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  • 选举权,投票权
  • 表决,选举
  • 票,得票数,投票总数
  • 投票,选票
  • 投票结果
  • 议决事项,议决(金)额 x
  • 投票人,选举人
  • 投票纸
  • 选举,推举,表决,一致认为
  • 提议,建议
  • 公议,公认
  • 投票,投票决定,投票同意,投票选举 ,投票通过,投票拨予
  • 由舆论决定
  • 一致称赞
  • 表明,认为
  • vt. & vi. 投票,表决 express one's choice officially
  • vt. 一致认为 agree or state as the general opinion
  • vt. 提议,建议 suggest; propose
  • [C] 投票,选举,表决 the showing of one's opinion for or against sb/sth at a meeting
  • [C] 票,选票 the piece of paper on which a choice is expressed
  • [S] 表决结果,投票总数 a decision made by voting; the whole number of such choices
  • [S] 选举权,投票权,表决权 right to vote, especially in political elections



一. the opinion of a group as determined by votingRWT中文字网

e.g. they put the question to a voteRWT中文字网

二. a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternativeRWT中文字网

e.g. there were only 一七 votes in favor of the motion
they allowed just one vote per personRWT中文字网

Synonym: ballotvotingballotingRWT中文字网

三. a legal right guaranteed by the 一五th amendment to the US Constitution
guaranteed to women by the 一九th amendmentRWT中文字网

e.g. American women got the vote in 一九二零RWT中文字网

Synonym: right to votesuffrageRWT中文字网

四. the total number of voters who participatedRWT中文字网

e.g. they are expecting a large voteRWT中文字网

Synonym: voter turnoutRWT中文字网

五. a body of voters who have the same interestsRWT中文字网

e.g. he failed to get the Black voteRWT中文字网


一. express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution
cast a voteRWT中文字网

e.g. He voted for the motion
None of the Democrats voted last nightRWT中文字网

二. bring into existence or make available by voteRWT中文字网

e.g. They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in AsiaRWT中文字网

三. express a choice or opinionRWT中文字网

e.g. I vote that we all go home
She voted for going to the Chinese restaurantRWT中文字网

四. express one's choice or preference by voteRWT中文字网

e.g. vote the Democratic ticketRWT中文字网

五. be guided by in votingRWT中文字网

e.g. vote one's conscienceRWT中文字网

一. 选票;票
A vote is a choice made by a particular person or group in a meeting or an election.RWT中文字网

e.g. He walked to the local polling centre to cast his vote...
e.g. The government got a massive majority — well over 四零零 votes...

二. 投票;表决
A vote is an occasion when a group of people make a decision by each person indicating his or her choice. The choice that most people support is accepted by the group.RWT中文字网

e.g. Why do you think we should have a vote on that?...
e.g. They took a vote and decided not to do it.

三. 投票总数;选票总数
The vote is the total number of votes or voters in an election, or the number of votes received or cast by a particular group.RWT中文字网

e.g. Opposition parties won about fifty-five per cent of the vote...
e.g. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.

四. 投票权;选举权;表决权
If you have the vote in an election, or have a vote in a meeting, you have the legal right to indicate your choice.RWT中文字网

e.g. And of course we didn't even have the vote, did we?...
e.g. Before that, women did not have a vote at all...

五. 投票;表决;选举
When you vote, you indicate your choice officially at a meeting or in an election, for example by raising your hand or writing on a piece of paper.RWT中文字网

e.g. Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections...
e.g. It seems many people would vote for the government, at a general election, if there was a new leader...

Voting began about two hours ago.

六. 投…的票;投(赞成或反对)票
If you vote a particular political party or leader, or vote yes or no, you make that choice with the vote that you have.RWT中文字网

e.g. 五二.五% of those questioned said they'd vote Labour...
e.g. I probably would have voted that way anyway...

七. (通过投票)决定给予(资助),同意提供(款项)
If a government or other organization votes money for something or to do something, they decide to spend the money in that way.RWT中文字网

e.g. The General Court had voted $二,五零零 for a monument to be erected to his memory...
e.g. The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces.

八. 投票评选
If people vote someone a particular title, they choose that person to have that title.RWT中文字网

e.g. His class voted him the man 'who had done the most for Yale.'...
e.g. Michael has been voted Player of the Year.

九. see also: block voteRWT中文字网

一零. 以退席(或退出组织)表示反对
If you vote with your feet, you show that you do not support something by leaving the place where it is happening or leaving the organization that is supporting it.RWT中文字网

e.g. Thousands of citizens are already voting with their feet, and leaving the country...
e.g. Authors still have power to vote with their feet by leaving to join smaller companies.

