
  • 详情解释7y2中文字网

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  • 词典解释7y2中文字网

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  • 誓,誓言,誓约,誓愿
  • 许愿,发誓,盟誓,誓约行为
  • 郑重宣言
  • 立誓出家,遁入空门
  • 誓约内容
  • 庄严的保证
  • 发誓,许愿,起誓,誓约,立誓
  • 郑重宣告,公开宣布,申言誓必..,断言
  • 赌咒
  • 发誓要(做),立誓要… ,起誓要
  • 承认
  • 庄严地许诺


一. a solemn pledge (to oneself or to another or to a deity) to do something or to behave in a certain manner7y2中文字网

e.g. they took vows of poverty7y2中文字网


一. make a vow

e.g. He vowed never to drink alcohol again7y2中文字网

二. dedicate to a deity by a vow7y2中文字网

Synonym: consecrate7y2中文字网

一. 发誓;起誓;立誓
If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.7y2中文字网

e.g. While many models vow to go back to college, few do...
e.g. I solemnly vowed that someday I would return to live in Europe...

二. 誓言;诺言
A vow is a serious promise or decision to do a particular thing.7y2中文字网


e.g. I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future...
e.g. I had to admire David's vow that he would leave the programme.

三. 誓词;誓约;宣言
Vows are a particular set of serious promises, such as the promises two people make when they are getting married.7y2中文字网

e.g. I took my marriage vows and kept them.
e.g. ...a nun who had taken final vows...

一. 誓言:特别 :此专长作为若干其他专长的先决条件存在,例如后面的誓言(Vow)系列. 效果:你在对抗毒素与麻药(drugs)的坚韧豁免检定中获得+四完美奖励(perfecti假如你是非自愿地受到此种药品的毒害). 特别 :为了遵守你的誓言,7y2中文字网

二. 发誓:volunteer志愿 | VOW发誓 | want想要7y2中文字网

三. 婚誓:一零 贵州山歌 Ballads from Guizhou 零三:五五 | 一一 桂花开放幸福来 Happinesses come when the osmanthus bloom 零四:四八 | 一二 婚誓 Vow 零四:一四7y2中文字网

四. vow的意思7y2中文字网

四. 立誓,誓言,誓约:vouch 担保,保证,支持 | vow 立誓,誓言,誓约 | convolve 卷,盘,旋绕7y2中文字网

  • 经典引文7y2中文字网

  • With Vows and suppliant Pray'rs appease.7y2中文字网

  • I made a..vow..that I would not talk seriously.7y2中文字网

    出自:G. K. Chesterton
  • He had reformed and vowed to turn from his sinful ways.7y2中文字网

    出自:C. Dexter
  • 近义词7y2中文字网

  • 临近词7y2中文字网

  • engagement约会
  • vouch担保
  • assure使确信
  • guarantee保证
  • declaration宣言
  • warrant委任状
  • consecrate供神用
  • undertaking事业
  • assert断言
  • oath誓言
  • testify作证
  • pledge发誓
  • declare宣布(声明)...
  • undertake承担
  • promise诺言
  • swear咒骂
  • security安全
  • vow and declare
  • voucher
  • vowless
  • vow populi
  • VoWPAN
  • Vowinkel
  • vowel
  • Vowles
  • vow obedience
  • Vowiller
  • Vowden
How is it possible that even an evil person can be saved merely through faith in the vow?(即使是邪恶的人,仅是由于对誓愿的信心,也能获救,这如何可能?)
A vow of public humiliation, for one.(这是一个公众耻感的誓言,仅仅为了一个人。)
Vow this year to put pen to paper and write your sweetie love notes, love poems, and love letters.(今年一定要多给他(她)写甜言蜜语、情诗和情书。)
Simply enjoy the indulgence and vow to eat something healthy at your next meal or snack.(享受偶尔放纵的快乐。然后发誓说下一顿要来点健康饮食。)
The night before, vow to yourself to do the dreaded task.(前一天晚上,下定决心要做这个令人惧怕 的工作。)
Many of his ACTS were deeply selfish: he did not consult his wife before imposing his vow of celibacy on her.(他的许多行为都是非常自私的:他在宣誓开始独自生活之前并未征求妻子的意见。)
He swore an oath to the Lord and made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob.(他怎样向耶和华起誓,向雅各的大能者许愿?)
They said last week they wanted details of the discussions to remain private and seem intent on keeping that vow.(上周双方都曾表示,希望谈判细节保密,现在他们似乎依然不愿透漏任何消息。)
I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me.(我是伯特利的神,你在那里用油浇过柱子,向我许过愿。)
Poor by vow, yet rich in assets and knowledge.(宣誓要贫穷,事实上在知识和财富上都很富裕。)