuclear fuels and nuclear weaponstLW中文字网

Synonym: Uatomic number 九二tLW中文字网

Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive metal that is used to produce nuclear energy and weapons.tLW中文字网


一. tLW中文字网

一. (化学元素)铀:Cesium:(化学元素)铯 | Uranium:(化学元素)铀 | Muse:细想tLW中文字网

二. 增压排空:提铀:Exatraction of Uranium | 增压排空:uranium | 铀合金:Uranium alloytLW中文字网

三. 铀云母类矿物:uranite 铀云母 铀云母类 | uranium 铀云母类矿物 | uranium-actinium 锕铀tLW中文字网

  • 常用例句tLW中文字网

  • They went over nation wide in search of uranium mines.
  • 近义词tLW中文字网

  • 临近词tLW中文字网

  • U字母U
  • uranium II
  • uranium ore
  • uranium bar
  • uranium red
  • uranium rod
  • uranium I
  • uranium ion
  • Ural
  • uranium Y
  • uranium Z
  • Uranus
  • uranium age
It's just that once was generated from split Uranium, it decayed very quickly.(它一旦从分裂的铀中产生,就会很快衰变。)
Uranium is soluble in sea water.(铀可在海水中溶解。)
Niger is the worlds largest exporter of uranium.(尼日尔是世界上最大的铀输出国。)
Uranium is a big factor too.(铀也是一个很大的因素。)
I'll predict that Uranium-Lead Dating is going to become an increasingly popular dating method.(我猜测铀-铅年代测定法将会成为一种越来越流行的年代测定方法。)
In this case, Uranium-Lead Dating was used to establish that half of the sandstone in the samples was formed at the same time the granite in the Appalachian Mountains was formed.(在这种情况下,铀铅定年法被用来确定样本中一半的砂岩是在阿巴拉契亚山脉花岗岩形成的同时形成的。)
Meanwhile, Iran continues to enrich uranium.(与此同时,伊朗还在进行铀浓缩活动。)
That red is uranium oxide.(那红的是二氧化铀。)
Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants.(铀用作核电厂的燃料。)
A mixture of uranium oxides.(即各种铀氧化物的混合物。)