一一. 我认为;我建议;我提议
If you say 'vote that' a particular thing should happen, you are suggesting that this is what should happen.RWT中文字网


e.g. I vote that we all go to Holland immediately...
e.g. I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us.

一二. 一人一票制
One man one vote or one person one vote is a system of voting in which every person in a group or country has the right to cast their vote, and in which each individual's vote is counted and has equal value.RWT中文字网

e.g. Mr Gould called for a move towards 'one man one vote'...
e.g. The African National Congress insists on a one-man, one-vote system.

相关词组:vote downvote invote outRWT中文字网

一. 选票:尽管传媒都是以民选票(vote)的胜利定义赢家,但是凭这个选举代表的票,奥巴马就可以厚着脸皮宣称自己获得胜利,小小地捞回一些面子,争到一些口舌之利,不至于完全处于被动.RWT中文字网

二. RWT中文字网

二. 选举;投票:A.在一个子网路 (subnet) 中,有以下几种不同角色的 Browser,当网路中有 Windows 网域 (domain) 时,每个网域中都会有唯一部的工作群组的名称,这一份清单会复制给其它子网路 (subnet) 的 Master就发出选举投票 (vote) 广播,要选出新任的 Master Browser,RWT中文字网

三. 选举:他们都觉得自己的杰作不错,于是选举(vote)莫摩斯来评判. 谁知莫摩斯看了他们的杰作,非常嫉妒(begrudge),于是他说他们都犯了错误:宙斯,应该把牛的眼睛放在角上,这样牛就能看见撞倒了什么地方;普罗米修斯,应该把人的心挂在身体外面,RWT中文字网

  • 常用短语RWT中文字网

  • 常用例句RWT中文字网

  • 词汇搭配RWT中文字网

  • 经典引文RWT中文字网

    投票反对 oppose (sb/sth) in an election or vote
    vote against sb/sth

    Only seven members voted against an increase in tax.RWT中文字网


    Eight delegates voted against the motion.RWT中文字网


    I, for one, shall vote against the proposal.RWT中文字网


    I shall vote against the restoration of capital punishment.RWT中文字网


    The politician was deeply hurt when many of his former supporters voted against him, and he lost his place in Parliament.RWT中文字网


    投票否决 defeat (sth) by a vote
    vote sth ⇔ down

    Congress voted the bill down.RWT中文字网


    The House voted the proposal down by an overwhelming majority.RWT中文字网


    This particular group was voted down.RWT中文字网

    这个特别 集团被投票击败。RWT中文字网

    His proposals were invariably voted down.RWT中文字网


    The suggestion was voted down by a large majority.RWT中文字网


    He moved to adjourn, but was voted down by the opposition group.RWT中文字网


    The measure was voted down, six to one.RWT中文字网


  • You're too young to vote.
  • Lots of people had no right to vote.
  • I didn't vote in the last election.
  • The voter may vote in accordance with the list of candidate or vote for any other persons he prefers.
  • Vote MacDonald, the man you can trust!
  • Women vote their minds, not their husbands.
用作动词 (v.)
  • vote sb a pension表决决定给某人养老金
  • vote democratically民主选举
  • vote inconsistently不协调地选举
  • vote intelligently明智地选举
  • vote legally合法地选举
  • vote loyally忠诚地投票
  • vote regularly正规选举
  • vote unanimously一致表决
  • vote down否决,投票反对
  • vote the suggestion down否决这项提案
  • vote sb in投票拥护…上台执政
  • vote out通过投票使…下台
  • vote out a measure否决一项议案
  • vote through投票通过
  • vote against投票反对
  • vote against a bill投票反对一议案
  • vote against the government party投票反对执政党
  • vote at election进行选举投票
  • vote by ballot进行无记名投票
  • vote by a show of hands举手表决(某事)
  • vote for投票支持
  • vote in favour of投赞成票
  • vote into投票把…选入
  • vote sb into office投票选某人任(职)
  • vote sb into power投票拥护…上台执政
  • vote on〔upon〕就…表决
  • vote on a resolution就某一决议进行表决
  • vote sb out of office通过投票表决把某人赶下台
  • vote sb with an increased majority以压倒多数的选票拥护…
用作名词 (n.)
  • buy a vote收买选票
  • cast a vote投票
  • change〔switch〕 one's vote改投其他的票
  • count the vote计票
  • deliver〔get out〕 the vote拉票,拉人参加投票
  • get〔 receive〕sb's vote获得某人的选票
  • get〔have, qualify for〕 the vote获得〔有,取得〕选举权
  • influence a vote影响投票结果
  • lose the votes失去选票
  • obtain votes得票
  • pass a vote通过决议
  • propose〔take〕 a vote提议〔进行〕表决
  • deciding〔decisive〕 vote决定性的一票
  • direct vote直接投票
  • heavy〔light〕 vote票数多〔少〕
  • solid vote完全一致的投票结果
  • independent vote无党派选票
  • open〔secret〕 vote记名〔不记名〕投票
  • enough votes足够的选票
  • spoiled votes废票
  • majority vote多数票
  • straw vote假投票
  • voice vote口头表决
  • vote to adjourn表决休会
  • by a vote通过投票
  • right to vote选举〔投票,表决〕权
  • vote against反对票
  • vote for支持…的一票
  • vote of censure不信任票
  • vote on有关…的票,就…的投票表决
  • Birney polled just enough votes to defeat Clay.RWT中文字网

    出自:Goldwin Smith
  • You get my vote the next time you run for poundmaster.RWT中文字网

    出自:Outing (US)
  • The motion was carried by seven votes to four.RWT中文字网

    出自:C. P. Snow
  • Each pupil and each staff member having one vote.RWT中文字网

    出自:A. S. Neill
  • He voted radical and she was a vehement tory.RWT中文字网

    出自:C. P. Snow
  • Some fifty Liberals voted against the bill.RWT中文字网

    出自:A. J. P. Taylor
  • The pro-abortion lobby was looking hopefully..at that 五零 per cent of the adult population which does not vote.RWT中文字网

  • At the June election, many Moslems voted for Dr Ahmet Sadik.RWT中文字网

    出自:Financial Times
  • 词语用法RWT中文字网

  • vote的基本意思是“投票,表决”,指被授权的人以投票的方式表示其选择或意见。引申可作“一致认为”“提议,建议”解。
  • vote可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。可用于被动结构。
  • vote还可接以“(to be+) n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。
  • vote接that引导的宾语从句时,如作“建议”解,从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,如作“一致认为”解,从句中动词形式视情况而定。
  • vote后接介词against表示“投票反对”; 后接介词for表示“投…的票; 投票支持…”“建议,提议”; 后接介词on表示“就…表决”; 后接副词in表示“投票拥护…上台执政”; 后接副词out表示“通过投票使…下台”; 后接副词through表示“投票通过”; 后接介词with表示“同…投相同票”。
  • 高考真题例句RWT中文字网

  • 考研真题例句RWT中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.vote

O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 二四 years on the top court.RWT中文字网

奥康纳在最高法院任职二四年期间, 对许多重要案件都投了决定性的一票。RWT中文字网


考研真题例句 OG 一.vote

In France, shareholders who hold onto a company investment for at least two years can sometimes earn more voting rights in a company.RWT中文字网



考研真题例句 OG 二.vote

With Britain voting to leave the European Union, GDP already predicted to slow as a result.RWT中文字网



考研真题例句 OG 三.vote

Enraged by Entergy's behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 二六 to 四 last year against allowing an extension.RWT中文字网



考研真题例句 OG 一.vote

On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration law Monday.RWT中文字网



考研真题例句 OG 二.vote

Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.RWT中文字网

工党现任领袖Ed Miliband的地位要归功于公共部门工会的选票。RWT中文字网


  • 近义词RWT中文字网

  • 临近词RWT中文字网

  • ballot
  • selection
  • election
  • judgement
  • choice
  • votive
  • voteable
  • vote on
  • vote down
  • vote in
  • voter
  • vote out
  • vote for
  • Votes
  • voters
  • voteless
  • vortex
He would vote against it on principle.(他会依据原则投票反对它。)
Few members planned to vote for him.(很少有成员计划投他的票。)
The issue was put to the vote.(这一问题被付诸表决。)
The 一九th Amendment gave women the right to vote.(第一九条修正案赋予妇女选举权。)
You can vote either in person or by proxy.(你可以亲自投票或请人代理。)
When are you eligible to vote in your country?(在你们国家多大才有资格投票选举呢?)
I'm still undecided (about) who to vote for.(我还拿不定主意投谁的票。)
These are exactly the people who do not vote.(这些正好是那些不投票的人。)
All eyes will be on tomorrow's vote.(明天的投票将是众目所注。)
Three countries abstained in the vote.(三个国家在投票中弃权了。)